Where a man is pure of heart,
He does not need multiple miracles:
One single sign is enough to lead such a one,
To the right path, if there be
The Fear of God in the heart!
- Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Part V
“If the world witnesses at any time.... if sees at any time that those who deny me has overcome those who believe in me, then, you may conclude that I was an impostor....”
He does not need multiple miracles:
One single sign is enough to lead such a one,
To the right path, if there be
The Fear of God in the heart!
- Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Part V
“If the world witnesses at any time.... if sees at any time that those who deny me has overcome those who believe in me, then, you may conclude that I was an impostor....”
-Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra) on his claim of
being Musleh Maoud
In recent weeks, many people ask a
question: what is the outcome of the Mubahila Challenge launched by Imam
Muhyi-ud-Din Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius against Abdul Ghaffar Janbah
Sahib, Mansur Ahmed Sahib and their Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Islah-Pasand?
In a speech on February 20,
2014 Hadhrat Sahib (atba) of Mauritius eloquently explained the prophecy on Musleh Maoud in its classical setting,
traditional explanations over it in the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and also its interpretative
possibilities in the contemporary context of the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius.
The circumstances behind, and
conditionalities of, the Mubahila
Challenge was also dealt with, while reminding the world that the opponent
parties cannot escape from the fact that “the truthful and the truth must triumph”: “And
you cannot prevent it from happening”.
Some people, however, have already reached
their own “conclusions” about the apparent, perceived/alleged “failure” of the Mubahila
to lead to the “destruction” of either of the parties to the challenge!
instance, Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Malik wrote in a widely circulated e-mail:
“One thing has come out like broad day light as a result of Mubahila
challenge between Abdul Ghaffar Janbah and Munir Mohyi-ud-din at the end of the
prescribed term of two years on Feb 16, 2014...
both parties claim Allah (swt)
talks to them. In other words, they are blessed with Mukalima and Mukhtiba...
unfortunately all those fervent prayers for the destruction of other party were
not heard by Allah. One can therefore conclude that either their Allah is Nauzubillah deaf or these both the
claimants are misguided. Both cannot be true at the same time. But both can be
false and imposters at the same time” (changes supplied, for clarity).
Mushtaq Malik sahib is simply off the mark in his premises and blinkered in his conclusions. He puts both the
claimants on an equal footing in a ‘battle’ over which both parties radically and
fundamentally differ. Through the apparent ‘balancing’ act, he places himself
on the lofty ‘neutral’ plane. And yet, he is completely in agreement with one
party (the Janbah Sahib) on the question in dispute, in terms of his actual
loyalties! His failure to perceive or recognize the truth of the Muhyi-ud-Din (atba)
is evident from this blurring of vision induced by the visceral hatred of Hadhrat
Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (ra), whose truthfulness of the claim of being
the Musleh Maoud, was the subject of the present Mubahila.
There is a simple test that
critics like Mushtaq Malik can profitably apply in understanding the truth of
the Mubahila. This test was laid down by none other than the man who claimed to
be the Musleh Maoud- Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (ra) to test the
veracity of his claim or to seek the proof of his being an impostor! (God
In a series of public speeches
in 1944, Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra) explained the prophecy on Musleh Maoud and
the ways in which the prophecy has been fulfilled in his own person. In a
meeting at Lahore on March 12, 1944, Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra) famously stated:

the Renaissance of Islam by Sir Zafrullah Khan, p.295-296)
Janbah Sahib and his party and
his people have been claiming for long that Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra) was “an impostor”
(God Forbid), who, in their view, falsely claimed to be the fulfilment of the
prophecy on Musleh Maoud. Mushtaq Malik
sahib has long been writing against
Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra). Even from his biased neutrality and jaundiced perception,
Malik sahib did not and could not find any evidence in favour and support of his own view, championed
by the Janbah Sahib in the Mubahila challenge.
In short, as famously put
forward by and challenged by Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra), those who deny the claim
of Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra) could not overcome those who believe in his claim
as truthful servant of Allah (twa) through this Mubahila challenge,
If Mushtaq Malik and other
sceptics/critics have any sense of spiritual perception left in them, they will
understand: Whenever a person seeks to
cast a stone on the Divine Elect, the “stone” itself will bear witness to the
truth of the Messenger!
After all, Allah (swa) is Subtle
and All-Aware.