Showing posts with label anger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anger. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Libya Floods: A Sign

Corruption has flourished on land and sea as a result of people’s actions and He will make them taste the consequences of some of their own actions so that they may turn back. (30: 42)



Consider the heart-breaking images emerging from Libya these days... Devastating floods that hit parts of eastern Libya last week killed more than 11,000 people. According to international media reports, the death toll could be even higher – as much as 20,000 – after whole neighbourhoods in the coastal city of Derna were swept away into the sea. More than 10,000 people are missing amid search and rescue efforts. While Derna has been by far the worst-hit city after dams overwhelmed the city, unleashing a torrent of water on it; the storm also killed people in the towns of Bayda, Susa, Um Razaz and Marj, according to Health Minister Othman Abduljalil.



The water that rushed into Derna was described as looking like a huge tsunami. While the floods were unprecedented, what happened in Libya cannot be explained as purely the result of a natural disaster. The oil-rich country has been mired in conflict since a 2011 uprising that toppled long-ruling dictator Muammar Gaddafi. With Libya divided between two rival administrations, the storm has exposed vulnerabilities in the nation. Years of neglect and corruption, poor maintenance of public infrastructure, and years of political infighting made the country particularly vulnerable and ill-equipped to tackle Storm Daniel, worsening the tragedy.



There is little doubt that catastrophic disasters are frequently unfolding around the world. Extreme ecological events are unsettling people’s lives in different nations. Unprecedented floods, forest fires, droughts, earthquakes, etc. are leading to humongous destruction of property, loss of human lives, and much suffering. People are anxiously looking around wondering which land is going to be pulverized next in the fury of nature. Is it not time for humanity to revert to spirituality in quest of Divine mercy and benevolence?

Friday, October 19, 2018

'Cultivate Refined Habits'

I have chosen to address you in this Friday Sermon today on “Perfecting Good Manners”. Every good Muslim must necessarily have a good behaviour and good manners in his everyday life. He must understand that good behaviour in this life on earth is essential to lead an honourable life. The Muslim, in addition, has the sacred duty to have a good behaviour because therein contains high moral values.

And these moral values ​​have a particular importance. They are signs of happiness and success here in this life on earth, but much more so in life after death. It has been reported that our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said: “I have been sent to perfect good moral character.” (Musnad Ahmad).

He also said: “The dearest and the closest of you to me on the Day of Resurrection will be those who will be best in behaviour.” (Tirmidhi).

When his companions questioned him about what most cause people to enter paradise, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) replied, Taqwa (piety, righteousness, fear of Allah) and good manners (or character).” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah).

This is why Muslims must pay special attention to moral values ​​and must give them special importance because they represent the signs of happiness and success in this present life and in the hereafter.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Islamic Precepts on Controlling Anger

 Anger/ Wrath

Anger/ Wrath - not to be confused with the divine wrath or the wrath that Allah makes appear on the features of His Messenger as a sign of disapproval of the actions of believers and also that of the unbelievers - is a factor through which the Devil brings men to commit sins such as insult, breaking relationships, physical aggression, or even to commit the irreparable, i.e. murder. So we have to be able to control our anger so that we do not commit such serious sins.

 Forgive Those who Wrong You

Allah says about the “Muttaqi”, i.e. those who repress their anger, in Chapter 3 (Al-Imran), Verse 135: “[...] those who restrain (their) anger and forgive the people [...]”.

Therefore, the Muttaqi - those to whom Allah will offer paradise - are those who control their anger, who despite their strength and courage manage to forgive those who have wronged them.

To control our anger is to preserve Islam. The repressing of our anger allows us to practice Islam in the best way. As long as a person manages to control his anger, his faith will be preserved. However, if the person gets carried away by anger, it will bring him nothing but regrets. “Why did I say / do that?” he will ask himself.

The Holy Prophet's Precepts

It is reported by Abu Hurayrah (ra) that a man had said to the prophet (pbuh): “Counsel me”. The prophet (pbuh) replied, “Do not get angry.” He repeated (the question) several times, and the prophet (pbuh) answered him: “Do not get angry.” (Bukhari)

“Strong” people do not hit others. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “The strong man is not the one who triumphs over the opponent in a fight/ battle, but is the one who controls himself when he has a big anger.” (Bukhari)

The Messenger of Allah said, “Whosoever represses his anger when he can give free rein to it, Allah will call him on the Day of Resurrection before all creatures and invite him to choose one of the Houris who shall please him.” (Abu Dawud).

Friday, October 2, 2015

'Shade of God, For the Truly Humble'

“This (Quran) is enlightenment for mankind and guidance and mercy for a people who have Faith with certainty. What! Do those who commit evils think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe and do righteous deeds - that equal will be their life and their death? Ill is the judgment that they make. And Allah created the heavens and earth with truth and so that every soul may be rewarded for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.” (45: 21-23)

By the grace of Allah, Allah (swt) gives me once again the opportunity to continue the explanation on the subject of the three Friday sermons that I had made in the month of Dhul-Qaddah (that is to say, on 28 August as well as on 04 & 11 September 2015).

It is a subject which is so vast and important and I hope that by the grace of Allah, every Muslim around the world and all my dear disciples who are in the different countries of the world understand what I’m trying to make them understand, in their own interest, for their own good vis-à-vis their Creator and I recommend you to try to make an analysis of what I said in those Friday sermons, and today it’s the fourth sermon which I am doing on the same subject. It is for your own benefit if everyone gets to reform himself; for he will then have no fear on the day when he will have to appear before his Creator. So if everyone understands what I say, then everyone will have to clear all their discussions/disputes, their passions and hatred and grudges they have towards their brothers of the same religion, and the disputes and wars that exists between them.

The majority of people who are engaged in wars (between themselves) and who do nothing to calm their anger and passions are people who cannot become the friends of Allah. So I make an appeal to you all without distinction that it is high time now to give up, to abandon all peccadilloes (vain differences and arguments), all unimportant things because it is now time to engage in the great and extraordinary work (of religion). So I never tire of telling you every time that you need to adopt this path, because without it we cannot come under the shadow of Allah, in the refuge of Allah in peace.