Thursday, December 30, 2021

Divine Signs: A Memoir


[The world of Islam earnestly hopes for the advent of a Divine Elect in the End Times- the Days of Satanic Mischief. All Muslims agree that Allah (swt), in His infinite Wisdom and Mercy for mankind, could and would raise a Khalifatullah to reinforce His original message taught through countless Prophets in the past. Just like the arrival of an Elect of God in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian (1835-1908) rejuvenated the ranks of the Muslims in the last century, Islam as taught by the Holy Prophet (sa) and his spiritual Khulafa over the previous centuries also calls for spiritual renewal in the present century. Indeed, it is this pious spiritual hope of Islam that is redeemed through the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius- the advent of a Divine Elect- Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius- in the beginning years of the new millennium- 2000-01, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.  

Whenever a servant of the Gracious Lord appears on the spiritual horizon, there are the Signs that clearly point to such a Divine appointment- a study of which will certainly strengthen the faith of the believer, and plausibly benefit the people in general, if truth is indeed what they are seeking when they study these Divine Signs. Speaking about the Signs of an Elect of God or the advent of a Divine Manifestation among the people in a new era, Hazrat Massih Maoud (as) made certain prescient observations in one of his books on the larger theme: 

“...when the Imam of the age appears in the world, thousands upon thousands of lights accompany him and heaven is filled with joy. With the dissemination of spirituality and light, the right potentialities become alive. Anyone who has the capacity begins to experience a series of revelations. And anyone who has the capacity to pronounce judgement in matters of faith by the use of reason and reflection, his ability is enhanced. Anyone who has the inclination towards prayers is granted pleasure in his worship. Anyone who is engaged in debates with other faiths is given the power to argue and arrive at incontrovertible conclusions. All these blessings are in fact the outcome of the spiritual radiation which comes with the Imam of the age and descends upon the heart of every ready and eager person. This is a general law and a Divine practice, to which we have been guided by the Holy Quran and authentic Hadith, and our personal experience have testified to it. 

The age of the Promised Messiah(as), however, has even greater distinction in that it is recorded in the books of earlier Prophets and Hadith of the Holy Prophet(sa) that, at the time of his advent, this radiation of spirituality will become so universal that women too will begin to receive revelations, minors will make prophecies, and ordinary people will be inspired by the Holy Spirit. All this will be a reflection of the spirituality of the Promised Messiah(as)... all revelational light is a reflection of the light of the Imam of the age...”  [Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, Darurat-ul-Imam: The need for the Imam, pp.6-7,  English edn; London: Islam International Publications Ltd, (2007).

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

JALSA 2021: Photo Report


Alhamdulillah, with the approval and blessings of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius, the Eleventh Jalsa Salana (Annual Meeting) of the Kerala Jamaat took place at the historic Noor’ul Islam Masjid, Mathra, on 22-23 December 2021. Likewise, the Jalsa Salana of the Tamil Nadu Jamaat took place at the historic Siraj-um-Munir Masjid, VK Puram, Tamil Nadu on 24-26 December 2021Summa Alhamdulillah. 

In addition to regular spiritual programmes, the Tamil Nadu Jalsa also witnessed the joyous presence of some members of the Kerala Jamaat who travelled from the Noor'ul Islam Masjid under the leadership of Mukarram Amir Jamaludeen Raother Saheb of Mathra, after the conclusion of the Kerala Jalsa to the Mosque in Tamil Nadu in great solidarity with their Tamil brethren,  and they were well recieved by the brothers in Tamil Nadu, led by Hazrat Mukarram Amir Khwajah Muhyiuddin Saleem Saheb and Hazrat Mukarram Shahul Hameed Faizal Saheb of Kottar, Masha Allah, Allah-u-Akbar

Reproduced Below are extracts from the Kerala Jalsa Report along with certain photos taken on the occasion by the brothers in Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Friday, December 24, 2021

Poem: 'The Light of Your Face'


It is You who wipe the tears

It is You who change the fears

It is You who walk beside

Where there is none to guide.

And the way is full of beasts

For whom the men are feasts

You give the courage and Will

And that, to Heart's Fill

You take us to the goal

Safe and sound and whole

You are by my side

You are my Help and Guide

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Sin & Its Consequences


When you hear people say, “I feel bad about myself [litt: not to feel well in one’s skin]; I feel uncomfortable”, we can say that this person is wrong and that the reality of his condition escapes him. 

In fact, if he feels bad, it is because he is no longer in his “skin”. If we remove a fish from the water to put it in a living room with oriental rugs, from which aromas of noble leather and precious woods rise, or to place it on a tablecloth where delicious dishes are arranged, and from where we can distinguish, through huge bay windows, magnificent landscapes, will this fish jump for joy? Will it start to sing? Or, on the contrary, won’t it eventually perish after a long agony? 

We can perfectly imagine its horrible end. But why? Quite simply because it is no longer in its natural environment and has been removed from the environment which Allah has specially intended for it, from its living space. He is out of his “skin” because out of the water. By analogy, we may wonder what we are talking about when we talk about the natural environment, the living environment or even the “skin” of human beings, and especially of Muslims. It is easy to understand that it is about living according to the divine prescriptions, that is, according to the Sharia, and therefore, to do what is commanded and to refrain from what is prohibited. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Blessings of 'Jalsa Salana'


Jalsa Salana (Annual Conference) is an occasion for the believers to come together, to meet and greet all brothers, sisters and children in the community; to pray collectively for those who went ahead of us in the journey to Allah; to grow in spirit, learning about Deen-e-Islam - a true celebration of the blessings of Tawheed in the company of, and in solidarity with, our folks. 

With the blessed presence and participation of Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) and the Holy Family, the Mauritius National Jalsa of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam assumes profound significance for the community of believers everywhere. This year, the Jalsa Salana in Mauritius took place on Friday, 10 December 2021~ 06 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1443 AH. Among the programmes made in Session 1 & 2, there is Tilawat-ul-Qur’an  as well as reading of Al Azim Tafsir-ul-Qur’an by Janab Abdul Muhaymine Azim Saheb, and  Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen International Sadr (of Siraj Makin) Fazli Amena Saheba. Between them, they shared an exposition on the evocative Duahs of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) as taught in Surah Al Baqarah: 

And remember the time when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House, praying, ‘Our Lord, accept this from us; for You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. Our Lord, make us submissive to You and make of our offspring a people submissive to You. And show us our ways of worship, and turn to us with mercy; for You are Oft-Returning with compassion and Merciful. And, our Lord, raise up among them a Messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them Your Signs and teach them the Book and Wisdom and may purify them; surely, You are the Mighty, the Wise.''(2:128-130)  

Likewise, Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Sayyida Nasira Azim Saheba offered a discourse on Ahadith relating to the topic/s:  “’Cleanliness is Half of Faith’ & Good Manners”. Based on personal, mystical experiences of Divine Signs, Hazrat Tayyiba Shaheedah Nasrine Aliah Saheba also made a Testimonial Speech on the Signs of the Divine Manifestation, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Reproduced Below is the Opening Speech of the Jalsa by Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba):

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Revelation: Ahmadi Speculations


Recently, an Ahmadi brother sent us a question. According to him: 'It was Allah who had already revealed to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah(as), ‘Inni ma'aka ya Masroor' (Surely, I am with you, O Masroor) Hence it is very clear when Allah Himself said that 'I am with you, O Masroor’- that is, He is with the fifth Khalifa Mirza Masroor Ahmad after the Promised Messiah. Then, how can Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib, or anyone else, have the authority to do so? 

Before, we can answer the question first of all, we have to discuss about the divine revelation revealed to the Promised Messiah(as). Actually, this revelation is the third from the chain of revelations which is vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah (as) in Arabic language and these revelations were received by him on December 1907. (Tadhkirah, p. 1016) In that, Allah (swt) had revealed to him, "Inni ma'aka ya Masrur" (I am with you, O Masrur [happy one]) and Further, it was revealed to him “Inni Ma'aka ya Ibrahim” in the same day! One thing we should also remember is that these revelations were vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah (as).

But now, the Nizamies are completely devoid of this heavenly blessings and they are claiming that this revelation is a prophecy for Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib and certainly, we will have no objection; rather, we will happily welcome it. But the question is did he (Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahib) proclaim and declared that the revelation of Promised Messiah (as) would prove that he has been raised from Allah for the benefit of the whole of mankind? And if not, what is the significance of this own claim by Nizamies? 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Faith: 'Don't Judge Others'


There is no greater misfortune than choosing ‘spiritual death’ after attaining faith. Indeed, sacrificing one's firmly held convictions and principles while one is still physically alive amounts to the death of an honorable man. True believers would never agree to let go of the life-giving Divine commandments and prohibitions. Coming under the sway of the evil-prone self and bargaining with the Satan for a temporary ecstasy is nothing short of ruining one’s spiritual future. It needs to be noted, however, that Allah (swt) has linked each man’s deeds to his neck, and while all deeds fly away like birds once the 'moment' is over, the light and shadows of his deeds remain imprinted in his soul even beyond- to give its account in the court of Allah in the life to come: for the rewards of the good, and the punishment of the wrongdoers.  Hence, all judgement of human deeds is, ultimately, in the court of Allah, the Best of Judges. And striving untiringly for achieving purification of the heart is the life-long obligation, and prayer of all believers: ‘Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us. Grant us Your mercy: You are the Ever Giving’. (3:9) 

Recently, attributing certain contemporary deeds of a man who once associated himself with the ranks of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam (and later disassociated himself with it for reasons best known to him); some bigoted and ignorant Ahmadi Mullahs have sought to insinuate and sully the image of the Jamaat of Allah. Due to their inbuilt biases and prejudices against the Elect of Allah of this era and His mission in their midst, these Mullahs from other Muslim denominations speak as if they are willfully “dumb, deaf, and blind”- unable or unwilling to distinguish between right and wrong. In a recent Jamaat communication, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius explains the true perspective on belief and disbelief in Islamic precepts.