Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Imam Mahdi: A Message for Humanity


In a special communication issued on 23 October 2023, Imam Al Mahdi of this era and the Holy Founder of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International, Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, addressed human kind and Muslims at large, especially his disciples and followers in the Jamaat- for the benefit of all those who wish to take to the straight path by the will of God, the Lord of all people. This vital message calls attention to recent revelations Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) received from God Almighty. Further, the special message provides an assessment on the behavioural attitudes and motivations of important nations vis-a-vis the ongoing Palestine-Israeli conflict, and on the calamities happening in the world.   

Based on his Divinely-gifted deep insight on international affairs, the Sheikh-ul-Islam (aba) cautions thoughtful people against the dangers facing humanity when man deviates from the Just Way, start violating the rights of others and curbing their freedoms and interests for unfair advantages, and even commits excesses against fellow men in pursuit of property and riches. A hardening trajectory in sectarian emotions and vengeful group feelings take the shape of simmering national conflicts, and escalating violence in certain regions can verily lead to a third world war with its horrendous consequences for humanity at large. Given the grim and dire prospects of whole-scale turbulence everywhere for a period of time, Hazrat Saheb (aba) counsels the faithful to take stock of food, medicine, and other basic needs of life and to save money for community /collective purposes- indeed, we need to be prepared to deal with issues of war-induced shortages and deprivations, including the protective needs of women and children; everyone is urged to proactively take steps, individually and collectively, to address likely challenges of a world turning upside down.  


Read Extracts from the Message Below: 

The following are the recent revelations received by the Khalifatullah (aba) on 22 October 2023 after Esha prayer:


Inna-Hudallaahi wa huwal-Huda. Wa ummirna lin-nuslima li Rabbil-Aalamin.

Allah’s Guidance is the true Guidance. We have been commanded to submit to the Lord of all the Worlds.

Monday, April 3, 2023

The Future of Chagos


Against the backdrop of the 55th national independence day of his beloved homeland, in his Friday Sermon of 10 March 2023 ~17 Shabaan 1444 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius spoke about a profound question of collective injustice and gross violation of human rights: the colonial Great Game over the Chagos Archipelago, and the arbitrary expulsion as well as the continuing forced prevention of the Chagossian people from returning to their homeland.


In a recent research report entitled 'That’s When the Nightmare Started’ UK and U.S. Forced Displacement of the Chagossians and Ongoing Colonial Crimes’ published by the Human Rights Watch called attention to the colonial crimes in Chagos islands and the need for reparative justice to the victims. In their Cold War rivalry with the USSR for global supremacy and military dominance in the Indian Ocean region, the United States and the United Kingdom secretly colluded to establish a naval base in the Diego Garcia and deployed inhuman machinations to dispossess an indigenous community of access to their historic land and means of livelihood through forcible expulsions. The searing injustice meted out to a hapless people by the superpowers of the day, and the continuing struggle of the people to justice and fairness is gaining increasing international attention now. 

With the ground beneath its feet shifting, the United Kingdom is constrained to be losing out on international legitimacy in its treatment of the larger Chagos question, including the patently illegal detachment of sovereign territory from Mauritius before granting national independence in 1968. Indeed, from outright denial of any legal responsibility in the past, to be seen to be sitting at negotiating table with Mauritius now, the United Kingdom is politically affected by the eroding global support to its conduct on the question of Chagos. As the wheels of international politics turn once again, it is feared that the ruling elite in Mauritius might be tempted to cut a deal with the foreign powers for profit without due regard for the legitimate expectations and basic rights of the Chagossian people.  In this discourse, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) warns against the impulses for unjust deal-making, urging national authorities to respect the entitlements of the displaced Islanders in the spirit of solidarity and national unity.  

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Solidarity with Palestine


Through a series of 'divide and rule' policies in the last four decades, the United States of America played a dubious role as a meddling superpower in the destabilization of countries in the Muslim world. The continuing US support for Israel's inhuman treatment of the Palestinian peoples as well as the ongoing US-Israeli political manipulations to destroy the Palestinian nation through 'a thousand cuts', are a searing reminder of the larger religious and political threats facing the wider Muslim community in our times

In his Friday Sermon of 02 July 2021~20 Dhul-Qaddah 1442 AH Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) of Mauritius takes a close and hard look at  contemporary world politics, to identify and call out the hatred that is shaping American double-standards at work in its threatening policies vis-a-vis Muslim peoples in different lands- in contrasts to its policies vis-a-vis Israel's "security". Urging international solidarity and support for the dignity of the oppressed in Palestine, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) underscores the need for everyone to wake up and understand the larger political designs at work, and resist the Evils of injustice, oppression and violence through the power of Prayer and fervent invocations to the Lord Almighty for Divine Justice.     

Read the Friday Sermon Below:

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Return of the Taliban


The fall of the US-propelled government in Afghanistan along with the swift and dramatic capture of power by the Taliban in Kabul, is nothing short of a geopolitical earthquake in international affairs in our times. For one, it marks a defining moment in the unravelling history of American excesses abroad in the name of “war on terror” and attempts to impose their perception of democracy on other nations and peoples.  Likewise, for the region and the world, the larger question is this: can the Taliban- now, the de facto government in Kabul- live down its dreadful legacy, turn a new page in political pragmatism, and usher in a period of peace, security and development for the people of Afghanistan? 

A Legacy of Excesses on All Sides

Afghanistan’s modern destiny is marred by much internal political strife and blood-letting, especially in the last four decades. Illegal interventions and invasions by foreign powers- [the Soviet Union (1979-1989), and the United States (2001-2021) followed by counter-mobilization by militant groups armed and aided by interested foreign governments, and the consequent internecine warfare destabilized the land for long years. The emergence of Taliban in the Afghan refugee camps of Pakistan, and its militant extremism- blurring the line between political resistance and support for indiscriminate and unrestrained violence in the name of ideology/religion against hostile foreign powers as well as defenceless civilians cannot be divorced from this complex political and regional backdrop- including the lucrative profits from mass cultivation of, and trade in, opium and other narcotic substances across borders with colluding elements in Pakistan. 

Domestically, when the Taliban was in power in the land during 1996-2001, its policies were starkly marked by denial of educational opportunities to girl children; curtailment of women’s rights; cruel and degrading treatment of minorities; institutionalization of vengeance in the form of medieval punishments on opponents and enemies of the regime- all in service of a narrow-minded, extremist and simplistic understanding of the Islamic Shari’ah, bringing disrepute to the very Faith they claimed to serve- with hardly any country in the world recognizing the Mullah Muhammad Omar regime in Kabul in those years.