The formation of the Kerala Jamaat, as well as the annual Jalsa programme at the Noor’ul Islam Masjid-Mathra has vital importance in the spiritual lives of the believers in India. For in the annals of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International, the Kerala Jamaat is one of the early Jamaats to evolve among the believers outside of Mauritius. With the official establishment of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in the year 2008 after a few years of shaping up in the island-nation, the light of Tawheed emanating from the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius spread in the Indian state of Kerala; a number of brothers courageously declared their intention to recognize the spiritual claims of Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) and took the Bai’at at Alappuzha, Alhamdulillah.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Kerala Jalsa 2023: Announcement
Saturday, December 16, 2023
On the Inner 'Shaytan'
Tawheed & Shirk- 3
Alhamdulillah, Summa
Alhamdulillah, I continue the
series of sermons which I began elaborating on the subject of Tawheed
and Shirk.
Today, I want to draw your attention to something: every day we say we will do something but we end up not doing it. And Allah is not pleased at all that you do not do what you have said you will do.
Whenever we start praying (Salat) and anytime we read the Holy Quran, we start by saying: Aouzubillahi Minash Shaytaan-ir-Rajim. This simply means that we seek protection with Allah against Satan the Cursed, the one whom Allah rejected. But many times people don’t reflect upon those words: What am I saying? Where is that Shaytan (Satan)? And where does he stay? They think: In what way will Satan come to me so that I can repel him?
Friday, December 15, 2023
Financial Sacrifice- 4
On Bait'ul-Maal
Alhamdulillah, Summa
Alhamdulillah, I continue today
the fourth part of my sermon on Financial Sacrifice.
Today, we will delve
into the meaning of the Bait'ul-Maal? The expression “Bait'ul-Maal”
is a combination of two words, namely “Bait” (which means “House”) and “al-Maal”
(which means “the Wealth”). The meaning of this compound name literally means
“House of Wealth” or “Treasury House”, where wealth is accumulated and
Today we know the Bai'ul-Maal as a record of many financial transactions, whether it is in businesses, in governments, and especially also in the field of the Deen of Islam where many people contribute and all are recorded in many well detailed books and even deposited in the bank.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
'Tawheed' & 'Shirk'- 2
Is love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) against Tawheed or is it not?
Love for the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is not against the Tawheed;
on the contrary it supports the Tawheed.
The more the believers show love for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and all the
prophets before and after him, it is a sign of Tawheed. It sources from logic and is not imaginary.
There is a relationship between Tawheed and love for humans. If as a result of love for someone, your love for Allah increases, that is not Shirk; it is pure Tawheed. On the other hand, if as a result of this, Allah’s love begins to diminish in you, the image of Allah fades from your vision, if you begin to recede and the love for humans conquers your heart, then it is purely Shirk and it had no relationship with Tawheed. A great sign of love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is that it increases love for Allah in the heart. Therefore, Tawheed has a great relationship with love for the Messenger of Allah.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Financial Sacrifice- 3
'Say, My Lord extends provision for whomever He wills of His servants and He restrains (it). And anything you spend (in His Cause) He replaces it, and He is the Best of providers.' (Surah Saba, 34: 40)
Today, Alhamdulillah,
Summa Alhamdulillah, I am continuing my sermon – series of sermons – on
Financial Sacrifice.
Like I read before you,
Allah is [initially] addressing Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) in Surah Saba, Chapter
34, Verse 40, and telling him: Qul! (Say!) – Tell them that your
Lord, your Rab increases provisions for whomsoever He wants and He decreases
provisions for whomsoever He wants. And Allah puts emphasis on spending in His
path, for His Cause, and He says that each spending that His servants do for
Him, for His Cause, then He takes upon Himself to replace this by a better
reward for His servants, because it is Allah Who is the Best Provider – and it
is to Him alone that people must turn to and put forward their requests.
That is why in connection with this, Allah has established for His servants patience – they should have patience.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
The remembrance of God- 7
The above verses stipulates
that there are such houses in which there reside true servants of Allah who day
and night they glory Allah and they have made their house become a Masjid (Mosque),
a pure sanctuary for the remembrance of Allah. They are so close to Allah and
have recognised the eternal essence and truthfulness of Allah that they are
ever ready to offer their submission to Allah in every way. They are those
people who do not let their houses become cemeteries! They do not let Satan
enter their houses. They do their best to inculcate in themselves the right
examples for people, and they first start with their house, with their family
members, educating them, giving them the right lessons to submit to One
God (Allah Tabarak Wa Ta’ala) and follow the path of His
prophets and if it happens that they are living in an era of a prophet of
Allah, they encourage their children to “Obey Allah and Obey His
prophet”. They are ever conscious of their duties to Allah, and they opt to
correct their way of living to fit the commandments of Allah (found in the Holy
These believers are such ones whom Allah loves for they sacrifice their time in His worship, attaching themselves to Him and making every possible effort to please Allah. Nothing of the attractions of this world distracts these believers from the remembrance of Allah. They have made their houses, their homes become a haven of peace, a haven where only the words of Allah are recited. Such houses are blessed by Allah, for in such houses where the name of Allah is glorified, thousands of angels descend to bless the occupants of the house for their devotion to Allah.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Financial Sacrifice- 2
Elaborating on the theme of a Qur’anic verse identified at the beginning of the sermon (13:23), Hazrat Saheb (aba) notes that the true believers perform their social obligations and do all the services that they render only for the sake of God’s countenance: they do not do charity or other good deeds for selfish reasons, or out of pride or religious ostentation. Needy believers endure hardships caused by restricted means of livelihood, or other emotional deprivations, and yet they do not incline to evil and bad deeds, remaining steadfast in faith, in goodness and in fact, they also race to do good in their own way. Diligent in the performance of devotional prayer at prescribed times; disciplining the self and its inclinations in this temporary world; being mindful of the reckoning before the Lord on the Day of Judgement, true believers are hopeful of the enduring rewards of God’s pleasure and blessings in the Hereafter.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
'The world is not our Home'
'Everyone on earth perishes; all that
remains is the Face of your Lord, full of majesty, bestowing honour'. (55: 27-28)
'Do not call out to any other god beside God, for there is no god but Him. Everything will perish except His face. His is the judgement and to Him you shall all be brought back.' (28:89)
People love the fleeting life: family and children, wealth and riches, power and authority, fame and grandeur, etc. They forget God and ignore His commandments when they chase transient pleasures here at the cost of enduring blessings in the Hereafter. Hence, elects of God appear with a mission- to call our individual and collective attention to the true purpose and correct values of life; inviting us to choose wisely in our time in this transient world; urging us in the strongest terms to do good and resist evil, and recognize the impermanence of earthly life, so as to benefit us in the world to come.
As the Divine Manifestation of our times in the person of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius completes 23 years this month, the Divinely-inspired messages shared with the world by the Mujaddid of the 15th Century of Islam renews the enduring Highway to God, providing spiritual guidance and enlightenment to seekers of higher wisdom and true values of life. Reproduced Below is such a Divinely-inspired message received by Hazrat Munir A. Azim (aba) on 14 May 2002 at 8.45 pm (Zikr Time):
This universe is unstable and perishable. It is continually changing. It will not be tomorrow as it is today. There is no stability in this world and in Jamaat-Ahmadiyya worldwide. It is the land of death, and like a house of sand it can be destroyed at any time.
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Riches: Greed and Regret
Our riches and resources come from God Who bestows on us all earthly blessings for a period of time. It is our duty to be grateful and thankful for the Divine grace of mercy; be generous and charitable with the less fortunate in society. Sharing provisions with the needy is recognition of this social mutuality: producers paying a part of the crops on the day of harvest with the poor are only fulfilling the dictates of public conscience, or the Divine command on social responsibility. In his Friday Sermon of 13 November 2009, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius provides an illuminating exposition on the parable of the owners of the garden in the Holy Qur’an. (68: 18-34)
Whereas equity and charity attracts the Divine grace of mercy and the flourishing of possessions; greed and miserliness remove the protective shield from riches, and expose it to decline, loss and destruction- inviting feelings of ultimate regret on those who displayed arrogance and open ingratitude to the Supreme Lord.
'It is He who produces both trellised and untrellised gardens, date palms, crops of diverse flavours, the olive, the pomegranate, alike yet different. So when they bear fruit, eat some of it, paying what is due on the day of harvest…' (6:142)
‘Consider the seeds you sow in the ground– is it you who make them grow or We? If We wished, We could turn your harvest into chaff and leave you to wail, ‘We are burdened with debt; we are bereft.’ (56: 64-68)
Read the Friday Sermon Below:
Friday, December 8, 2023
Financial Sacrifice
In his Friday Sermon of 08 September 2023~22
Safar 1445 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin
Al Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius gives a deep exposition on
giving in the way of God.
Sincerity of intention and action is the mark of true faith. A true believer remembers Allah (swt) with her heart; is in awe of God’s commandments and prescriptions all the time. One’s mind, body and wealth- all will testify to devotional religious practices in everyday life: recitation of the Holy Qur’an; regular performance of the prayer; spending one’s wealth and resources secretly and openly in service of God’s cause. A public act of giving can encourage others to do the same. A person should not to be boastful; Qur’an condemns hypocrisy and show off- ‘someone who spends his wealth only to be seen by people’ (2:265; 4:39). Indeed, the true spirit of giving in religion- whether publicly or privately, is seeking only the Face of God, the approval and pleasure of God in sheer gratefulness for all that He has entrusted one with in terms of wealth and resources in this world. ‘Those who give, out of their own possessions, by night and by day, in private and in public, will have their reward with their Lord: no fear for them, nor will they grieve’ (2:274)
Read the Friday Sermon Below:
'Those who recite the
Book of Allah, keep up the prayer, give secretly and openly from what We have
provided for them, may hope for a trade that will never decline.' (Surah Al-Fatir, 35: 30)
Here “from what We
have provided” does not just mean wealth, but also includes abilities,
skills and means. So Allah is talking about those who spend from what He has
provided them. They spend in secret too and openly too. Allah says that those
are people who have made a transaction which shall never perish; a business or
trade that will never fail. And its advantages will continue all the time. We
know that in the world there are many businesses that prosper and flourish and
develop but after a while, if not in the lifetime of a person, but in the lifetime
of his children, the business ends and is destroyed.
But here Allah mentions
such a business which never ends, never fails, i.e. a never-ending prosperous
business. In that subject too, like I explained before, I told you that [like
in this verse] spending in the path of Allah has been linked to other subjects.
Otherwise, the act to just spend in itself is without any importance. There are
people who sometimes give importance to people who have money and who can spend
and they don’t give any importance to a person who does not have any money and
who cannot spend.
In the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, we do not make any difference between the rich and the poor. The difference is in Taqwa only. If a poor person who is Muttaqi gives a little something [to the Jamaat – in the way of Allah], then we honour him for this financial sacrifice, even if it be little. There should not also manifest the feeling and thought that if the rich are spending, then we should not give them any importance. Importance should be given to both the rich and the poor. They both are making efforts according to their means to give in the path of Allah.
Thursday, December 7, 2023
'Tawheed' & 'Shirk'
Allah has put a responsibility on us - the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam - to make the world come under the Millat-e-Wahida, or Ummat-e-Wahida – as one nation, people or community of believers, and that time is fast approach. We are already seeing its realisation and effect through a clear and illuminating light. The project to bring the world as a Millat-e-Wahida also forms a part of Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah), and has a great link with Tawheed.
From all over the world, despite the Islamophobia that has crept into the world, we are finding that after more than twenty years, the world has opened itself to Islam. Allah is inspiring hearts to become Muslims. Now, with the same fervour, Allah has trusted to this humble servant - His Khalifa [Khalifatullah] – the mission to spread the message of His Oneness throughout the world. Apart from me, there are many Muslims around the world who are doing excellent work in the field of Dawa/ Tabligh. They are giving their time and efforts in this endeavour. Now, with the Divine Manifestation, slowly but surely you will find how Allah will open many hearts to recognize the Manifestation of this era with the advent of His Khalifatullah. Victory does not come at once. It comes step by step, and when you find the dawn of that victory, it will have a different effect on your hearts.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
'Zikr Allah' - VI
In the light of this verse which I have read before
you, I am thus continuing my sermon on the Remembrance of Allah. The
Remembrance of Allah (Zikr Allah) is so important that since the creation of this universe, Allah has talked
a lot about it, and both the Holy Qur'an and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have
stressed a lot on the Remembrance of Allah. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to personally engage himself in the Remembrance of Allah; wherever he went, he
used to remember Allah a lot and he also advised his companions and all the people found in his community and
also humanity at large to engage themselves in the Remembrance of Allah, even
though these people have rejected him, and that they do not believe in Islam,
in the Book of Allah
and His teachings.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: "Engage yourselves completely in the Remembrance of Allah to such an extent that people consider you mad."
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
'Zikr Allah' - V
In the
light of these Qur'anic verses, I continue my sermon on the Remembrance of
Allah. These three verses which I have read before you show that Allah send
down His blessings and the angels pray for those types of people who engage
themselves in the Remembrance of Allah. The more we remember Allah and glorify
Him, the more Allah will remember us and will be with us.
I recommend all members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Mauritius, on the other islands, and this message of mine addresses all people from all countries, and also all my Muslim brothers, sisters and children around the world, that you all should make it a must to engage yourselves in the Remembrance of Allah as frequently as possible, even if possible at each moment of your lives. The more you will remember Allah, the more this Remembrance of Allah will become like a fortress-like protection for you, against all sorts of evils, sorrows, difficulties, illnesses, evil plots, satanic works etc. Remembrance of Allah will save you from all these and other problems which you may face; you will thus always be safeguarded under the Shadow of Allah.
Monday, December 4, 2023
'Zikr Allah' - IV
'We will present Hell,
on that day, to the disbelievers. They are the ones whose eyes were too veiled
concerning My Zikr.' (18:101-102)
In the light of this verse, I continue my sermon
on the virtues and the advantages of Remembrance of Allah.
In a Hadith, Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “When a group (of people) come together to practice the Remembrance of Allah only for His pleasure, an angel proclaims in the sky: “Allah has forgiven you and replaced your sins by virtues.”
Sunday, December 3, 2023
'Zikr Allah'- III
Such divine remembrance has many beneficial consequences for those who engage in such special supplications: the heart becomes sensitive, and the sensory organs become receptive to true values of life. When the God-gifted 'free will' is channelled to focus on abiding by holy prescriptions; when divine commands become the guiding code of conduct, such a believer triumphs over satanic temptations; peace and tranquillity of heart permeates the person and his surroundings; angels descent to witness and appreciate his spiritual practices in pursuit of Divine countenance, and the believer may gain a rank even above that of angels along with the approval and pleasure of God, notes Hazrat Saheb (aba).
Read the Friday Sermon Below:
“O you who believe, do not be distracted by your money and your children from remembering Allah.” (Al-Munaafiqun, 63:10)
Saturday, December 2, 2023
'Zikr Allah' - II
I am continuing the
Sermon which I had started last Friday on the Remembrance of Allah (Zikr
Allah). The verse of the Qur'an which I have just cited is giving a severe
warning to those people who turn their backs from the Zikr of our Lord. They do
not remember at all their Creator, and thus Allah says that He will bring these
types of people towards a severe punishment.
If one analyses well
this verse, one will see that Allah is teaching us (humans) a good for our own
well-being, and the words which Allah has used in this verse: "As for him
who disregards the Zikr of his Lord", thus by the word: "the Zikr of
his Lord"; even though Allah has not mentioned it directly here in this
verse, but reference is being made to "Laa Ilaaha Illallah" — There
is no god but Allah (The Creator of the Universe Who possesses all powers and
Who is All-Powerful).
We must always look for
those things which is a source of purity for us and with which we will stay
clear from all impurities. A small example is that one must have soap to clean
dirty clothes, or one usually takes shampoo or perfumed soap when bathing to
keep one's body clean and perfumed — so that no dirt or other impurities may be
found on his body.
Likewise, the thing which will keep our heart clean and pure is none other than the Remembrance of Allah and this Remembrance of Allah is the best alternative to purify us and rid us from all dirt which there may have been in our heart. Moreover the Remembrance of Allah protects us from the wrath and punishment of Allah.
Friday, December 1, 2023
'Zikr Allah' - I
“Alaa bizikrillahi tatmainnul qulub”--- Is it not in Zikr Allah (Remembrance of Allah) that the heart finds tranquillity? (13:29)
A servant
of Allah does not have the right to forget his real Benefactor. The favours and
blessings which Allah pours upon us at each moment of our lives are so great
that it would be impossible for us to count or compare it with other things. It
is thus absolutely natural that we must turn towards our Benefactor and
remember Him and thank Him for all the things which He has done and is doing
for us. We must always show our gratefulness towards Him Who is The Most
Generous Lord – that is, by doing Zikr Allah.