In his
Friday Sermon of 26 April 2013, the
Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius gave a
profound discourse on the Divine Law of raising of Messengers. Drawing upon the
sacred traditions of the Holy Prophet of Islam (sa), the Khalifatullah (atba)
points out that for Allah and His Messengers, it does not really matter how
many will follow them, for the Messenger’s duty is to convey the Divine
revelations and Message. History bears testimony that some prophets, rejected
by their own people, found acceptance after their death and departure from this
world. Some others may have had few disciples only. Yet, the situation did not
and will not cast any shadow on their truthfulness or the veracity of their
The denial
and rejection of Divine Messengers in the past notwithstanding, Allah the
Almighty will continue with His enduring practice: of raising Messenger(s) who
will call to Unity of God and the eternal well-being of Man through
God-consciousness. Islam offers the glad
tiding of heavenly bliss for the early believers in Divine Messengers, whose
faith and practice will testify to their gratitude to Allah who raised the
Divine Messenger, sincerity of heart and good deeds. Alhamdulillah, these blessings are available for believers in this
age as well. Likewise, divine punishments await a generation that rejects the
Divine revelations and Message. The contemporary situation of horrifying
disasters and havocs visiting almost all the world should be fodder for serous
reflection for all. For, these events are taking place at a time when the Messenger
of Allah has been and is warning us against the evils of our times.
Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon:
And there came to them a Messenger
from among themselves but they falsely rejected him; so the wrath seized them
even in the midst of their iniquities. (16: 114)