Tuesday, October 24, 2023

‘Umrah’: A Pilgrimage to Makkah


The city of the Kaaba, variously called in the past as Bakkah, Umm Al-Qura, and Al-Balad Al-Amin, and its mountains witnessed the first revelation received by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa), and the birth of Islam. Hence, for the devout Muslim, Makkah is the purest spot on earth, and the holiest destination in the world.

‘Allah has made the Ka'aba, the Sacred House, as a means of support and uplift for mankind and (has sanctified) the sacred months and the sacrificial animals and the garlands (by which they are identified). That is so that you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and that Allah knows all things well.’ (5:98)

‘We made the House a resort and a sanctuary for people, saying, ‘Take the spot where Abraham stood as your place of prayer.’ (2:125)

‘Let them worship the Lord of this House: who provides them with food to ward off hunger, safety to ward off fear.’ (106: 4-5)

‘Therein are clear signs, the station of Abraham; and whoever enters it is in security. It is the duty of people towards God to make the pilgrimage to the House, all who are able to make their way there. As for the one who disbelieves, God is Independent of all the worlds.’ (3:97)

Friday, October 13, 2023

Revelations of October 2023


Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius recently shared with the Jamaat, the Revelations he has received from Allah (swt). These divine revelations, like those in the glorious historic past when Allah (swt) spoke with His chosen elects and messengers to humanity, pertain to clear assurances of Divine grace and mercy and protection for the divine mission against all enemies of faith. Allah (swt) being the Best of planners, the evil scheming of those who conspire harm will be frustrated and in vain. Moreover, the divine communications guarantee and foretell that special blessings of help and divine favour would be available for the true helpers of the Divine manifestation in this era as well, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.   

Against the backdrop of both natural-disasters and man-made disasters visiting various lands, and destroying peace and security everywhere; the Revelations foretell looming dangers of mortal diseases with an unsecure future staring at humankind. It is by joining the Ark of Azim by taking Bia’at at the hands of the Divine Elect of this era that people can save themselves and their families from the great Destruction, Insha Allah, Aameen.   

Extracts from the special communications shared by Hazrat Saheb (aba) with disciples and followers in the circle of the Divine manifestation are reproduced below for the attention and spiritual benefit of all those who reflect on subtle verities of Divine message in this era:  

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Divine Light and Soul Beauty


The Inner Beauty of Muhammad (pbuh) The Holy Prophet of Islam

In one of his sayings, the Holy Prophet – peace be upon him – is narrated to have said: “Allah (God Almighty) is beauty and He loves beauty.” (Muslim)

Verily, the beauty which God Almighty truly seeks in a person is his inner beauty. The way the person conducts himself, the way he talks, the way he behaves with others, the way he accomplishes all his spiritual and worldly duties with integrity, honesty, trust in Him [God Almighty] and the joy of humility is what truly counts.

Indeed, humility is a light which drives someone to plunge into the Ocean of the Knowledge of God to perfect himself in it, and the perfect man who received this boon from the Almighty is the Holy Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him. For all Muslims and for the entire world he is to this day the only leader who though poor and humble, had conquered the world to the unity of God through connecting his own heart to the people. He had in him the courage and inspiration from God Almighty to encourage all those who chose to follow him to the heights of success. In just twenty-three years, he was able to reform a barbarous and ignorant people and shown to them the basics of true life and connect them to the Creator Who has them and the whole world within the grip of His Power.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Coimbatore: 'Tarbiyyat' Meeting 2023


Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- Tamil Nadu organized a One-day Regional Tabligh/Tarbiyyat Meeting at Coimbatore on Sunday, 01 October 2023. Assembling mainly male members of the Jamaat from the Coimbatore region, but also for the benefit of other brothers able to travel to the city from other parts of the State at this point of time; the Spiritual get-together among the Sahih Al Islam brothers was much appreciated by one and all. 


Mukarram Amir- Jamaat Jenab KM Saleem Saheb, Kaleel Rahman Saheb of Kottar, Shamsuddin Saheb of Kodungallur, Muhammad Sabir Saheb of Palakkad, Noorudeen Saheb, Mukthaarudeen Saheb, Rafiq Sahib, Saddam Hussein Saheb and Ansari Saheb led the Day-long proceedings, comprising study sessions of Tabligh/Tarbiyyat speeches, recitation of Nazms in praise of  the Holy Prophet (sa), and other spiritual discussions.  

Monday, September 18, 2023

‘Sabequn’: Excel in Virtues



True faith in Islam is a journey in progressive action.  ‘Imaan’ entails a believing person’s verbal commitment to abide by Divine commands to match with his or her actions in life. Otherwise, mere expression of faith amounts to nothing in the spiritual realm. For a Muslim, expression of faith with sincerity of purpose leads to corresponding actions driven by the obligations of faith. Put differently, verbal expression of belief in the values of Islam is socially completed only when good deeds emanate from the believer. That is why the Holy Qur’an repeatedly urges true believers to race with one another in doing good deeds and to progress in piety by practicing all virtues of life.  


Believers have the duty to constantly strive: to bring about reform and refinement in personal, family and social conduct; refrain from evils and sinful inclinations; respect the rights of God and the rights of His servants, etc. Reproduced below is a holy discourse given in March 1908 at Qadian by the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian [1835-1908] urging his disciples and followers in the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya to bring about a pious change in their personal, family and social life by being truly mindful of God and His commandments:


Read the Spiritual Discourse Below

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Libya Floods: A Sign

Corruption has flourished on land and sea as a result of people’s actions and He will make them taste the consequences of some of their own actions so that they may turn back. (30: 42)



Consider the heart-breaking images emerging from Libya these days... Devastating floods that hit parts of eastern Libya last week killed more than 11,000 people. According to international media reports, the death toll could be even higher – as much as 20,000 – after whole neighbourhoods in the coastal city of Derna were swept away into the sea. More than 10,000 people are missing amid search and rescue efforts. While Derna has been by far the worst-hit city after dams overwhelmed the city, unleashing a torrent of water on it; the storm also killed people in the towns of Bayda, Susa, Um Razaz and Marj, according to Health Minister Othman Abduljalil.



The water that rushed into Derna was described as looking like a huge tsunami. While the floods were unprecedented, what happened in Libya cannot be explained as purely the result of a natural disaster. The oil-rich country has been mired in conflict since a 2011 uprising that toppled long-ruling dictator Muammar Gaddafi. With Libya divided between two rival administrations, the storm has exposed vulnerabilities in the nation. Years of neglect and corruption, poor maintenance of public infrastructure, and years of political infighting made the country particularly vulnerable and ill-equipped to tackle Storm Daniel, worsening the tragedy.



There is little doubt that catastrophic disasters are frequently unfolding around the world. Extreme ecological events are unsettling people’s lives in different nations. Unprecedented floods, forest fires, droughts, earthquakes, etc. are leading to humongous destruction of property, loss of human lives, and much suffering. People are anxiously looking around wondering which land is going to be pulverized next in the fury of nature. Is it not time for humanity to revert to spirituality in quest of Divine mercy and benevolence?

Friday, September 15, 2023

The Prophecy about ‘Mathil-e-Massih’


Many Ahmadis today are ignorant about the true conception of their beliefs. As a consequence, they have lost sight of the Sahih Al Islam that true Ahmadiyyat stands for. Instead of worshipping Allah (swt) and obeying His commands as explained by the Holy Prophet (sa) and the Promised Messiah (as), these Ahmadis are now enamoured of their priests and chiefs among them, and they follow their Caliph in his profound doctrinal mistakes, God Forbid. Today, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya rejects every possibility of Divine guidance except the one that may come through their assembly-elected Caliph, making him infallible arbiter in the spiritual destiny of millions. The Nizam-e-Jamaat evades and ignores the Word of God when it stands against their  material interests, family prestige, and institutional designs, especially on the divine prerogative of appointing a Prophet or Mujaddid in a new era.

The Promised Messiah (as) never indicated the current structure of the Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya as the only institutional design compatible with Divine Will. Even in his final Book, the testamentary declaration AL WASIYYAT, while asking his disciples to remain united by taking the oath of allegiance with one among them, the Promised Messiah (as) indicated that a time would come when it would become necessary for Allah (swt) to raise someone with Rooh-ul-Qudus (Holy Spirit) to guide and steer the community on the correct path. 

Today, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya rejects such a possibility altogether by mystifying the office of Khalifatul Massih with all temporal and spiritual power so much so that myopic and ignorant Ahmadis wonder, ‘can someone possibly claim to be above the Khalifatul Massih!’ Despite the myth-making by the Ahmadis on the office of the ‘Khalifatul Massih’, the reality remains that the Promised Messiah (as) has left behind a rich legacy of writings that point to the advent of the likes of the Messiah even in future. All theological engineering designed to mask the idolatry in the vanguard of the Nizam-e-Jamaat is bound to crumple before the Day of Judgement, Insha Allah, Aameen.