Showing posts with label moussa taujoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moussa taujoo. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Forbidding Access to the Mosques

And who are more unjust than those who forbid the approach to the mosques of Allah lest His name should be mentioned therein, and strive toward their destruction? (2: 115)

No Muslim can be denied the right to enter a mosque and offer prayers, and even to attend a function therein. This is a basic human right which Allah gave to His servants, and nobody has the right to hinder other people from invoking Allah, and to show Him their devotion in those places of worship. 

Moreover, it is to be specified that the verse refers to the fact that nobody can be hindered from entering the Mosques of Allah for any act of worship. A mosque is Allah’s and thus it is not the property of any person, though its management is done by people who are supposed to be Muttaqun – God-fearing! When people cease to be Muttaqun, and defy the laws of Allah, they bring upon themselves a sure damnation, and Allah has promised that in the Hereafter, their punishment will be great.

The subject matter of this verse is very true in the case of the persecutions faced by the believers of the Divine Manifestation in this era. All prophets in one way or the other passed through the same situations, suffering from being forbidden access to the Houses of Allah.


The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) suffered a lot in the hands of the Quraish who persecuted and boycotted him and his followers so much so that access to the Ka’aba was quasi-impossible, especially for the grand pilgrimage, the Hajj. And if ever they were spotted near the Sacred Mosque, then the people of Mecca, in occurrence the Quraish would inflict much hardships on the innocent servants of Allah and believers in the Divine Manifestation of their age. Even the Holy Prophet of Islam was not spared!  

In March 628 AD, the Meccan troops stopped Muhammad (pbuh), the best of mankind and prophets and forbid him from entering the Sacred Mosque along with his companions for the lesser pilgrimage, i.e. Umrah. They tried to humiliate him, but the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) trusted Allah and the promise He extended for the grand victory of Islam. And today by the grace of Allah, this victory is palpable in every way in the form of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam which Allah has secured for the preservation of the glory of Islam in its entirety.