Showing posts with label world affairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world affairs. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024

Faith and the World


A believer needs to be mindful of God, and he should adopt righteousness and fear of God in all his pursuits in this world. Those who give preference to the Faith over their worldly concerns, they are never wasted; indeed they attract Divine grace and mercy in their life circumstances, Insha Allah

Several verses in the Holy Qur’an points out that Divine succour and help follow those believers who trust in God:   

‘Anyone who believes in God and the Last Day should heed this: God will find a way out for those who are mindful of Him, and will provide for them from an unexpected source; God will be enough for those who put their trust in Him. God achieves His purpose; God has set a due measure for everything.’ (65: 3-4)

 ‘You who believe! If you help God, He will help you and make you stand firm’ (47:8) 

‘God is sure to help those who help His cause– God is strong and mighty– those who, when We establish them in the land, keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed alms, command what is right, and forbid what is wrong: God controls the outcome of all events. (22:41-42)  

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Mauritius and the World


The Situation at National Level & In the World


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I have chosen to speak to you today about the situation around the world, and especially in Mauritius. The situation is alarming with pandemics, as well as natural disasters, economic crises, loss of jobs [sudden unemployment]. The prices of all commodities have skyrocketed across the world; many people suffer greatly.


But what is happening in Mauritius really has exceeded all limits, especially concerning the increase in the price of medicines, vegetables, meat, chicken, food, fuel, as well as the increase in the price of transport.


All Mauritians will agree with me that the current crisis is more serious than the pandemic [of Covid-19 and its variants]. The economic and social crisis currently shaking the country is more serious than Covid-19. This crisis is not only about health but about the ability to see if we can live together as a society with dignity.


You know, many people these days live in anguish and suffering at the rising prices of essential consumer items. This rise in the cost of living was felt as a blow and a shock by the poorest in society. All the prophets (pbut) [Chosen Men and Servants of God] since the creation of this temporal world - and it will go on until the days of the Last Judgement - value [we value] work and sharing. Faced with problems of all kinds that seize the disciples who are subsequently taken by discouragement, the Messengers of God not only take an interest in their pain and their daily activities, but also trust them.

In Mauritius, there is public concern about the deterioration of the quality of life. Faced with these brutal price increases that can last, people are very worried and when people suffer they tend to shout or make a fuss and mess.

Friday, February 12, 2021

'Rahma': Ethics of Compassion

Humanity is facing perplexing times. With revolutionary advancements in technology and other arenas of human enterprise, 
the prospects for material well being, collective development and shared prosperity are brighter than ever before in our globalized world. And yet, paradoxically, what we witness today is that instead of coming together for the common good, the world is actually falling apart. Despite lofty rhetoric on rule-based international order, global governance is hostage to narrowly-defined economic interests of certain elite classes in richer nations. Economic affairs around the world are run in such a way that the  rich is getting richer, and the poor is becoming poorer in most places. Indeed, it seems day by day, the world is inexorably heading towards an unsustainable imbalance, precipitating man-made, and other ecological, disasters of all kinds. Already, the growing inequality, characterized by islands of affluence and pervasive poverty, is creating emotional heartburns, leading to competition and conflicts over control of resources, tearing apart  communities and nations. The widening disparity and simmering tensions can and will destroy public order if left unaddressed, and it calls for radical course correction in the way in which affairs of the world are being managed.  

The spiritual teachings of Islam provide a comprehensive framework to save the world from the brink of disasters at the moment.  A just world order is possible when we humans in all our systems recognize and return to the foundational values of life bestowed on us by our Rab, the All-Merciful Creator and Master of the Universe. The saviour of humankind, Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) left behind enduring guidance for creating an alternative, a  more compassionate world from the one in which we are living now. The Qur'an testifies: 'We did not send you (O Muhammad!) but as a blessing and mercy for all beings' (21:108).

The Prophetic teachings work to refine the humans by making them mindful of the Divine expectations of a life lived in absolute certainty of personal responsibility and accountability for all our deeds. It seeks to cultivate within the believer the  spirit of fairness, justice, kindness, compassion, benevolence and residual goodwill for all living beings who share the world with him/her. In seeking to obtain the approval of a Merciful Divine, a believer spreads kindness and compassion for all and would not cause harm or injury to anyone- fellow humans, the animals or the natural environment. In addition to insisting on justice and fairness in all settings of life, the Prophet of Islam taught people to develop beneficial solidarity across our differences- class,  race, language, nation, etc.- in a spirit of goodness and equity, and thereby respect the Will of God reflecting through the magnificent diversity in His creations in this world  

Reproduced Below are some of the Qur'anic verses, and the sacred traditions and sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) that address the larger theme of Divine Mercy, and also  extracts from the final sermon of the Holy Prophet (sa) on enduring values for a just society: 

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Inner Peace in A Troubled World

The State of Man in Our Times

The world is developing at breakneck speed. It is constantly modernizing, becoming smaller and less life-size, becoming closer to people like a round table where the whole world can reunite and communicate and share their ideas and lives. But with the race for power and wealth, the rich are getting richer. The poor are getting poorer. And the world continues to exist until the One Creator decides otherwise.

Rich or poor, everyone tries to live in their own way. But how many of us ponder over what health, recreation, food, and tranquillity cost to the inhabitants of a country? But above all, how much of their precious time do they devote in remembrance of the Creator through prayer. The rich have almost no problem in living their lives quietly. The poor, on the other hand, have to work harder to try to make ends meet. This class of population of any country will always remain in poverty with its multiple problems - famine, sickness, housing, unemployment.

However, people, whatever their situation, live. They try to live. Maybe some people want death because they are crushed by poverty and misery. But life or death does not depend on us. It is the exclusive prerogative of Allah Ta’ala.

But then why so much worries, so many misfortunes? ... Does Allah Ta’ala, the Unique Creator, Who knows and controls everything, not love us? Does He not appreciate our way of life, our way of doing things? Not really, according to a Hadith of our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). It is rather that we humans, especially those of the Ummah forget too quickly our obligations to the Creator. So everything turns upside down. When the situation changes, life becomes destabilized. Stress, anxiety, anger, worry, doubt take place.

A World of Dizzying Inequality 

So why the vast majority of the world’s population lives in poverty and a very small percentage, being extremely rich controls everything in this temporal world? Some who feel that they are so powerful because of their fortune, think they are half-gods. But let it be clear. Rich or poor we always live in the same fear, the same anguish, the same anxiety.

We live today in the 21st century, a time of confusion where materialism (i.e. people with materialistic minds) prevails everywhere, including within the Ummah. Material comfort is only useful to us here on earth. What have we prepared for the afterlife? Are we preparing enough for it? Here on earth, it is total confusion leading to wounded hearts, broken with the weakened soul.

We only have to follow the medical news - to get information about the world of medicines (pharmaceutical drugs). Scientists only produce drugs of all kinds to combat stress - the disease of the modern world, to combat anxiety, anger, nervousness, etc. The medications prescribed which are used in high doses sometimes have side effects. The situation gets complicated. Whether he is rich or poor, whether he gets treatment at the private clinic or the public hospital, the patient does not find the desired happiness or if he gets it, it is very precarious. He then turn to diabolical, satanic treatments that only worsen the situation, while there is only an effective remedy, very effective indeed, freely offered but neglected, forgotten, cast aside: a CALL TO ALLAH TA’ALA.

Turn to Your Creator

Yes, turn to HIM, The Saviour, The Healer, The Protector, The Merciful. He offers all the remedies. Without fees. Without an appointment. He only asks us one thing: to think of HIM at all times. He is here to listen to us. All we sick people have to do is to have unreserved faith and piety. Believe in Him, in His remedies, in His miracles. Are we ready for this?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Just World under Islam

Working Toward World Peace

Wa laa tufsiduu fil-‘ardi ba’-da ‘is-laahihaa wad-‘uhuu khawfaww-wa tama-‘aa: ‘inna Rahmatallaahi qariibum-minal Muhsiniin. Do no mischief on the earth after it has been set in order and call upon Him in fear and hope. Surely, the mercy of Allah is near to those who do good. (7: 57)

Wa ‘izaa qiila lahum laa tufsiduu fil-‘ardi' qaaluuu ‘in-namaa nahnu mus-lihuun. And when it is said to them, ‘Create not disorder in the earth’ and they say, ‘We are only promoters of peace.’ (2: 12).

It is no longer a secret that in this age of science and technology, man has the capacity to destroy this earth many times over. If mankind wants to avoid this catastrophe then it can do so only by adopting the Islamic teachings which are based on the concept of a lasting universal peace. In fact the religion of Islam is the only faith which has severely condemned any activity which is likely to disturb peace. From the verses of the Holy Quran which I have recited in the beginning, it is clear that Islam places great importance on the maintenance of peace and deprecates all acts which are likely to disturb it whether in the domestic, national or international spheres. The marvellous thing about Islamic precepts is that they are always of universal applications. This confirms the fact that the Holy Prophet of Islam was raised as a mercy for all mankind. Almighty God says in the Holy Quran:

And We have not sent you but as a mercy for all mankind. (21: 108).

And We have not sent you but as a bearer of glad tidings to all mankind and as a Warner, but most men do not know. (34: 29).

Challenges to World Peace Today

Let us now identify some of the causes of the disturbance of peace in the world today and the remedies provided by Islam. Perhaps it would be better to start with nationalism and racism before I explain other relevant subjects like exploitation, greed, hypocrisy, class struggle, international relations and treaties.

Nationalism and Racialism: The political unit in the modern world is the nation state. The problem is to know how such a state is to be defined and what is the character of its relationship with other states? Whatever it is, nationalism has become a complex and compelling faith for which men have died and conquered. It has become more of a curse than a blessing. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Living Faith: Bond with People

And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive, 


'We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. 
We wish not from you reward or gratitude. (76: 9-10)

After the worship (Ibaadat) of Allah, the Quran has put much emphasis also on ‘Khidmat Khalq’, that is, Service to Humanity. Verily, these two (that is to say, the worship of Allah and love for humanity) form part of religion. Bear in mind that it’s not two different subjects, but they are actually two branches of the same tree. 

The more you understand the meaning of Ibaadat and the more you worship Allah, then automatically the more your relationship with humans also shall continue to strengthen. Therefore, these two branches grow together, side by side. It is not possible that a branch of worship (Ibaadat) of Allah grows and blooms, while the branch of relationship with humans becomes dry and leaves room for thorns, etc.

If ever it is like that, then your Ibaadat shall prove to be in vain. It also means that you have not even understood the true meaning of Ibaadat. It shall be therefore a deception on your part if you think you are trying to accomplish the Ibaadat of Allah, because the one who accomplishes Ibaadat of Allah, he has no other option than to establish good relationships with humans. So in this context Ibaadat help you a lot to develop and strengthen your relationships with humans. And this is a way to recognize a sincere Ibaadat. At least on the human level you can recognize it because you will certainly not perceive it at Allah’s level, from the standpoint of Allah. But certainly at the human level, you can easily recognize the sincere Ibaadat, and that recognition shall be possible through the exercise of excellent moral qualities. Moreover, the right treatment you do to Allah’s creatures, with the poor, with those who are in need are indeed signs to show that your Ibaadat are similarly being accepted by Allah.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Islam and World Affairs

Contemporary Politics of Global Dominance

In light of the persecution against Muslims around the world, the ambition for world domination was largely the cause of the present evils. It divided the world into two major blocks with their satellites, satellites which change camps according to their advantage. There is a race for armaments. Science has evilly leagued itself in the manufacture of new weapons, more and more lethal. The world is now in a constant fear of a third world war, a war which, if broke, will certainly destroy the beautiful land of Allah with the super civilization that its inhabitants have produced over the centuries of hard work.

The adoption of a global system of Islamic government alone can relieve this high voltage. With such a system, all states have an equal opportunity to move freely and independently, each according to its own traditions, customs and temperament. No state or group of states no extension cannot feed and maintain, according to this system, aggressive designs against another state or group of states. A unified world government can be created if all states/countries are grouped in a Commonwealth and works.

Peace and the Collective Security of Nations

Of course this is an ideal condition, an end (for one and all) to ardently wish for. Islam envisages a more united organization where one can submit disputes between states/countries or state groups. The Refractory member who refuses to submit to the decision of the organization must be led by military intervention to comply with the discipline practiced by other member states. And if two parties of believers fall prey to fighting, then just as the Quran teaches us: “make peace between them. If one of them rebels against the other, fight the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah. If it complies, then make peace between them with justice and be fair: for Allah loves the just.” (49: 10)