In the revealing testimonial of Mukarram Zafrullah Domun Sahib, one could read one such revelation: “O Muhyi-ud-Din, arise and create a new world! The teachings of the Promised Messiah have been trampled to dust…. They give khilafat more importance than My divine words (Holy Quran), the sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) and the teachings of the second Issa (the Promised Messiah).
the last few years, we have recorded and testified in the Blog to several
aspects of the Divine Manifestation and its early days, and also the remarkable
parallels one can see with the messages and revelations received by the Promised
Massih Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian in the previous era.
It is instructive to note that the Promised Massih (as) explained, in some
parts of his writings, the meaning of the creation of new earth and space with the advent of a Divine
the Extracts from the writings of the Promised Massih (as):
one occasion I saw in a vision that I created a new heaven and a new earth and
then I said: ‘Let
us now create man’.
Thereupon the stupid Maulvis raised a clamour that I had claimed to be God;
whereas the meaning of this vision was that through me, God would bring
about such a change as if heaven and earth have been renewed and true men have
been created’. - [Chashma-e-Masih, RK,
20:375-376,f.n.; Essence of Islam- IV, 89]
will come to pass because the earth had been corrupted and people have lost
faith in the Creator of the heavens and the earth. People pay lip service to
Him, but their hearts are estranged from Him. That is why God has said He will
create a new heaven and a earth. This
means that the earth is dead, that is to say, the hearts of the people of the
earth have become so hardened as if they are dead, for the face of God has
become hidden from them and all heavenly signs that had been shown in the past
have become like myths. So God has designed to create a new heaven and a new
What is the new heaven? And what is the new earth? The new earth consists of the pure hearts that God is preparing with His own hand, which will be manifested by God and through whom God will be made manifest. The new heaven consists of the signs which are being manifested by His command at the hand of His servant. It is a pity that the world has become hostile to this new manifestation of God. They have nothing with them except ancient tales and their own fancies have become their god. Their hearts are benumbed, their resolves are weary, and their eyes are veiled.’ -[Kishti-e-Nuh, RK: 19:7; Essence of Islam- IV, 89-90].