Showing posts with label sexual crimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexual crimes. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2022

Sexual Assault in the Nizam-e-Jamaat


Recently, alleged incidents of incestuous relations and other forms sexual crimes- including child sex abuse and rape, involving  members of the reigning Caliph’s own family within the Nizam-e-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya became international headlines, shocking and embarrassing Ahmadis everywhere. A woman member of the ‘first family’ of the Jamaat- no less than a granddaughter of the 3rd and the 4th Caliph through different bloodlines- publicly revealed her struggles for justice within the Nizam-e-Jamaat. After apparently being sexually abused and exploited as a child by her own father for many years, the woman said that she was also raped on different occasions by three influential persons in the Jamaat/close male relatives of the present Caliph Mirza Masroor Ahmad Saheb

From the record of conversations with the Khalifatul Massih V that the impugned lady publicly shared over the Internet on the alleged incidents, it appears as though the Caliph Masroor Saheb has virtually failed to actively intervene and take substantive and procedural measures to deliver justice to a deeply vulnerable and traumatized woman family member at a critical juncture of her life. With no process of justice in the Nizam-e-Jamaat, the victim approached the British Police, and investigations are presently on all those incidents of sexual assault and other crimes, and the Police is apparently holding interviews with members of the family of the Caliph himself in this matter. 

The claims and counter allegations in the present controversy over issues of criminal justice within the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya highlighted the need for clarity of principles and practice on a number of related matters within an Islamic perspective. In a recent Interview with the Sahih Al Islam You Tube Channel, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb of Mauritius spoke about Islamic teachings pertaining to sexual offences. Hazrat Khalifatullah's guidance came in the backdrop of a series of questions and clarifications raised by many Ahmadi Muslims from around the world.  

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Women's Rights; Men's Duties

"Womenfolk in Islam”

History is silent as to whether there was any distinction in status between the male and the female sexes during the beginnings of human civilization. In later days no doubt the female sex was regarded as inferior to the male and the idea of inferiority developed to such an extent that the male sex not only claimed a complete superiority over the female sex, but further arrogated to himself the right to utilise and employ the female sex as he liked.

Surveying the history of the world on this point we find that in pre-Christian Europe and Greece, which was the centre of light and learning for a long time and which provided philosophical and scientific inspiration to the Europe of later days, regarded woman as something definitely inferior to man. She was a subservient creature who had come into existence solely for the purpose of breeding citizens for the state and soldiers for the army. Their opinion of women was that these creatures were deprived of any good and was instead the sources of many evils. Such degrading conceptions led to a moral degeneration which ultimately ruined the Greek society. The names of virtuous women scarcely appear in Greek history.

In pre-lslamic Arabia, the general conception of womanhood was of such a degraded type that her very existence was considered ignominious for the family. Female infanticide was consequently practiced on a wide scale. Those women who, however, escaped early death were allowed to live only on sufferance. For, an Arab woman had no rights; she could not inherit property; her person formed part of the inheritance which came to the heir of her husband, and he was entitled to marry her against her will. Hence, there sprung up the impious marriages of their sons with their stepmothers and others of an even worse character. Polygamy was universal and quite unrestricted; equally so was divorce at least as far as man was concerned.

Prophet Muhammad (sa) on Women's Rights

Such was the condition of the female sex in the world when the Holy Prophet of Islam, the Perfect Man, Muhammad (pbuh) the Saviour of womanhood, stood up in Arabia and, through the Divine Revelation of the Lord of the Universe Who created both the male and the female and Who loves them equally, preached to the world that females were just like males and that they have equal rights, equal honour and an equal status in life.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

TV: Impact on Islamic Life


Today, by the grace of Allah, Allah has given me the Tawfiq to continue the second part of my Khutba Jummah on The Harmful Effects of Television’.

Through TV, the Islamic dress code is disappearing, to such a point that there are some who consider the Islamic clothing as uncivilised dress code and only good for ancient times!

Islam has put great restriction concerning sexuality so that the social life of our community remains clean and far away from prostitution, homosexuality and other social maladies. As for TV, it not only removes that restriction through the means of its dirty films but it also incites young people to satisfy their carnal desires (sexual needs/ passions) in an immoral and illicit (Haram) way.

Islam is a religion which teaches Muslims men as well as women to cultivate shame (Haya) in them because shame is a quality which helps cultivate mutual respect. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has even made us know that Allah (swt) has joined shame (Haya) together with faith (Iman). As long as someone has shame in him, his faith shall be alive, but if he loses his shame, he loses also his faith, and he begins to act like an animal. Through the various obscene TV channels proposed to people, television has taken away shame from that community (the Ummah of Hadhrat Muhammad (pbuh)).

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sexual Allegations on Khalifa Sani

Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (ra) (1889-1965), as the second Khalifa of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, had a long period of service at the helm of affairs. It was at the death of the first Khalifa Hadhrat Hakkim Nur-ud-Din Sahib (ra) (b.1841; k. 1908-1914), that he was elected as the head of the spiritual community. It was a difficult historical moment, especially with the Great Split of 1914, leading to the separation of the LAM and the shaking it entailed for the entire community. As the young Khalifa was uniquely positioned to provide the interpretive guidance so necessary for the spiritual community, in the course of several decades, he played a significant role in shaping and defining the ideological and administrative contours of the Community in the last century or so.

The uniqueness of his special authority emerged not just from the fact that he was elected by the companions of the Promised Massih (as). For the common members as well, the second Khalifa was the pious, biological son of the Founder of the community. Given the fact that the prophecies of the Promised Massih (as) included the prophecy Musleh Maoud- regarding the arrival of a righteous progeny for the service of Islam, for many of the companions of the Promised Massih (as) and others, he represented the hope and expectation of a bright future of the Jamaat. For them, he was the personality in whom and through whose times, many of the Divine revelations and sacred prophecies were to be redeemed in the fullness of time.

The prophecy Musleh Maoud

Consider this instance from the first Khilafat. An old, venerable Companion of the Promised Messiah, Pir Manzur Muhammad Sahib, made a study of the works of the Promised Messiah. It led him to the conclusion that Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad combined in himself all qualities and circumstances which marked him out, very clearly, as the Muslih Mau'ud. Pir Manzur Muhammad, wrote a paper on this prophecy. He deduced 14 points, and applied the Prophecy to Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, and he put it before Hazrat Maulvi Nurruddin Khalifatul Masih I whose reaction was: "I have known it for a long time. Have you never noticed that in my attitude towards him, on a personal level, there is an inner shade of deference." 

Pir Manzur Mohammad, then, wrote the gist of this talk and put it before Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I, requesting his signature in confirmation. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih wrote the following on that Paper, and signed it:
"We have known this for a long time. Haven't you noticed that in our personal attitude towards him there is a deep inner shade of deference? I confirm that I said this in the course of a talk with brother Pir Manzur Muhammad."
(Signature bears the date December 10)  (Tashhizul Azhan, 1914, and Tarikh-i-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. IV, page 369)  which carries a photographic reproduction of the original. (quoted in “Truth Prevails” by Qazi Muhammad Nazir, p.90-91)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Culture of Indecency and the Sexual Crimes

In the context of rising incidences of violence against women and other sex-related crimes, including rape and killings, the prevailing culture of indecency and the commodification of women’s body are at the center of the debate. Indeed, the connections are hard to miss except for those who are happy to fool themselves. In the name of western values and woman’s freedoms, technology and innovation, fashion and aesthetics, the weeds of immorality and indecency have been allowed to grow and thrive unchecked in media and the public sphere. So much so that the new culture of indecency is striking at the very roots of the societal health. The indecent representation of women in popular culture and social media, in television and over internet, the easy access to pornographic materials- all these are leading to the incitement to evil and more evil.

In his Friday Sermon of May 03, 2013 the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius drew attention to the rising instances of rape and other violence against women in Mauritius and elsewhere. Instead of protecting the honour and dignity of women, the social culture of our times, exploit and dishonour them and degrade their status. The dehumanization of this culture of indecency is so complete that animal passions have blinded the perpetrators to the horrific and brutal nature of their crimes. Indecency has become so pervasive and percolated down to the very edifice of family that, as the Khalifatullah (atba) notes in the Friday Sermon, many of the old women victims have their perpetrators in their own families and close relations. While the recent instances of rape and other sexual crimes in Mauritius only confirm the predictions and warnings clearly made by the Khalifatullah (atba) in his end- of- the- year- 2012 speech, one can only hope and pray that better sense will prevail and that the people will move away from the brink of disaster.

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon: