Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ramadan: Training for True Life

The Departure of Ramadan 

The rules governing fasting are clearly defined. They must be applied with diligence and respect within the prescribed framework. Any trend beyond the prescribed limits must be discouraged and abandoned.

In fact, the real purpose of the fast, its meaning, and the spirit that animates it must dominate the heart during this sacred month. In few days, our special guest will bid us farewell. For believers, these are very sad moments because our special guest will leave us with great sorrow and sadness. Those who have benefited from this entire blessed month are very fortunate, as no one knows if next year how many of us will welcome this blessed month again.

In this month of Ramadan most of the believers have benefited enormously from these blessings by putting into practice all the Ibadat (acts of worship) prescribed by our Creator. So the month of Ramadan is a period of intense training for the next eleven months (Insha-Allah). Our hearing, sight, tongue, mind, all are subject to rigorous testing. Those who did not pray five times a day do so now. Those who did not wake up in the latter part of the night to offer prayers [Tahajjud & even Fajr], learn to do so. This discipline, practiced for a whole month, serves as a model for the next eleven months.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Covid-19 Prophecy and the Ahmadis

In an important message on 16 May 2020 ~ 22 Ramadan 1441 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, addresses certain recent allegations and insinuations being levelled by the maulvis and members of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya (Qadian) in India. By converting a moment of sorrow at the death of an elderly, and admittedly, long-ailing member of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Tamil Nadu in these Covid-times to parade their prejudices and hatred against the Divine mission of the Khalifatullah (aba) in this era; the Ahmadi mullahs in India have exposed their disgusting stupidity for all the world to see.

As graceless and repulsive as their pronouncements are, these decadent Ahmadis, in their own way, confirm the need for a Divine servant in these times, precisely to explain the Divine commandments on good conduct; to show them the path of ethical prudence and spiritual rectitudeIn this important message, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (aba) eloquently and beautifully accomplishes this task: teaching Ahmadis on how to read and understand prophecies; the fulfillment of Divine promises amidst worldly trials; reminding Ahmadis about their own history- especially how far they have come to resemble the tormentors of their spiritual father, the Promised Messiah (as), in the way they behave and the way they speak about their fellow brothers- the true believers! 

It is interesting to note that the present caliph of the Jamaat-e- Ahmadiyya- Khalifatul Massih V Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad- himself has rejected any personal claims of Divine revelations concerning the outbreak of the global pandemics, nor has he got any assurance of security from God in these turbulent days, and in fact, he has given subtle expression, in a recent interview, to his latent, personal fears of being contracted with the Covid-19 virus by pointing to the fact that the man-elected-caliphs in the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in the past contracted such deadly-diseases. Consider the refreshing contrast here: in his recent series of Friday Sermons as well as the special messages, Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir A. Azim (aba) clearly mentions Divine revelations on the topic containing dire warnings on the enemies of God, His messenger (sa), and His Khalifa (the Khalifatullah) in this era; glad tidings of security and tranquility for the sincere servants of God in the Jamaat of Allah; and the spiritual path forward for the benefit of all truth- seekers around the world, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.  

Read the Message Below: 

'Is it ever so, that, when there comes to you a messenger (from Allah) with that which you yourselves do not desire, you grow arrogant, and some you disbelieve and some you killed?' (Al-Baqara 2: 88).

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Many Rewards of Ramadan

The Night of Destiny and Spiritual Retreat- II

During the holy month of Ramadan, believers seek divine favours and all opportunities to draw closer to Allah (twa), through whatever Allah has ordained as Farz (obligatory) and Nafl (supererogatory) as well. The reward for a supererogatory work during Ramadan becomes equal to that of a compulsory work, and the compulsory work is rewarded even more.

As believers, we must always seek out all that is good for us in this world, and in the hereafter. We recite this prayer (duah) as follows: 

Rabbana atina fi d-dunya hassanatan w-wa fi-l-aakhirati hasanatan w-waqina ‘adhaba n-naar. 

Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire. [Ameen].

The believer always prays in this way [he recites this invocation often], where he seeks what will benefit his physical body in this world, and also what will benefit his soul, in the spiritual sense [in the field of spirituality]. And when one day he has to appear before Allah, he will come to Allah with a pure soul. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Promised Messiah and Imam Azim- I

In a recent essay in Malayalam, the respected Amir of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in South Kerala, Mukarram R. Jamaluddin Raother Saheb of Mathra, compiles together some very important extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiah Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian (1835-1908). These writings of the Promised Messiah (as) clearly establish that the descent of Divine revelations among human communities is a Sunnat Allah- a perennial practice of Allah (swt). From the times of Hadhrat Adam (as) onwards, God’s covenant with the Prophets included the duty on believers in every era to help and assist in the establishment of Tauheed on earth, by believing and following in the footsteps of the Divine Elects raised amongst them (Holy Qur'an, 03:82; 33:08, 02:39; 07:36). 

The Promised Messiah (as), through his writings, points out that the door of Divine revelations shall remain open till the Day of Judgement, and that the sincere and steadfast servants of God in every era shall have the opportunity to receive the special blessing and favours of God, like Allah (swt) bestowed upon His perfect devotees in the past- the Prophets; the Truthful in their belief, words and deeds; the Bearers of Testimony to the truth of the religion of Allah  by their words and deeds,; the Martyrs and the Righteous who stick to the right course under all circumstances (HQ, 01: 06-07; 04:70).

‘Do not think that God’s revelation is a thing of the past (The Holy Quran has perfected the Law of God, but this has not brought an end to revelation, for it is the life of a true religion. Any religion which is devoid of ongoing divine revelation is dead and forsaken by God) and that the Holy Spirit can no longer descend as it did so in previous times. 

I tell you truthfully that all doors may close—but the one from which the Holy Spirit descends, never shuts. Open the doors of your hearts so that the Holy Spirit may enter it. By closing the window from which the ray of light enters, you distance yourself from this sun of your own accord. Unenlightened ones! Come forth and open this window so that the sun might itself enter you. God has not closed the paths of His worldly blessings in this age. Rather, He has increased them. Do you then think that the paths of the blessings of heaven, which you sorely need at this time, have been closed by Him? Most certainly not! Rather, this door is wide open. In Surah Al-Faatihah God has taught that the door to every single blessing of the past has been opened for you. Why then do you refuse to accept them?...’ 

---[Noah’s Ark by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, UK: Islam International Publications Ltd; 2018 edn,  pp 39-40]. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Laila-tul-Qadr and I'tikaaf

The Night of Destiny and Spiritual Retreat

In His infinite Wisdom, Allah (swt) has prescribed unalterable rules for His creatures ensuring them a dignified life in this world and blissful happiness in the hereafter.

Among these rules is fasting which He has ordained to successive communities of believers. Far from being reduced to abstinence from food, fasting must be accompanied by a mastery of the senses and more particularly of the tongue.

The spiritual exercise of fasting must demonstrate to man his ability to deprive himself for a [period of] time of what seemed essential to him. It must reveal to him that, in this domain, as in many others, he can have the power to do it [when there is a will, there is a way!] provided that the intention is firm and that the aim sought is the pleasure of Allah.

The purpose of such an act of worship has been clearly defined as the search for the state of reverential fear of God (piety, Taqwa) criterion of superiority of one individual over another. This quality is only measured by that of the works that bear witness to it.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Covid-19: Lockdown and Beyond

The present lockdown in Mauritius has been extended for the time being till the first of June 2020. My advice to the government is that it does not remove the lockdown all at once, but gradually, keeping in mind that this deadly virus is invisible and the situation, now somewhat stabilised in Mauritius will become chaotic if everything goes back to normal. 

Yet, in the present situation that we are living, things will no more be “normal” like before. A new era of life has come with new standards of living. 

Bear in mind that at the beginning of the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius, Allah revealed to me: “Arise and Create a New World”. We are presently seeing how this revelation will come to be fulfilled little by little. We are currently witnessing how the norms of the world and its way of life are changing. Perhaps Insha-Allah, this situation will cause the people to return back to Allah!

On the first of May 2020, Allah has again revealed to me that His destruction is coming. Destruction of a greater magnitude is coming. This revelation caused me to be greatly anxious. This revelation also stipulated the destruction of the enemies of Allah and of the Divine Manifestation of this era.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Kaja Mydeen Sahib (1937-2020)

Janab Kaja Mydeen Sahib (1937-2020), one of the senior-most members of the Jamaat-Ul-Sahih Al Islam in India and the patriarch of a large family of Jamaat members in Tamil Nadu, passed away at the age of 83 years at his home-town, Meleppalayam-Tirunelveli, this week, Innallilaahi wa inna ilayhi raajeeoun. 

The death of Janab Kaja Mydeen Sahib occurred against the backdrop of his age-related ailments getting aggravated at a time when India is facing multiple challenges of responding to the Covid-19 pandemic- including adequate facilities for accurate medical testing and other timely-intervention procedures. At a time when the pandemic has exacerbated the 'social virus' of fear and loathing; dehumanizing stereotyping and collective prejudices based on faith/group-based identities among myopic people, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (atba) of Mauritius, in his remarks at the Friday Sermon of 08 May 2020 ~14 Ramadan 1441 AH provides healing words for the bruised souls. May Allah (swt) forgive and elevate the status of the departed soul in Jannat-ul-Firdaus, and grant his family and dear ones all the strength to hold patience, to remain steadfast amidst the trials of faith, Aameen, Summa Aameen Ya Rabbi'l Aalameen. 

Read the Announcement Below: 

'...I announce the sad news of the death of the father of my dear disciple K.M. Saleem Sahib, yesterday 07 May 2020. His name was Kaja Mydeen [Khawja Mohyuddin] (like his son). He was 8 [3] years old. During my visit to India in the year 2018, I had met him, and after this meeting he made the decision to integrate the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam just like his sons, his wife and his entire family [except for one of his daughters]. Exactly one year ago, he fell seriously ill and his family informed me of his critical condition and saw a miracle when he recovered. Alhamdulillah. Admittedly, this was only a reprieve from Allah, and after exactly one year (May 07, 2019-2020), his time arrived and Allah took him with Him (same decreed date – 07 May). Innallilaahi wa inna ilayhi raajeeoune.