Contemporary Politics of Global Dominance

The adoption of a global system of Islamic government alone can relieve this high voltage. With such a system, all states have an equal opportunity to move freely and independently, each according to its own traditions, customs and temperament. No state or group of states no extension cannot feed and maintain, according to this system, aggressive designs against another state or group of states. A unified world government can be created if all states/countries are grouped in a Commonwealth and works.
Peace and the Collective Security of Nations
Of course this is an ideal condition, an end (for one and all) to ardently wish
for. Islam envisages a more united organization where one can submit disputes
between states/countries or state groups. The Refractory member who refuses to
submit to the decision of the organization must be led by military intervention
to comply with the discipline practiced by other member states. And if two
parties of believers fall prey to fighting, then just as the Quran teaches us: “make
peace between them. If one of them rebels against the other, fight the one that
transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah. If it complies, then
make peace between them with justice and be fair: for Allah loves the just.” (49:
“And do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to
[some] categories of them, (it’s being but) the splendour of worldly life by
which We test them. And the provision of your Lord is better and more
enduring.” (20: 132)
It may be mentioned here that the modern United Nations by experience was forced to differ from its predecessor, the League of Nations through its projects and methods, and was thus able to avoid the dangers in many spheres. Although the goal is still far away, however, a step forward has certainly been done. Is it not the tacit adoption and implementation of the Islamic system as outlined in the following verses of the Holy Quran?
Islam and the flowering of Human Progress
From what has been written and said, it is clear that Islam is a religion more
practical than speculative. This is not a scholastic philosophy, or even a
theology, despite that it consists of both. It discourages the hassle of
obscure medieval schools (of thoughts). It is a rule of conduct, a way of life.
Its practicality which is its superior element has allowed Islam to have a
beneficial influence and become a source of civilization through its historic
1) Intellectually in science and philosophy, it brought much light in many parts of the world;
2) Morally, it
established the sanctity and inviolability of human relations;
3) Spiritually, it
helped man to know each other and to learn how to live by Allah, in Allah and
for Allah.

Like Allah taught us in the Holy
Quran (2: 202):
“Rabbana atina fid-dunya
hassantaww-wa fil-aakhirati hassanataww-wakina azaaban-naar.” (Our
Lord! Bestow upon us the goods of this world and those of the hereafter and
shield us from the punishment of the fire). Ameen.
This does not mean that Islam is not without idealism. But its idealism is not light and ethereal: it is concrete; it has a body and soul and is strengthened by a rigid realism. Moral and spiritual values are harmoniously mixed. The fibre of Islam is tied in a deep faith in God, the One, the Almighty (Allah) in a love for humanity.
Islam and the Future of World Order
Islam is now in the 15th century and now we are in 1435 Hijri and history has recorded the stages of its progress during this period. It revealed its magnificent virility and ability to survive. It is by no means a spent force, as some critics prejudicially believe. It is not at all outdated. Even in this time of crisis and tension, we use its teachings to bring the boat to the port of civilization.
Those who have eyes to see can see how well, by
force of circumstances, the world is approaching, consciously or unconsciously,
to the Islamic ideals. It is an ongoing process. And there is no need to be a
prophet to say that in the future the cooperation of Islam shall be sought all
the more in all serious attempts to establish the new order, the kingdom of
heaven, the longed dream of the Messengers of Allah, saints and philosophers.
May Allah help us all Muslims and all people in general to work together to
achieve this new order which promises an internal and external peace for man
throughout the world. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
-Extracts from the Friday Sermon of March 14, 2014 by the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius
-Extracts from the Friday Sermon of March 14, 2014 by the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius