All my Rodriguan brothers and sisters who are
present here, Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.
I wish to first of all thank you for your presence, and today verily is a
historical date: 07 November 2014. We are performing our Friday Sermon in
Oyster Bay here in Rodrigues.
And like you all know, my stay here in Rodrigues
is for the purpose of seeking a place and also for the construction of our
Mosque. And by the grace of Allah, a place has been
found, and the construction of the mosque is in progress, but there is also the
fact that our opponents of the different religions and from the different sects
in Islam are putting obstacles in our works, creating problems so that the
construction work of our Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam mosque here in Rodrigues is
stopped. It is unfortunate that after doing the necessities
for the construction the authorities then reacted differently. It is
unfortunate that despite our arrival in Rodrigues, with all the procedures done
with the authorities so that we may go forward with the construction project of
the mosque and our Mission House here, and to make our Jamaat function and also
to have our centre, whereby our brothers and sisters can have a good place for
them to perform their Jummah, their programmes and prayers in congregation
regularly (therefore there are problems cropping up because of the plans of our
Another thing I have noticed. When I came here
the last time, that is, some months back, I saw the enthusiasm, with the new
members etc. But this time around, with this humble self’s presence in Rodrigues,
I understood what evil strategies our opponents are using to stop us from
propagating the unicity of Allah, to stop our progress. They are making their
best in this direction. Therefore those new members who were still weak in
faith, whose faith had not had an opportunity to be reinforced in the correct
way – and that is why also we need a centre so that someone does this work, to
give spiritual education to our members – therefore, the scheming people have
seized these opportunities (to brainwash the new members) and unfortunately
there are among them people who have left the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. We have
to be frank (reveal the truth). By the reports that we received they have come
to know what kind of bad works the opposition have made to influence those
people who had left the Jamaat. I need to stress that I am not talking of only
one group of people, but this is the work of many who have participated to
remove these people from the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, and we can say also from
Islam altogether.
Decadence in Rodrigues society
Therefore, when I analyse all that has
transpired in Rodrigues (everything has changed). I used to know Rodrigues
well, how its inhabitants were nice, and used to love listening to religious
speeches. It was in 1993 that I came to Rodrigues for the first time, and this
continued till the year 2000. Rodrigues was a very quiet place (island). There
used to be no fear to stay here. You could leave the house peacefully, leave
the door open and nobody would enter to steal. We did not also hear about crimes
and violence.