Showing posts with label brotherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brotherhood. Show all posts

Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Blessings of 'Jalsa Salana'


Jalsa Salana (Annual Conference) is an occasion for the believers to come together, to meet and greet all brothers, sisters and children in the community; to pray collectively for those who went ahead of us in the journey to Allah; to grow in spirit, learning about Deen-e-Islam - a true celebration of the blessings of Tawheed in the company of, and in solidarity with, our folks. 

With the blessed presence and participation of Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) and the Holy Family, the Mauritius National Jalsa of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam assumes profound significance for the community of believers everywhere. This year, the Jalsa Salana in Mauritius took place on Friday, 10 December 2021~ 06 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1443 AH. Among the programmes made in Session 1 & 2, there is Tilawat-ul-Qur’an  as well as reading of Al Azim Tafsir-ul-Qur’an by Janab Abdul Muhaymine Azim Saheb, and  Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen International Sadr (of Siraj Makin) Fazli Amena Saheba. Between them, they shared an exposition on the evocative Duahs of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) as taught in Surah Al Baqarah: 

And remember the time when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House, praying, ‘Our Lord, accept this from us; for You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. Our Lord, make us submissive to You and make of our offspring a people submissive to You. And show us our ways of worship, and turn to us with mercy; for You are Oft-Returning with compassion and Merciful. And, our Lord, raise up among them a Messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them Your Signs and teach them the Book and Wisdom and may purify them; surely, You are the Mighty, the Wise.''(2:128-130)  

Likewise, Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Sayyida Nasira Azim Saheba offered a discourse on Ahadith relating to the topic/s:  “’Cleanliness is Half of Faith’ & Good Manners”. Based on personal, mystical experiences of Divine Signs, Hazrat Tayyiba Shaheedah Nasrine Aliah Saheba also made a Testimonial Speech on the Signs of the Divine Manifestation, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Reproduced Below is the Opening Speech of the Jalsa by Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba):

Monday, September 28, 2015

'Eid' Retreat: Message to Kerala Jamaat

On the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha 2015, Jamaat-Ul-Sahih-Al-Islam-Kerala, South organized a Two-Day Spiritual Retreat Programme at the historic Noor'ul Islam Masjid, Mathra. The Amir Jamaat, Jenab R. Jamaluddin Raother Saheb led the discussions and meeting proceedings held on September 24-25, 2015. 

Alhamdulillah, Soumma Alhamdulillah, those who participated in the Retreat, left the Mosque with a renewed sense of spiritual awareness and unique internal contentment/ inner peace. 

The various expositions of Islamic teachings and viewpoints made by the Khalifatullah of our times, Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius-who is a living Renewer of the Faith of Islam and a frequent recipient of Divine revelations- formed the backdrop of the proceedings and discussions at the Retreat. Presented below is the Transcript of the special Message delivered the Khalifatullah (atba) for the benefit of the fledgling Kerala Jamaat. 


My dear Amir Sahib and all my dear disciples in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam – Kerala,

Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.

It gives me great pleasure to know that you are holding a two-day special spiritual retreat and maximising your attention and efforts in tarbiyyat and tabligh. May Allah (swt) bless your efforts. Ameen. 

I pray to Allah (swt) that the spiritual retreat may prove a step forward towards realising the aims and objects for which the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam has been founded. The banner of Islam has to be raised aloft, higher than all other banners, and the message of the Holy Quran has to be conveyed to every human being, of every colour (black, brown or white) and race etc. 

The world is groping in darkness. There is a sense of frustration all round. Despite all worldly comforts there is unrest and uneasiness in every heart. This is because people have forsaken religion and lost contact with their Creator.

In this wide world, there is one and only one community – the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam – which is blessed with contentment and satisfaction by the Grace of Allah. The angels descend upon them from heaven and bring solace to their hearts. This is because they firmly believe in a living and Almighty God who manifests profusely His signs of grace, keeps them safe from all dangers and sustains them in all their difficulties.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Unity and Brotherhood among Muslims

“O mankind! We created you from a male and a female, and made ​​you into nations and tribes so that you may know each other. The noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous. Allah is Knower, Aware.” (49: 14)

The concept of Jama’ah (Group/Congregation/One single fraternity) in Islam is exclusive. Religion is the law and the law is religion. Known as Shariah, the law of Allah the Exalted is the motivating force in the community. As such, we can say that social success for Muslims is drawn in a very simple formula: Shariah – Community – Mutual Strength. However, nothing can be achieved in the division of personal, ideological and partisan values. The unit is the cornerstone of success for Allah the Exalted explicitly commands and strongly warns in His Book:

“And be not like those who are divided and began to argue, after the clear proofs had come to them, and these will have a grievous chastisement.” (3: 106)

It is not enough to simply pronounce the Shahada to become a Muslim completely. It also requires conviction and resolution by applying the decrees that God has provided for His servants. It is then that the Muslim community shall realize the importance of brotherhood and unity in Islam. This unique form of union that Islam prescribes is the backbone of any society. The very basis of citizenship is universal brotherhood in piety. Brotherhood in Islam translates to “community”, “nation” or “people”, and includes people of different temperaments, different qualities, different races, languages ​​and histories, but who are nevertheless united at the heart of servitude to Allah the Exalted. We received a single instruction, and we were ordered to live within a single religion, and so our goal should be distinct and unique, propagating or serving the oneness of Allah the Exalted, the Almighty. The ideal Muslim community is one that is happy, far from doubts, anger, jealousy, and not affected by hypocrisy, pride and hatred.

Abdullah ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:“A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. So he should neither oppress him nor hand him over to an oppressor. And whoever meets the needs of his brother, Allah will meet his needs.” (Bukhari). 

In another Hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik, the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Do not hate each other and do not be jealous of each other and do not desert each other, O worshipers of Allah! Be brothers! It is not permissible for a Muslim to abandon his brother for more than three days.” (Bukhari)

The Quran and Sunnah emphasized the eminence of brotherhood. It is the key to the door of social success. Therefore, as Muslims, we have the responsibility to build our society according to the principles of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) who defined for his community an ideal way of life and a perfect model of community maintenance. We must live in accordance with the Sunnah which orders us to be kind to our brothers and sisters, to be tolerant, humble and supportive to achieve peace and success. It is the key to the door of achievement.

Brotherhood is the emblem indicating our superiority over other communities. If we are all facing in the same direction in life, our mutual support will be added to our winning probability. Unity is strength, builds confidence and prosperity. Therefore, Muslims around the world should not be driven by carelessness and indifference to his brother, far from it! Mutual support and cooperation should be the moral principle by which Muslims relate to each other. It is then that the binding of hearts shall come out stronger and protected.