Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- Tamil Nadu organized
a One-day Regional Tabligh/Tarbiyyat Meeting at Coimbatore on Sunday, 01 October 2023. Assembling mainly
male members of the Jamaat from the Coimbatore region, but also for the benefit
of other brothers able to travel to the city from other parts of the State at
this point of time; the Spiritual get-together among the Sahih Al Islam brothers was much
appreciated by one and all.
My dear disciples,
Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.
It gives me great
pleasure to address you few words on the occasion of your State Tarbiyyat & Tabligh Ijtema. Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I pray that your programme be crowned with success, and your hearts get the Divine milk, the Divine knowledge so that you may go from progress to progress in this field and in all your endeavours which you undertake for the cause of Allah. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
Tarbiyyat & Tabligh or Dawa is a necessity for all believers to pass on the message to his other brothers and sisters in Islam and even with the larger human population for we are all the creations of the One Almighty God and one day surely, we shall all return to Him and account to Him for all our deeds, as well as our intentions.
This brings me to the
core subject of pure intentions in the field of Dawa/Tabligh.
A true Muslim - and
this is what truly the Sahih al Islam entails - is him or her who does
everything with the fear of Allah and a pure intention. That fear of Allah is
actually reverential love and respect for Allah which drives the person to
trust in Allah, knowing that He is watching His every deed and knows his every
Giving the message of
Allah is a blessed work, and filled with many difficulties as well. As my
disciples in this era of Divine Manifestation, it is imperative that you should
cultivate the habit to encourage good and forbid evil, and propagate the words
of Allah, His message to all those whom you can give the message to, as per
your capacities and means.
Remember that
propagating the Divine Message is a noble work, which Allah is highly pleased
In the field of
Tabligh/Dawa, you should not forget the main focus of the subject-matter, i.e.,
the Tawheed (Unity of Allah), how to drive the person you are doing Tabligh to
the universal truth that God is One and will always remain One.
The dogma of the
unicity of Allah has been dismantled over the years, but like our noble master
and prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) we should strive to construct the scattered
puzzle and make it whole again so that the seekers of truth may get the whole
picture of the pristine beauty of Tawheed and Islam.
And the best way to do
Dawa is through your own examples. A Muslim is a mirror for his believing
brother. (Abu Dawud)
You should get the
right example through your own conducts, your own words, your own way of
dealing matters - all this while emulating the righteous example of the best of
mankind, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).
Be a light. Unlock your
heart and let all negativities flow away and let the Divine Light penetrate
your heart and lock it, and never let satanic thoughts or deeds restrict your
way to Allah and showing the righteous path of Allah to others.
Be positive although it
is not always possible to do so. This will only be possible through prayer,
Zikrullah, reading of the Holy Quran... By always keeping your thoughts
attached to Allah. When you remember Allah, Allah will never forget you. Be a
righteous example, a model for others to follow. Leave arrogance or pride and
adopt the middle way as preached by Islam. It is through your own Self-Reform,
your Tarbiyyat that others will know the true beauty of Islam.
Reflect on this:
is the use of being Muslim or calling yourselves Muslims if you do not submit
to Allah's will, if you lose courage and backout from the blessed path of
Remember, where there
is difficulty in a blessed path, when you are attached to Allah, it is Allah
Who will ease your difficulties and rid them from you.
Your words of virtue
should tally with your deeds as well, all based upon a pure intention to do
something for the Cause of Allah.
Allah says in the Holy
And who is better in
speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says,
"Indeed, I am of the Muslims." (Al-Fussilat 41: 34)
So, it is imperative
that you - all my sincere disciples - should be trustworthy people who are true
to their words and who fulfill their duties in the world - whether in the field
of spirituality or for their worldly duties - with the fear of Allah and are
people whom others can trust and build a solid brotherhood of Islam.
Moreover, the truth of
Islam from your mouths should be present in your hearts as well. Enrich
yourselves in the truth of Islam. Submit to Allah's will. This means that when
you encounter a sad news, you submit to the will of Allah and you stay attached
to Him. Same, when you are in happy moments, you should never forget Allah but
rather be grateful to Him and thank Him. Thanksgiving to Allah is vital.
Whether in the field of Tabligh or through your Tarbiyyat period - which can
even last for your whole lifetimes on earth - as well as when you do the
Tarbiyyat of others, you should always teach thanksgiving to Allah. The one who
is always thankful to Allah, whether in sad or happy moments, it is him who's
status shall be raised by Allah. Humility and thankfulness go hand in hand. And
patience is the driving force. Such are indeed the traits of the true Muslim
and Dawa preacher. And this is what Allah and His Khalifatullah of this era
also expect of you. Insha-Allah Ta'ala Al-Aziz.
I thus wholeheartedly
pray for all of you who sacrifice your time, and money (according to your means
only) and who strive to become truly Sahih in every way, Sahih Muslim, Sahih al
Islam. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
Congratulations to you
on this day. May Allah make you all go from success to success and reap His
mercy, knowledge and light to become truly His very good servants in this era
of Divine Manifestation. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.
Fi-Aman Allah.
Thank you for your kind
attention to this very important message. Jazak-Allah.