Showing posts with label arrogance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arrogance. Show all posts

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Riches: Greed and Regret

Our riches and resources come from God Who bestows on us all earthly blessings for a period of time. It is our duty to be grateful and thankful for the Divine grace of mercy; be generous and charitable with the less fortunate in society. Sharing provisions with the needy is recognition of this social mutuality: producers paying a part of the crops on the day of harvest with the poor are only fulfilling the dictates of public conscience, or the Divine command on social responsibility. In his Friday Sermon of 13 November 2009, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius provides an illuminating exposition on the parable of the owners of the garden in the Holy Qur’an. (68: 18-34) 

Whereas equity and charity attracts the Divine grace of mercy and the flourishing of possessions; greed and miserliness remove the protective shield from riches, and expose it to decline, loss and destruction- inviting feelings of ultimate regret on those who displayed arrogance and open ingratitude to the Supreme Lord. 

'It is He who produces both trellised and untrellised gardens, date palms, crops of diverse flavours, the olive, the pomegranate, alike yet different. So when they bear fruit, eat some of it, paying what is due on the day of harvest…' (6:142)     

‘Consider the seeds you sow in the ground– is it you who make them grow or We? If We wished, We could turn your harvest into chaff and leave you to wail, ‘We are burdened with debt; we are bereft.’ (56: 64-68) 

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Divine Messages of 21-23 June 2018

In his Friday Sermon of 06 July 2018 (21 Shawwal 1439 AH), Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius presents before the world the recent Divine Messages which he received from Allah (swt). These Messages from the Unseen contain profound insights into the uncompromising monotheism that Islam espouses as the spiritual path for the humans. Under the Islamic conception of God, the ultimate sovereignty and authority lies entirely with that Unique, Eternal and Everlasting Being who is the Lord of the Universe. So comprehensive and so complete is the Lord’s control over all affairs that the humans are utterly dependent upon His favours for the chance gains of this life. Divine Grace and Mercy determines his very existence and continued welfare, both in this world and in the world to come.
A necessary corollary of this concept of Divine Lordship/Rule is the ideas of human equality and universal brotherhood. In the Kingdom of God on Earth, all people of various identities- across classes, peoples and nations- are to share the global space and live in harmony and amity, celebrating the promise of diversity in our common humanity and shared destiny. Amidst all the God-made differences in the world, people can and should learn from each other in a spirit of humility and modesty, building networks of solidarity and mutual cooperation and of healthy competition in the pursuit of good deeds. In such a Divine Order, there is no space for Satanic impulses like arrogance, false pride, vanity and hubris.
The Divine scheme of things in the real world of the humans acknowledges that 'spiritual diseases' are a reality and that the true believers need to be aware of it. The vicious offshoots of satanic impulses can prevent us from being just to God and the fellow humans. Both in human relations and international affairs, one can see the individual and collective ‘self’ at work. Often the way in which one defines the ‘Self’ also determines his/her attitude towards the ‘Other’. A capacious conception of the ‘self’ make us humble and humane and allows us to empathize to, and identify with, the problems of other peoples/nations like us, whereas a narrowly-defined ‘self’ induces us to have a blurred view of the 'other'. The chance gains of this life- individual attainments; family ‘pedigree’; riches; class/group identities; national power- can even turn us away from our larger responsibilities towards God and our fellow beings. Whereas all blessings of this life come from God, to credit these bounties to any false sense of 'self' is nothing but delusions induced by the work and whisperings of the satans. As it happens, false pride and arrogance leads to an inexorably destructive trajectory of intolerance, fanaticism, extremism and violence; whereas humility and empathy for others lead us to gaze at the whole human race as ‘limbs of the same body’.

The Divine Message invites our attention to the ‘Way of Allah’In a world that has virtually turned upside down- riven with imperialist overreach fueling conflicts in the poorer nationscapitalist aggrandizement exacerbating global injustice; inequality and poverty amidst concerns of global warming and climate change; scant regard for human dignity and the rights of the indigent masses, migrants and refugees- it is important to underscore spiritual values and ethical principles in the quest to reclaim the world on an even keel. By raising an Elect of His with a mission- the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International- the Lord of the Universe indicates where the future belongs in our world, Insha AllahJust as all prophets and other Divine messengers in the long chain of human history had called the people of their times to God; a Divine servant of our times is here to remind us about the wisdom of eternal teachings preserved in the Holy Qur’an- be humble; shun arrogance and seek to strive in the pure and clear path of Divine proximity, Alhamdulillah, Soumma Alhamdulillah. 

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon:

Today I have chosen to present to you the Divine Messages which I received from Allah on the 21 June 2018 in English, messages which continued sometimes continuously and other times intermittently till 23 June 2018.

Al-Yawma ak-maltu lakum Diinakum wa atmamtu alaykum nimatii wa raziitu lakumul Islaama Diinaa. [Which means: This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion.]

O Munir Ahmad Azim, My Khalifatullah and Messiah of this era, I raised you in this era as Dalil Al-Khayrat (The Guide to good deeds) and Nasih (The True Counsellor and Transformer of Men’s souls) with a Jamaat named Sahih al Islam.

Sahih al Islam means: The truth of Islam which corrects and cancels man’s distortions of divine truths previously revealed and re-establishes the true message of Allah (swt).

Monday, August 21, 2017

Special Advices for a Brilliant Future

A Blessed Friday 

....(B)y the grace of Allah, today “it is a blessed Friday for the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Mauritius, of course!” It is verily a grace, a blessing for the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Mauritius. When Allah is blessing the members of our Jamaat, it is tantamount to Him blessing the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. When Allah is pouring down His grace and blessings upon His chosen servants, upon people who show obedience to Allah and His Prophet, then definitely Allah shall reward them. 

When Allah gives an instruction, the instruction/ message comes from Allah, or even when the Messenger of Allah gives some instructions, advices and messages, then you simply have to say: Labbaik! (Here I am - (In other words) I am ever ready to follow the instructions, to submit to the will of Allah). Likewise, ponder over how many “Labbaik, Allahumma Labbaik” our brothers and sisters who are going for the Hajj shall pronounce. We also, in all our sacrifices for the cause of Allah and to please Allah, we say “Labbaik”. We do not go against those instructions, we do not start any dispute and lengthen it but instead we simply submit and obey Allah and His Prophet.

Benefits of Spiritual Obedience 

And you shall agree (with me) that you have witnessed that, whenever Allah has given an instruction in the past and we have shown obedience, then we have witnessed the (positive) result of such obedience (to Allah) - when we did the works of Allah - despite the countless difficulties we encountered and the restrained means we have. But Allah indeed put in His Spirit/ Breath and blessings in such efforts (from our part) and by the grace of Allah, it is that very obedience which have borne its fruits. It is through that obedience that we were successful.

If there is no obedience towards our Creator and towards the Messenger of Allah, then we shall never succeed in anything. Therefore, obedience towards Allah and His Messenger, like Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran - in many verses therein - “Obey Allah and Obey the Prophet” (Obey Me and Obey My Prophet). Allah says, Whenever I give you a message, an instruction, a revelation, you just need to obey, and then I shall turn your obedience into success.”

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Shun Arrogance and Cheap Victories


Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al- Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) opened his Friday Sermon stressing on Obedience to Allah and His Khalifatullah, for therein is true salvation for a true believer. A true believer never seeks to hurt the feelings of the Messenger of Allah, Khalifatullah. The one who truly loves Allah and His Khalifatullah will always show obedience to Allah and His Khalifatullah.

During the course of his explanations which Huzur (atba) explained to be divinely inspired – for he relates that ever since the beginning of the Divine Manifestation, before doing any Jummah Khutba (or discourse) he seeks divine succour and guidance on which topic/ subject to bring before the Jamaat and the world at large – and Alhamdulillah, he also received on the spot (11 December 2015) the following revelation (in English): “These are the words coming from Allah. These are not the words of Munir Ahmad Azim.”

Shun Arrogance and Cheap victories

He reiterated the need for each member of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, National and International to ever remain firm in his or her belief and to always project the authentic facets of Islam, and forego all kinds of arrogance and attachment to minor/trivial things which can thus become major impediments in our faith. Arrogance can exterminate one’s faith, and an arrogant person can become like those who left the Divine Manifestation and sought to create problems for Allah and His Messenger and Jamaat. Huzur (atba) said that there is no difference between someone who left the Divine Manifestation and the one who does not pay obeisance to Allah and His Khalifatullah and manifest his or her nafs (ego, passion). Allah does not love the arrogant.

He made the congregation ponder over the situation of those who left the Divine Manifestation, who noted down the divine revelations, where are they today? Or even on those who at the very beginning of the Divine Manifestation itself rejected Allah’s revelations and signs! Now, with the celebrations of the centenary Jubilee of Ahmadiyyat establishment in Mauritius, how hurt they felt when their own Khalifa (elected by man) did not attend this function! Mauritians from all over the world came back to their country in the hope of having that grand celebration with their Khalifa, but all in vain! 

Allah has showed that there is no Khalifa except His very own Khalifatullah, His Chosen Khalifa who could have celebrated that particular centenary Jubilee. All the programmes done were through the helping hand of Allah. Are you still blind? Are you not still recognising that sign? Are you still manifesting your nafs (passion)? Are you still disputing over petty things? Are you trying to put the Messenger of Allah and the Jamaat of Allah in a fix? In the times of the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh), the latter stressed on unity, for it is united that we can progress – not divided and having petty arguments!