Thursday, October 26, 2023

Imam Mahdi: A Message for Humanity


In a special communication issued on 23 October 2023, Imam Al Mahdi of this era and the Holy Founder of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International, Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, addressed human kind and Muslims at large, especially his disciples and followers in the Jamaat- for the benefit of all those who wish to take to the straight path by the will of God, the Lord of all people. This vital message calls attention to recent revelations Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) received from God Almighty. Further, the special message provides an assessment on the behavioural attitudes and motivations of important nations vis-a-vis the ongoing Palestine-Israeli conflict, and on the calamities happening in the world.   

Based on his Divinely-gifted deep insight on international affairs, the Sheikh-ul-Islam (aba) cautions thoughtful people against the dangers facing humanity when man deviates from the Just Way, start violating the rights of others and curbing their freedoms and interests for unfair advantages, and even commits excesses against fellow men in pursuit of property and riches. A hardening trajectory in sectarian emotions and vengeful group feelings take the shape of simmering national conflicts, and escalating violence in certain regions can verily lead to a third world war with its horrendous consequences for humanity at large. Given the grim and dire prospects of whole-scale turbulence everywhere for a period of time, Hazrat Saheb (aba) counsels the faithful to take stock of food, medicine, and other basic needs of life and to save money for community /collective purposes- indeed, we need to be prepared to deal with issues of war-induced shortages and deprivations, including the protective needs of women and children; everyone is urged to proactively take steps, individually and collectively, to address likely challenges of a world turning upside down.  


Read Extracts from the Message Below: 

The following are the recent revelations received by the Khalifatullah (aba) on 22 October 2023 after Esha prayer:


Inna-Hudallaahi wa huwal-Huda. Wa ummirna lin-nuslima li Rabbil-Aalamin.

Allah’s Guidance is the true Guidance. We have been commanded to submit to the Lord of all the Worlds.


Huwal Qaadiru ‘alaaa ‘ayy-yab ‘asa ‘alaykum ‘azaabum min-fawqikum ‘aw min tahti ‘arjuli-kum ‘aw yal-bisakum shiya-‘aww wa yuziiqa ba’-dakum ba’-sa ba’-d.

He has the power to send punishment on you from above your heads or from beneath your feet, or to divide you into sects and make you taste one another’s violence.


The guidance of Allah is indeed true; that which Allah reveals is true! In the light of those revelations, Allah has also made the Khalifatullah (aba) understood certain matters pertaining to the state of the world:

1. Saudi Arabia is presently playing a bad role, tarnishing the image of Islam, the Ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) by helping the enemies of Islam, and the latter are seizing this opportunity to accentuate their attacks on Muslim countries. They are using Arabia managed by the Saudis to finish their resources and other wealth, and Allah has revealed that in the near future, after trying to seize those riches, they are planning an atrocious attack on Arabia. Despite all that is happening, the Muslims are not getting a lesson. They are still fighting, and trying to preserve their own skins and rights. They are not looking at the global interests of their brothers in faith.


Despite the fact that Allah has manifested certain signs in Arabia during this year, whereby the Divine Punishment was above their heads and underneath their feet with violence, and they cried “Allahu Akbar”, yet this did not bring about any positive change in their stance and faith. This is very grievous!

In spite of seeing the suffering of their innocent Muslim brothers, sisters and children from Palestine and other neighbouring Muslim countries, they are doing nothing to bring a peaceful solution and bringing comfort to the grieving nations. They keep saying that they are promulgating peace for the Palestinians and other minority Muslims, but their “efforts” are only an eye-wash. They had so many opportunities to help yet they preferred opening their country (i.e. Arabia) to the western world, inviting all kinds of evils, and on top of that, they turn a blind eye to the sufferings of the Ummah, i.e. their Muslim brothers, sisters and children, but alas, are they really their brothers, sisters and children? Their actions are saying otherwise! Why don’t they help their brothers if they say they are Muslims? Hospitals are being bombarded in Palestine, restricting emergency operations to save lives. Thus, the Ummah is dying, and no one truly cares except Allah’s chosen servants.

Media coverage is captivating everyone’s attention to the fact that this is not a religious war, yet it is! The Jews are claiming Palestine and Jerusalem and the Sacred Mosque Al-Aqsa as their properties and Promised Land! But they fail to understand that the promise which Allah made with them was conditional. They created chaos in the land and disobeyed their own prophets, even killing some of them, and trying to kill Jesus [as] as well, but they failed to do so. Now, Allah has transferred that blessing from them to the other progenies of Abraham (as) – that is, through Ishmael (as). Now, they are like a cursed people whom Allah let astray, except those endowed with true intelligence and faith whom Allah preserved and directed them to Islam, making them true servants of His.

2. Everyone else is looking at their own benefit in this whole situation. Such as Russia and China who are trying to take on the world by becoming the new superpowers. They are taking the Palestinian Cause as a scapegoat to further fuel their hatred for the United States of America and the NATO (Intergovernmental Organization) countries. Everyone is barking about peace but no one is truly giving a serious helping hand which will help extinguish the war between Israel and Palestine. This war has been going on for about 75 years and no one has ever seen a solution in all these years? Neither the Arab countries nor the Non-Arab countries? Israel is like a thief who has forcefully entered into one’s house and overtook the house and expelled the inhabitants, saying that “Now, your house is mine. You have nothing to do here!” The original proprietor has become homeless because of their theft, and they dared to say that the Palestinians should not retaliate to get back their rights? No self-defence for them? For the others, self-defence is permissible, but for the Palestinians, no? Now they claim a land to be theirs when they have openly robbed it with the help of allies and people who hate Islam!

So, coming once again to the strategies of Russia and China, this is also just an eyes-wash as they seek to overpower the world together and once this is done, they will not spare Islam and the Muslims as well. Had they been sincere, especially China, then they would not have persecuted the minority Muslims in their own territories, i.e. the Uyghurs. The latter are facing violence and their rights of Muslims are being snatched and their women and daughters raped. They are forced to eat pork. Is this the true face of China, or the one it is presently presenting before the world today by taking a stand for Palestine? Just double standards!  


5. As per the divine message received, the third world war is not far. Allah has already given that revelation years back, and the same is being repeated for those times are coming. Humanity is in danger! The Khalifatullah (aba) is asking all humanity, and especially his sincere disciples to take stock of food and medicine and all kinds of basic necessities. Make provision to farm some animals for personal use, and to help the poor and grow vegetables and fruits for use because price will skyrocket due to scarcity of food and blockage of exportation and importation of goods. Equip our mosques and centres well to help our members and to help your local communities as well. Take care to stock on gas as well as oil. Be careful. Take all your precautions for this war will affect everybody in the world. Take care of the academic and spiritual education of our children. This is the time of unity and not division. No dispute and backbiting! Only have true love for one another like one family. Whenever the emergency state is on, then all members should gather in our centres and actively live as one family. Nowadays weapons are truly dangerous for mankind. It can exterminate all mankind. So, keep up prayer and seek the help of Allah in all affairs!


With this situation, there will be many orphans and widows. We Muslims should not let those in despairing situations go into wrong hands whereby they can lose their Islam. Islam, Sahih al Islam should be foremost to help secure the lives and dignity of those women and children and do not let them lose their Islamic status and faith by letting them go in non-Muslims institutions. All Muslims are advised to follow this instruction to preserve the women and children of Islam, either through marriage or taking care of them for their provisions and to take care of the basic rights of the children to education and a proper upbringing in Islam. This is how the Mahdi advises for prosperity in the world.


Moreover, the divine message also gives insight into the various calamities which are seizing the world like earthquakes, violent cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons and diseases as well. Like received recently, another mortal disease will make its apparition. It will be like a chain of diseases. So, one should take care of their spiritual hygiene as well as physical hygiene. All should collaborate for the well running of the Jamaat and Islamic Systems in the world – without any divergence of opinions. The Khalifatullah (atba) has said: “Believe me! Believe me! Believe me! The situation in the world will worsen and the only hope is prayer. It is a return to Allah which can save lives and preserve us from the degradation of the world. In a Kashaf, I have seen also a great Tsunami and a change in the lifestyle of people whereby they would have to trust their two limbs and hands instead of driving vehicles.”


So, the Khalifatullah (aba) is advising one and all to get used to manual works and he also advises his disciples and all Muslims, in each household, be it man, woman and children, they keep some money away for future use every day (even if it be 1 rupee, 1 dollar etc.) and let it accumulate everyday till a time will come when this will become a great amount of money and this be given to the responsible of the Jamaat/ Mosque so that necessities can be bought for the welfare of one and all in case of emergency in times of war and other calamities.


The Khalifatullah (aba) prays to Allah as thus: 

“O Allah! You have sent down the truth and you have guided me to truth to give them all this true message. O Allah, open their minds, eyes, and hearts and let this truth penetrate them. Let my words act like medicines to cure the ailments in the hearts and they understand and let the whole Ummat-e-Muhammadiyya (pbuh) become one, and they obey whatever I tell them in your name, Insha-Allah.


O Allah! They are crying and seeking the Mahdi. You have indeed sent them Your Mahdi. Open their eyes and hearts to see the truth and understand it too. Do not let them turn their backs to Your magnificent manifestations. Ameen, Summa Ameen, Ya Rabbul Aalameen.”
