‘Will a Mujaddid come after You?’
A man asked this pertinent question to the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as) on 29 September 1905, before
noon. And he [the Promised Messiah] replied:
“What is wrong with a Mujaddid
coming after me? The
prophethood of Moses (as) had come to an end, and that is why his chain of
successors ended with Jesus (as). However, the dispensation of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (sa) will last till the Day of Judgment through the Mujaddidin who will arise in it till the
Day of Judgment. As long as the Day of Judgment withholds its
destruction, there is no doubt that someone else could come. We most certainly
do not deny that good and righteous people will continue to come, and then all
of a sudden the Day of Judgment will come.” ( Ruhani Khaza’in, p. 16180 , Malfoozat.
volume 4, page 452; (2008 edn.)
Despite the existence and vital presence of
this important instruction from the Promised Massih (as) in his writings, endorsed
by the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya through its own series of publications, the Ahmadi
scholars today challenge common sense. They assault the intellects of Ahmadis
and their spiritual expectations. The Ulema and the chiefs declare with their own
mouths that no Mujaddid will ever come, even in a new century of Islam. They, thus,
foreclose the possibility of any discussion on spiritual blessings possible in
this age. The hedonistic elites of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in Mauritius enforce
the policy of intimidation and social stigma on those who wish to know about the
new Divine Manifestation.
I ask these arrogant people who are taking
themselves as great scholars in the Jamaat
Ahmadiyya : Where have they seen that they must
establish boycott? Is there a Quranic verse which stipulates to boycott someone
who receives divine revelations and those who have believed in the revelations
which he is receiving from Allah, and to expel them from the Jamaat Ahmadiyya
and boycott them?
Prove this to me, or even show me a Hadith
on this subject. Prove if you can, and prove also if even their family members
had to break ties (of kinship) with them and not to greet them Salam and not to
invite them. What law have they applied? The Quranic law? The rulings of Hazrat
Muhammad (saw) and Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as)? The law of
the country?
by Family Elites in the Mauritius Jamaat
Or have they invented their own laws to make
people fear them, because the Jamaat
Ahmadiyya of Mauritius is governed by only a handful of families: Taujoo,
Jowahir, Sookia etc.? As
if there exist no other people in this Jamaat who can take care of the Jamaat
Ahmadiyya in Mauritius.
go by, new years come, the same people are found at the head of the Jamaat! In the several programmes also, they are the ones to come forward to
get honour, as if there are no other wise people, even better than them, who
can come and address them on the question of religion! This is a Jamaat which is managed only by a handful of families, family
Class Divide in the Jamaat
The common people (who hold low rank in their eyes) in the Jamaat are the ones who
must wash the degues (i.e. big
recipient use to cook ‘Briani’), and other dishes, clean the hall, arrange
chairs for functions etc. These peoples are looked down upon by these arrogant
people. The problem of small/poor
families is of no interest to them, and if these people happens to be their
blood, their family, then they will do everything in their power to save
the honour of their family.
work to stop others from accessing/knowing the truth. They wish that others listen to them, and take them as great “Burzuq” (learned and wise ones). They
seek grandeur and they speak arrogantly against the servants of Allah, where
the hatred they harbour is clearly apparent from their mouth, but what their
hearts conceal is worst.
seekers of truth who have the fear of Allah in their hearts must see that Allah
(swt) has rendered clear His signs for you and if you are endowed
with intelligence and the fear of only Allah in your hearts, then you shall
witness those signs.
Politics of the Elites: Legitimating
monoploy over Knowledge and Authority
You have respect and love for them because
they hold authority in the Jamaat and you think that all that they do is
according to the teachings of Allah, His Rasul (saw) and His Messiah
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). You are obeying them in what they
are telling you, but as for them, they consider themselves as exceptional ones,
and even if trampling the divine teachings are to their (material) advantage,
then they shall not hesitate to do so. And they make you believe that you are
all one, one Jamaat, but if you point to them their serious faults/blunders,
then this do not please them at all, because from their point of view, you just
cannot know more than them. Only them who are the true possessor of knowledge
(Mr. Know Everything) and when they look at you, they bite the tips of their
fingers with rage against you. It is only Allah (swt) who knows what
their hearts conceal. And after that, they are the same people who will tell
you, our motto is: “Love for All, Hatred
for None.”
Usurping and Perpetuating All Benefits for their own
These kinds of people always take themselves
as superior and they consider that it is only them who possess knowledge,
riches, great work posts, great families. All people should according to them
respect them, even though they make plans to climb the organisational ladder to
the detriment of others who merit the post in their workplace.
They don’t hesitate to hurt the feelings of
others, by trickery getting the place of the others in the workplace, so long
as they are the ones to get better pay, cars and other priviledges which come
along with the promotion, as if they are the ones who are the true bosses. When
such person walks, he puffs his chest, and walks boastfully. He thinks that by
doing so, he will come to the summit of mountains and for this type of
imbeciles, if something good overcomes you, this makes them sad, but if
something bad overtakes you, they are the first to rejoice, to laugh.
Seekers: Be Brave and Do not Despair
If you put your trust in your Creator and you turn to
Allah, their mockeries cannot affect you in the least. On the contrary, Allah (swt) encircles them in all that
they do. It is in Allah that those who have faith must place their trust, not
in arrogant creatures who seek grandeur.
Those who put their trust in Allah, show
themselves patient and seek the protection of Allah, then even if your enemy
attacks you by surprise now, Allah shall not neglect you and He shall come to
your rescue.
وَ اللّٰہُ یُحِبُّ الۡمُحۡسِنِیۡنَ ۚ
Wallahu yuhibbul Muhsiniin. “Allah loves the doers of good.”
of the Elite
Allah loves those who do good, not those who
create discord, havoc, and hatred in the hearts of people. Allah does not love
also those who say to boycott the believers in the Divine Manifestation. The
believers who have the fear of Allah in their hearts are not among those who
lose courage. They do not despair when they see the so-called wise people
create discord in their imbelicity and jealousy. They are not those to listen
to these people to implement boycott; they greet Salam. On the contrary, they
rejoice when they realise that such oppositions and instructions (to boycott)
come when there is verily the advent of a Messenger of Allah, and the believers
know that it is Allah and His Messengers who shall be victorious in the end.
Do not let the actions and the apparent
prosperity of the proud people in the Jamaat of Massih Ma’ud (as) fool
you. Those are whose enjoyment is short-lived. Neither their riches, nor their
children can ever make them independent from Allah and their humiliation shall
be found in their children, wealth, jobs on which they take great pride. The
more Allah (swt) enable them to reach high, then bear in mind that
falling from great height proves to be fatal.
No Concern for Ensuring
The injustice they did with the common/poor
people, it is with injustice itself that they have settled the score between
themselves, to cause harm to those who have the fear of Allah in their hearts,
and verily Allah says in the following verse:
مَنۡ یَّفۡعَلۡ ذٰلِکَ عُدۡوَانًا وَّ ظُلۡمًا فَسَوۡفَ نُصۡلِیۡہِ نَارًا ؕ وَ
کَانَ ذٰلِکَ عَلَی اللّٰہِ یَسِیۡرًا
Wa mayy-yaf-al zaalika udwaanaww-wa zulman-fa-sawfa
nusliihi naara : wa kaana zaalika alallahi yasiira.
whoever does that in rancour and injustice, then shall We cast him into the
Fire: And easy it is for Allah.”
Allah (swt) does not love the
traitors, boastful, injustice and jealously scheming to harm others. There
shall definitely be ‘azaabam-muhiina’, a humiliating chastisement for them.
Allah (swt) is not unjust, even
as little as the size of an ant, but these people take themselves as greater
than the Creator on earth and they consider themselves purer than others. Allah
(swt) says in the Holy Quran:
اَلَمۡ تَرَ اِلَی
الَّذِیۡنَ یُزَکُّوۡنَ اَنۡفُسَہُمۡ ؕ بَلِ اللّٰہُ یُزَکِّیۡ مَنۡ یَّشَآءُ وَ
لَا یُظۡلَمُوۡنَ فَتِیۡلًا
‘Alam tara ‘ilallaziina yuzakkuuna ‘anfusahum?
Balillaahhu yuzakkii mayy-yashaaa-‘u wa laa yuzlamuuna fatiilaa.
you not seen those who claim themselves to be pure? Rather, Allah purifies whom
He wills, and never will they fail to receive justice in the least little
Allah (swt) does not do any
injustice to anybody, even the least, shall not be done to you, and bear in
mind that the earthly pleasures are only temporary, and that it is life after
death which is better for those who tread on the path of Allah, and who do not
harm anybody, and who neither implement boycott nor stop greeting others Salam.
Those who do the opposite (i.e. implement boycott and stop bidding Salam), they
are the ones who speak against the commandments of Allah, the traditions of the
Holy Prophet (saw) and the teachings of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as).
Elites can evade
Justice, while the Poor get implicated
When a poor family (in
the Jamaat) faults, there is immediate sanction, action against him. When a poor family is facing a problem, there is no time allocated
to listen to their problem and to help them, whereas the latter takes these
so-called chiefs as great “Burzuq” in
the Jamaat, listen to them and obey them. They (the common people) will neither
read the Holy Quran nor study the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad (saw)
and those of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as). But they are ready to listen
to these so-called chiefs to apply boycott against their own family members.
the other hand, an idolatrous person or a great enemy of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as)
can be invited. There shall be no boycott applied on these people, and nobody
will stand up and leave the place and Nikah shall
not be done in a jiffy, as if speeding on a motorcycle. For these kinds of people, they are allowed to receive them and
treat them well, but as for the one who has accepted the Divine Manifestation
and who is found in the Jamaat of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as), for him
there is the application of boycott!
Boycott Policy: the Official
is behind the scene and Vakil-e-Ala Chaudry Hamidullah takes the initiative and
says the instruction comes from the Khalifa. An
ambiguous letter (Boycott? or, No Boycott?), circulated for nearly 10 years
(2004-2014) whereby even the Ahmadis do not know the exact interpretation of “social relationship” that their Khalifa
and small deputy chiefs meant to say. Is it a coded message for only those
Ahmadis in favour of the Khalifa elected by man to understand? Or are they
doing on purpose to not understand? Here are some points mentioned in the letter/circular (26 May 2004):
Ø Those who have been penalized by the Jamaat should never be invited
in the social and other functions of the Jamaat members.
Ø One can be on speaking terms with them (the penalized ones) but
never to cultivate social relationship with them.
Ø Such people are not to be completely boycotted, but it is important
to make them realize their error.
Ø Their contributions like Chanda, etc. are not to be accepted.
Ø They should not be invited to participate in social gatherings, so that
they may feel remorse for their wrongdoing and repent and offer istighfaar.
Ø The office bearers of Jamaat and the Auxiliary Organization should
immediately walk out of marriage ceremonies at which rites/rituals as are
against the spirit of Islam and Ahmadiyyat are practiced.
Implementation of the Policy
The majority of narrow-minded Ahmadis took a
great initiative to implement that document and even went beyond what the
circular/letter asked of them, and they established their own idea of what
boycott should be applied. Why? This is because they love their Khalifa too
much. The Khalifa now comes before the commandments of Allah.
Islamic Teachings versus the
Directive of the Khalifa
v Would you then, if you were put in authority,
work corruption in the land and sever your ties of kinship? Such are the men
whom Allah has cursed and He has made them deaf and blinded their sight. (47: 23-24)
- When the
Khalifa says, to speak but not to maintain social relations, what does he
mean? While talking, can one greet with Salam? Is a Salam classified in
“speaking” or “social relations”?
- Allah says not
to break ties of kinship, blood relations. Khalifa says, do not invite
“those who have been penalized”, which means, even if they are family
members, therefore not to invite them in functions like weddings and the
other functions? What kinds of functions are being insinuated here? Jamaat
functions or familial functions? If it is Jamaat functions, do wedding
ceremonies form part of individual/familial functions or Jamaat functions?
- Allah has
rightly said that it is those who are put in power/authority who shall try
to create dissensions even among families. And Allah has cursed them, and
these are people who are spiritually deaf and blind.
In fact, deep within them, they know the
truth which comes from Allah, but they restrict the people of the Jamaat from
recognising this truth, because this shall mean goodbye for these so-called
chiefs to the posts they presently hold! They try to instil overwhelming love
for the Khalifa in the hearts of people so that the love of and for Allah does
not have any effect on them. Therefore, whose work is that? Allah or Shaytan? Who
likes to create dissensions? Allah or Shaytan?
v When
you are greeted with a greeting, then greet with a better than it or return it.
Surely Allah takes account of all things. (4 : 87)
v Say
not to any one who offers you a salutation: “You are not a believer!” (4: 95)
The Messenger of Allah (saw)
has said: “Those who are nearest to Allah
are they who are first to give a salutation.” (Abu Dawud)
The Messenger of Allah (saw)
has said: “You
will not enter paradise until you believe and you love each other. Shall I
teach you a way, which if you do shall enable you to love one another? Spread
Peace (Salam) among you.” (Bukhari)
“It is not lawful for a Muslim to sever relations with his brother
for more than three nights, (It is unlawful for
them that) when they meet, one of them turns his face away from the other, and
the other turns his face from the former, and the better of the two will be the
one who greets the other first.” (Bukhari)
Salutation in Islam diminishes
arrogance and pride, and both have no place in Islam. To destroy these,
practice Salam as often as possible. The Holy Prophet (saw) said:
“The one
to greet the first is free of pride”. (Bukhari)
Hazrat Muhammad (sa) went
as far as to say:
“When you pass by the people inclined
to evil, greet them, their malice and hatred towards you shall disappear.” (Bukhari).
If the Holy Prophet (saw) came to
say such words for those who did harm, who are you then, Oh the so-called heads
of the Jamaat of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as) to incite the Ahmadis to
hatred against their brothers and sisters from among the believers? What evil
and malice are there in us that more than 10 years the instruction to boycott
us has been instituted for the Ahmadis not to have anything with us and not to
invite us, their families who are found in the Divine Manifestation? If you talk
islamically (Islamically speaking), is boycott of 10 years then Islamic? Is it found in Quran
and Sunnah?
v And
when guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance - there will be
no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. (2: 39)
v And
whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger - those will be with the ones upon whom
Allah has bestowed favour of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth,
the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions. (4: 70)
v And
(will send him) to others of them who have not yet joined them… (62:
v Khalifa says, do not boycott “them” completely, but it is important
to make them realise their error! Had the disciples of the prophets and
reformers of Allah in the past done wrong when they recognised and accepted the
veracity of these divinely appointed messengers? Had the Khalifa and the
Ahmadis themselves, as well as the Sahaba of the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad (as) done an error when they recognised and accepted Hazrat
Massih Ma’ud (as) as a truthful claimant and now they are his
followers and they are being called “Ahmadi Muslims”?
v If that was really an “error” like the Khalifa elected by man is
saying, then the Sunni and the other Muslim sects are completely right to have
boycotted and persecuted Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as) and his followers!
They also wanted the followers of Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as) to realise
their “error” and “return back” to Islam – as if, when people accept the
Promised Messiah (as), then they have gone beyond the pale of Islam.
That is why they made efforts so that the Ahmadis abandon their belief in Hazrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), doTawba
(repent to Allah) and “return” to Islam!
of a Mujaddid: Time for Introspection
“Whenever a servant of God appeared at the turn
of each century as a Reformer, the ignorant people vehemently opposed him and
strongly detested any attempt to correct the errors which had become a part of
their habit and custom. Still, God
Almighty did not abandon His practice”.
-Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as) (Lecture
Sialkot - Page 1-2 / Roohani Khazain v.20 p.202)
Oh the Ahmadis who like to reflect, not with narrowmindness
but with “aqal” which Allah has given
you, don’t you see that history, mentioned in Quran and Sunnah is being
repeated? Don’t you know that the Mujaddid that
Hazrat Muhammad (saw) has promised for His Ummah at the head of each
century must appear? Did Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as) not also say that
he is not the only Promised Messiah, and that even (more than) 10,000 Promised Messiahs can come after him? If your
Khalifa elected by man is insinuating that he is himself the Mujaddid, was
there a day when he took the name of Allah, declaring on oath that it is Allah
who has raised him as Mujaddid and that Allah is talking with him? Think a
litte over this...
Types of Khulafa in the Jamaat

as Intermediaries: Offering ‘Istighfaar’ to the Khalifa?
And we must not forget the ‘advice’ which
this Khalifa, through his Vakil-e-Ala has said, that those people (the
penalized ones) should offer ‘Istigfaar’. Let’s make as if we really made
an “error”. Therefore, to whom should we have asked for forgiveness, doing
Isfigfaar? To Allah, or Khalifa?
I still do not forget the words of the
ex-so-called Amir who passed a message to tell me to come forward and write a
little letter asking the Khalifa for forgiveness, and to leave all in his
hands; he shall do the maximum to settle the matter in my favour before the
Khalifa (he know how to settle things!). Just like the Christian priests
where people come to confess before them and these priests just spring over
them some “blessed” water, and say ‘All
your sins are now forgiven!’
Who do they – the 4th and 5th Khalifa, along with their deputy chiefs – think they are? Christian priests? Or “Iznogood” (Is no Good) who wants to become caliph in place of the caliph?
They are playing God on earth!
Who do they – the 4th and 5th Khalifa, along with their deputy chiefs – think they are? Christian priests? Or “Iznogood” (Is no Good) who wants to become caliph in place of the caliph?
They are playing God on earth!