Sunday, July 28, 2019

Calling people to God- III

The Qualities of A Dai-i-Allah  

A Dai-i-Allah’s (the one who does the Dawat-i-Allah – i.e. invite people to Allah) mission is to give the message of Allah to the people, calling them to Allah alone. He should never call people to mundane attractions or to take advantage of all things which do not have any relation/ link with the messages of Allah. In other words, [what I am trying to say] he should not use the name of Allah to seek any mundane favour, to fulfill personal worldly desires.

In the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, there should be people – we should be people – who call the world to Allah and this is indeed the true goal of Dawat-i-Allah : to increase the number of people by making them know the message of Allah and to bring them in that very path which shall lead them to Allah (swt), not the path of make-believe and deception, because there are such types of people who instead of doing the Dawat-i-Allah, they try to fool the people [ensnaring them], asking them to listen to them to make them integrate their Jamaat/ communities by promising them worldly riches. This kind of invitation is not a real invitation to Allah. On the contrary, your call should all the time be one which provides the people spiritual riches, providing them the means to increase the level of their spirituality and that of others.

So, our call, our invitation is to Allah only. That is why, each member of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam should not put any other goal in the invitation to Allah (except Allah of course – our sole aim) so as not to spoil this spiritual invite. Your good deed shall prove that you are indeed calling people to Allah. If you accept the true religion, you should call people only to Allah, and you do not have the permission to hide the true [teachings of this] religion, for if you do this, you would not have accomplished your duty as a Dai-i-Allah (one who calls people to Allah). If you hide the truth coming from Allah and you establish yourselves on lies, this would definitely not be good words before the eyes of Allah. It would be a sin in God’s estimation. So, bear in mind that the Dawat-i-Allah is a great responsibility, a great engagement that you have undertaken.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Become A 'Dai-i- Allah'

Dawat-i-AllahPart II

Inviting people to the Divine Path: Duties of Jamaat Members

There is a group or section of people who present themselves completely before the Jamaat and they do the Dawat-i-Allah. There is another group who devotes little time to it, and there are others who present forward their wealth – which indeed they have got through much efforts – before Allah and in this way they think that by doing so, they are proving their claim of being Dai-Illallah as true; but Allah says: “It is necessary to present forward your own selves also.”

In other words : “present your being before anything else.” That is why each member of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam who are sacrificing their wealth but who cannot sacrifice their time, as taught to us in the Quran, is as if he has accepted a handicapped religion. It is as if he does not have one leg. He is handicapped. To spend one’s wealth in the path of Allah is praiseworthy, there is no doubt in it, but this act is not complete. It is like you are walking with only one leg. To walk with your two legs, feeling like a whole, you must complete it with Dawat-i-Allah.

By citing the desires of the people of Islam to do the Dawat-i-Allah in the times of our beloved prophet (saws) and even in the times of the Promised Messiah (as), each Dai-i-Allah who is doing the Dawat-i-Allah should do it with lots of love and sincerity like the first Muslims and our noble prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Their beliefs were solid like concrete and in whatever position/ status they reached, be it at intellectual or non-intellectual level, or any other works for that matter, they gave preference to the Dawat-i-Allah. Their own (mundane) professions came after their spiritual works. They gave preference to the Dawat-i-Allah before the rest of works. They were ready to each become a Dai-i-Allah to obtain the love of Allah. To call people to Allah were their main work. So, today also in this era, all members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam must also give preference to this work [Dawat-i-Allah] over all other works.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

'Dawat-i-Allah': Calling people to God- I

Introduction to Part- 1: 

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I had since long written a lengthy book on the importance of DAWAT-I-ALLAH. I am hereby presenting it to you in the form of Friday Sermons as this is a very important subject. My disciples have also sought my advice and asked this humble self to expound on this subject so that they may be able to acquire the ability to do the Dawat-i-Allah and become excellent Dai-Illallah. So, this subject shall be divided and made throughout many of my Friday Sermons and I pray that my disciples in India – in Delhi, Kerala, Tamil Nadu – Coimbatore, Trichy, Meleppalayam, Kottar, etc., and my other disciples in the UAE, Africa and in the islands and other countries may benefit from these sermons. May Allah enable them through these sermons to enrich their knowledge in the field of Dawa/ tabligh and to become excellent DAI-ILLALLAH. Insha-Allah. Ameen.

Dawat-i-Allah: An Important Obligation

If we wish to become the companions of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), it is incumbent for each one of us to invite others towards Allah because the one who sows [who makes efforts] in the path of Allah, he/ she will be among the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We must maintain and take great care of our plantation till it is ready for harvest. All members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, National and International who are working hard in the field of Dawat-i-Allah (i.e. inviting people towards Allah), their names are cited in the words of Allah and if you want to become the companions of Hazrat Muhamamd (pbuh), hence it is necessary for you to work hard [just like a labourer who cultivates the land] in the path of Allah. Hence, you will have to create new spiritual qualities in you [to be successful].

Thursday, July 18, 2019

'Aqiqah': On Islamic Birth Rites

In September 2016, a Muslim brother from India sought spiritual guidance from Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius on Islamic rites pertaining to the birth of a new born, and Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) provided a brief explanation of the main Sunnah/ Islamic practices following birth of a child, whether male or female. 

Reproduced below is the response provided by Hadhrat Saheb (atba) to the question on the occasion:

Birth & Purification (Bath)

After his/ her birth the baby should be given a proper bath, cleansed well.

Adhaan & Iqamah

Then he/she should be given the Adhaan in the right ear and the Iqamah in the left ear.


It is narrated about the Holy Prophet (pbuh) that when a child was born and brought to him soon afterward, he would moisten a small piece of a date with his mouth and then place it on the palate of the newborn.  (Bukhari, Muslim and others). – Therefore, in Islam it is recommended to follow that practice also. Sometimes if available, dates and also honey.

Naming the Child

The naming of the child can be done right away, or one can wait till the seventh day, before the Aqiqah is done.

It is reported that Hazrat Aisha (ra) said: the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did ‘Aqiqah for al-Hasan and al-Husayn on the seventh day, and gave them their names.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The 'Bid'ah' of Eid Parties

In his Friday Sermon of 05 July 2019~ 02 Dhul-Qaddah 1440 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius comprehensively examines a contemporary practice among sections of Muslims, including Ahmadis of Mauritius: the celebration of religious festivals in the manner and style of other communities and peoples. In adopting 'modern ways' of branding Muslim festivals, the celebrationists are blindly following misguided, hedonistic elitism; seriously eroding the sanctity of the Islamic Pathway as taught by the Holy Prophet (sa) through his own sacred practices at such times. Apart from being a deviant practice (Bid'ah), such grand parties also dilute attention away from important interests and issues of the community. Through a sociological and political analysis also of the phenomenon of 'Eid Parties' in Mauritius, the Imam of the Era (atba) provides important insights and lessons to liberate common folks from being puppets in the hands of  wrong-headed elitists and the wily politicians of our societies. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 

Celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr

It is a shame to see the Muslim Community organising big parties and dinners and labelling them all as “Eid Party” after the month of Ramadan. After this [blessed] month, there is the month of Shawwal, and Eid-ul-Fitr marks the start of Shawwal on its very first day. Eid-ul-Fitr is a day of rejoice for all believers found in the Muslim Community; it is a day when Allah gives permission to the believers to eat, drink and be happy, and moreover to share this happiness with the family and also the non-Muslim neighbours and friends. Thus, on this occasion, vermicelli and cakes are distributed, and sometimes, the Briani [a special rice and meat dish] as well.

Therefore, Eid-ul-Fitr’s actual duration is one day of joy bestowed to us, believers, by Allah after the Ramadan, a month-long of sacrifice. Eid-ul-Fitr is for those who have obeyed the Creator and have done a lot of sacrifice for the cause of Allah. And after this time-frame of about 29 or 30 days, you [i.e. the true believers] have obeyed Allah, and have stayed away from all licit things which became restricted and forbidden during the fasting time from early morning before dawn till sunset. When Allah said: “Obey Me”, you have obeyed and sacrificed, and spent much time in Ibadat (Worship), Zikr (Remembrance of Allah), Tilawat Quran (Recitation of the Holy Quran), Duahs (invocations to Allah), Farz & Nafl Salat/ Namaz (Obligatory & Voluntary prayers), giving away charity, eating little, and sleeping less, and maximizing your time in such acts of worships.

So, after the Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr is a day when Allah (swt) manifests His pleasure for His loyal servants, those who showed complete obedience to Him, their Creator. Eid-ul-Fitr is thus not only a day of rejoice and a day for the distribution of cakes and to eat and drink, but it is also an opportunity to forget family tiffs and rancour and to purify ourselves, our souls by giving away the Sadaqat-i-Fitr.

It is narrated from Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Whoever fasts Ramadan then follows it with six days (fasting) of Shawwal, it is as if he fasted a lifetime.” (Muslim)

Friday, July 5, 2019

'Nizam-e-Jamaat': Questioning Injustice

In his Friday Sermon of 28 June 2019 ~24 Shawwal 1440 AH, Hadhrat Imam Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius spoke comprehensively on the human responsibility to respect and abide by Divine commandments at all times, especially in the times of a Divinely-raised messenger among them. Dereliction of duty in responding to the Divine Will and wisdom behind the lofty Message, particularly our arrogance and hubris in ridiculing the Messenger to the extend of 'shooting'/expelling him from our midst would bring in Divine punishment in unexpected ways. Revolting against the Divine Gift of a Prophet/ Messenger/ Reformer/ Inviter to the sublime path of Renewal in the name of blind veneration of one's own priests and chiefs will inexorably and inevitably corrupt an entire community's spiritual future.  

Drawing on his own searing personal experiences of going through blatantly  unfair treatment, social boycott, loss of livelihood and much injustice at the hands of the leadership ('Nizam-e-Jamaat') of the 'mainstream' Ahmadiyya community (the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya)- that he served with dignity and distinction for a decade and more, Imam Muhyi-ud-Din (atba) speaks to remind the truth to the 'powers' that be, by asking fundamental questions on their very spiritual identity and their institutional malpractices: the nature and character of their 'faith'; sense of fairness and justice; respect for Islamic laws on employment-related obligations; non-compliance with the rule of law in the country; failure to settle termination benefits under labour law; their empty rhetoric on 'love for all, hatred for none', etc. 

Despite their ego-massaging lofty capital-city building projects in England these days, deep- down, the Nizam-e-Jamaat knows that their empire of caliph worshipping/ unquestioned authority of the leadership over the common Ahmadis is facing tumultuous times, especially with Allah (swt) raising a 'Saviour'/ Liberator/ 'Messiah'/ 'Mujaddid' for the enslaved Ahmadis in our times. With the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam making sure progress in India and elsewhere, the Nizam-e-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya is indulging in a PR-exercise of 'addressing' long-standing grievances against the high-handedness of officials amongst Mauritius Ahmadis. Speaking against that backdrop, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) also unveils for the first time a very important document that throws much light on the unIslamic ways and unjust practices of the Nizam-e-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya in our times.      

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 

The Divine Law v/s the Law of Man

Today people are giving their idols way much importance than the Divine Law. It is man-made laws that are destroying life on earth and destroying the divine teachings. And man has established his laws so forcefully that the one who does not show any obedience to them [i.e. the man-made laws and instructions], therefore, such people go to the extent of taking sanctions against those who do not follow their laws.

When divine laws are being replaced by man-made laws, the world is paying the consequences of this waywardness. Today when man has drifted away from divine laws and is giving much more importance to the laws of man, look what is happening in the world, in a country, in a society, in a Jamaat, in a family, in your environment.

Those who take themselves as scholars/ savants/ intelligent people, they are putting their own ideas and opinions forward and they have pushed aside the divine laws, and unfortunately the people who are following them are going towards their own lost, and their fear of God has disappeared. Instead fear for their Guru (Chief/ Leader) has gripped their hearts, and this is verily what has annihilated faith for the Almighty in the hearts of these people.

They start fearing man more than the Creator. All that they do, they do it only to reap the pleasure of their Guru, in their deeds and works, and there is nothing that they do to reap the pleasure of Allah. That is why, wherever you look, there is no peace, and evil has surfaced on earth. It is then that Allah (swt) manifests His wrath to wake up the consciousness of man (i.e. to make man realise his mistakes/ misdeeds) and make him understand that there is only one God.

Thus, only the Law of Allah (swt) can ever stop this deterioration in our daily life. Divine Law has proved itself more than 1400 years ago and is still proving itself right with the advent of an Envoy of God with the Holy Spirit (Ruh’il Quddus) to bring back all people to the unicity of God, on the right path and to revive the true teachings of God.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

'Zikrullah': Remembrance of Allah

My dear daughters,
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuh.

Congratulations to you all for your special meeting this 23rd June 2019. May Allah purify your intellect and enable you to educate yourselves and all our Siraj Makin members with utmost devotion. Ameen.

Today I would like to expound on the importance of Zikrullah (Remembrance of Allah). Allah talked about the importance of His remembrance in many verses of the Holy Quran, among which, He says:

Remember Me, and I will remember you, and be thankful to Me, and be not ungrateful to Me. (2: 153).

You need to know that Zikrullah is very important in one’s spiritual life. Zikrullah is the food of the soul. Remember, Allah loves us, and craves for our love also. He wants us to remember Him always, in any and every situation which may crop up in our daily life. Be it in happy days and sad days, Allah should always be in your mind, to thank Him and to ask of Him to give you the strength and courage to deal with all problems of life and to advance in spirituality, and to become a sincere and pious help for His cause.

The help of Allah is vital for the success of a cause. And the most vital of causes is the Cause of Allah. We women and girls of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam should never forget to remember Allah and to give Him thanks and be grateful to Him.

We should always thank Allah, for everything, even if it be a problem or calamity, because Allah knows what is best for us. He guides us to unimaginable situations to gauge our faith and reaction, to see if we are really sincere towards Him and His Divine Manifestation. Many of us have lost many things in the path of Allah, but in return Allah has promised us a goodly reward, be it in this world and the hereafter.

So, you must not be discouraged. Keep up your connection with Allah through your obligatory Salat (prayers) and the voluntary prayers as well, and recite His attributes. Seek Him through His attributes.