the aftermath of these developments, the Messenger of Allah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius has
decided to respond. In his Friday Sermon of May 31, 2013
the Khalifatullah clarifies that it is permissible for parties to a Mubahila to
agree upon the time period of Mubahila. Drawing upon the experiences/practices
of the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as), the Khalifatullah (atba) points to
the instances in which there were Mubahilas with greater time periods. Finally,
in a language that can penetrate and crack the hardest of rocks, the Lion of
Allah challenges Sultani Sahib to show some spine and come to the court of
Allah in the cause of truth by entering into a Mubahila.
Read the Extracts from the
Friday Sermon:
Recently, I have received some correspondences which relate to Mubahila
and especially concerning the Mubahila which I invited Abdul Ghaffar Janbah
Sahib and his Jamaat (and specifically also one of his disciples Mansoor Ahmad
Sahib) to accept. The thing is, instead of waiting for the specified two years limit
mentioned in the Mubahila, some people like Mushtaq Malik Sahib and another claimant of divine vicegerency, Nasir Ahmad Sultani have made some
comments to which I must respond.