Showing posts with label Hadith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hadith. Show all posts

Friday, January 12, 2018

Islamic Precepts on Controlling Anger

 Anger/ Wrath

Anger/ Wrath - not to be confused with the divine wrath or the wrath that Allah makes appear on the features of His Messenger as a sign of disapproval of the actions of believers and also that of the unbelievers - is a factor through which the Devil brings men to commit sins such as insult, breaking relationships, physical aggression, or even to commit the irreparable, i.e. murder. So we have to be able to control our anger so that we do not commit such serious sins.

 Forgive Those who Wrong You

Allah says about the “Muttaqi”, i.e. those who repress their anger, in Chapter 3 (Al-Imran), Verse 135: “[...] those who restrain (their) anger and forgive the people [...]”.

Therefore, the Muttaqi - those to whom Allah will offer paradise - are those who control their anger, who despite their strength and courage manage to forgive those who have wronged them.

To control our anger is to preserve Islam. The repressing of our anger allows us to practice Islam in the best way. As long as a person manages to control his anger, his faith will be preserved. However, if the person gets carried away by anger, it will bring him nothing but regrets. “Why did I say / do that?” he will ask himself.

The Holy Prophet's Precepts

It is reported by Abu Hurayrah (ra) that a man had said to the prophet (pbuh): “Counsel me”. The prophet (pbuh) replied, “Do not get angry.” He repeated (the question) several times, and the prophet (pbuh) answered him: “Do not get angry.” (Bukhari)

“Strong” people do not hit others. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “The strong man is not the one who triumphs over the opponent in a fight/ battle, but is the one who controls himself when he has a big anger.” (Bukhari)

The Messenger of Allah said, “Whosoever represses his anger when he can give free rein to it, Allah will call him on the Day of Resurrection before all creatures and invite him to choose one of the Houris who shall please him.” (Abu Dawud).

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Prayers for the Shade of God

Invocations to Allah- Part 1

وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ ۖ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ ۖ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ۝

And when My servants ask you, concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me (by obedience) and believe in Me that they may be (rightly) guided. (Al-Baqara 2: 187).

Today is the 8th of Muharram of the year 1439 AH. We Muslims, should be grateful that Allah (swt) has given us our Islamic year/ calendar and it is verily mentioned in the Quran and Hadiths that this (i.e. Muharram) is indeed a blessed month. Allah mentions in the Holy Quran that there are four sacred months for the Muslims and that peace should be preserved during these months. There should be no fight/ battle/ war, vain and endless disputes/ discussions which are aggravated for nothing! Bear in mind that all these are highly detestable in the eyes of Allah.

Beware! Let us not attract the wrath of Allah (swt) upon us because of trivial matters. We need to concentrate deeply on the deeds we are doing and see whether they are being done for Allah solely, or as a show - for the eyes of people.

I ask all brothers and sisters in Islam to make lots of duahs (to invoke Allah a lot), to ask help from Allah, and we need to unite, and not be divided. I ask you to listen to all that I am telling you. From this Muharram 1439 AH to the next Muharram 1440 AH - believe me brothers and sisters - there are a lot of happenings/ events/ catastrophes which shall occur: earthquakes, floods, lots of people shall lose their lives, atrocious crimes, wars/ fights (nations against nations), blood of innocents shall be shed. Corruption shall cause havoc in several countries; the powerful (more precisely, the powerful countries) shall crush down the weak ones, and don’t forget that Islam also is in danger. That is, the Muslims’ lives are in danger, especially wherever they are in minority.

O Muslims and Muslim countries! Listen, take into consideration the sufferings which our Muslim brothers and sisters are undergoing. Let us unite. Unity is Strength. Let us not be divided. Let us forget our difference of opinions. That which is coming ahead shall be atrocious, very hard. Let us not fight among ourselves. O Arab countries! Allah has given you lots of riches, so help your brothers and sisters who share the same faith (religion, Islam) as you and do not be beguiled by others to kill your Muslim brothers and sisters, those who share the same faith as you.

I ask you to take this into consideration and start counting - from the 1st Muharram of this new year 1439 AH till its end. Write down all that which shall happen throughout the world and even small islands and even all that which is found in the Indian Ocean (and its vicinity) shall not be spared from divine punishment, in the form of earthquakes, floods, great wars which shall be very difficult to stop. Believe in what I am saying.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ramadan: A Divine Favour

Ramadan is a great favour which Allah has bestowed upon us, Muslims. We shall perceive this favour only when we shall value it like it deserves, otherwise many Ramadans shall come and go without us maximising fully their benefits. The hadiths which I shall put before you show the virtues of Ramadan. Narrated by Abu Masud al-Gifari (ra) in a Hadith whereby Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has said:

If my Ummah (community) knew the value, the honour and the importance of the month of Ramadan properly, they would desire the entire of the year to be Ramadan.

In another Hadith narrated by Salman (ra): 

“On the last day of Shabaan, the Noble Prophet (pbuh) delivered a sermon; he said: O people there comes over you now a great month, a most blessed month in which lies a night more greater in virtue than a thousand months. It is a month in which Allah has made Fasting (Roza/ Sawm) compulsory by day, and has made Sunnah the Nafil night prayers (e.g. Tahajjud prayers as mentioned by Allah in the Quran, and the Tarawee which represents an excellent innovation which Hazrat Umar (ra) implemented for he wanted to reunite all Muslims as one congregation following one Imam and not to be divided – and besides, this is the true spirit of unity which must remain alive whereby all Muslims must come together as one, under (the leadership of) one Imam, especially the Imam whom Allah has raised for you, an Imam-e-Inquilaab, a Khalifatullah, for there should be no division and different sects, but on the contrary, it should be like in the true intention of Hazrat Umar (ra) to reunite all people who were scattered and praying alone, to put them together in one congregation, under one Imam). 

Whosoever intends drawing near to Allah by performing any virtuous deed, for such a person shall be the reward like the one who had performed a Fardh (Obligatory act) in any other time. And whoever performs a Fardh, shall be blessed with the reward of seventy Faraa-idh (Obligatory acts) in any other time. 

This is indeed the month of patience, and the reward for true patience is Jannah (Paradise). It is the month of sympathy with one’s fellowmen. It is the month wherein a true believer’s rizq (sustenance) is increased. Whosoever feeds another who fasted, in order to break the fast at sunset, for the feeder there shall be forgiveness of sins and freedom from the fire of Jahannam (hellfire), and for such a feeder shall be the same reward as the one who fasted (who he fed) without that person’s reward being decreased in the least.”

Thereupon we said, “O Messenger of Allah, not all of us possess the means whereby we can give a fasting person to break his fast.”

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) replied: 

“Allah grants the same reward to the one who gives a fasting person to break the fast a mere date, or a drink of water, or a sip of milk (for Iftar, to break his fast). This is a month, the first of which brings Allah’s mercy (i.e. the first part), the middle of which brings His forgiveness and the last of which brings freedom from the fire of Jahannum. Whosoever lessens the burden of his servants in this month, Allah will forgive him and free him from the hell-fire.”

“And in this month four things you should continue to perform in great number, two of which shall be to please your Lord (Allah), while the other two shall be those without which you cannot do. Those which shall be to please your Lord, are that you should in great quantity bear witness that there is no deity to worship except Allah (i.e. recite “Laa Ilaaha Illallah”) and make much Istighfaar (i.e. repentance, seek the forgiveness of Allah). And as for those without which you cannot do, you should beg of Allah, entrance into Paradise and ask refuge in Him from hell-fire.”

“And whoever gave a person who fasted water to drink, Allah shall grant that giver to drink from my fountain, such a drink where after that a person shall never again feel thirsty until he enters Paradise.” (Baihaqi, Ibn Hibban).

A faster should take 6 precautions when he observes his fast. Abu Ubaidah (ra) reports: “I have heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say: “Fasting is a shield for the one who does not violate it.” (Ibn Majah, Nisaï, Hakim).

In the same way that a shield protects someone, fasting also protects man (human being) from his sworn enemy, i.e. Satan. In the other Hadiths, we learn that fasting protects from the punishment of Almighty Allah in the hereafter and it is also a protection against hell-fire. 

Once someone asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh): “What annuls the fast?” 

He (pbuh) replied: Lying, backbiting, fighting and vain disputes.”

Therefore, when you analyse these words of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), he (pbuh) said that lying, backbiting (i.e. saying bad words on others in their back), fighting, or vain disputes annul the fast just like food and drink breaks the fast. Thus, when this happens, that person loses all the blessings and rewards of fasting. All the sacrifices that he made, by waking up early in the morning and following the prescriptions of Allah and His Messenger (pbuh), at the end of the day, because of indulging in forbidden things, he loses all. This is really a grievous sin, especially in that blessed month (i.e. the month of Ramadan).

Six Points to Remember:

Therefore, there are six precautions which we should take when we observe the fast:

1.   That person (i.e. the faster) should protect his sight/ eyes by not looking at forbidden things. Our beloved prophet (pbuh) has said : “A look is like an arrow which comes from Satan.” The one who for the fear of Allah protects his sight against evil (i.e. he does not look at forbidden things/ beings), even in his talks with friends, be it through phone, mobile or email; you should be very careful, lest Allah rip away from you the mustard seed of Iman (faith) which was in your heart, and especially when Allah has chosen you to do His Deen works (i.e. the works of religion – Islam). You should behave well and not act like a hooligan. You should maintain a distance with all that are forbidden and preserve your dignity and status bestowed upon you by Allah. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said: If you show such divinely-given dignity and status, then Allah shall give you such power/ force in your faith that you shall be able to taste and feel the sweetness of faith from the bottom of your heart.”

2.     A person must protect his tongue from all forbidden things such as lying, vain talks, backbiting, disputes, foul words, etc. In the book of Hadiths of Bukhari we read that fasting is a shield for a faster. That is why, those who observe the fast should avoid all vain talks, mockeries, disputes etc. If someone readies himself to fight (dispute) with us, we should simply say: “I am fasting”. In other words, we should not start a dispute on our own and if the other one seeks to start a dispute, we should not fall into this trap.

In the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), there used to be two women who observed the fast and they reached a point that hunger was so poignant that they were on the verge of dying. The Sahaba (ra) went to see them and these women were given each a bowl to vomit therein. After vomitting, there were blood and pieces of flesh which came out from them. The Sahaba (ra) were astonished and the Holy Prophet (pbuh) told them: These two women fasted from what Allah has made licit for them however, they broke their fast with what Allah has made illicit upon them when they sat with one another to backbite others.”

It is clear from that Hadith that backbiting makes fasting unbearable. That is why those two women nearly died. In fact, all evil deeds render fasting difficult (to accomplish/ to sustain). Experience show that fasting is not difficult for those servants (of Allah) who are sincere and devoted (i.e. the Muttaqiin – those who are righteous, who have the fear of Allah in their hearts). For them, fasting is never an ordeal whereas for the sinful ones, fasting is ever an ordeal.

This sermon does not end here, but I need to stop here for today due to lack of time and the members have to return back to work. I pray that Allah gives me the opportunity to continue on the same subject of my sermon next week (next Friday), Insha-Allah. If I continue, it shall be too long, especially when the six precautions while fasting need to be explained, and I have mentioned just two of them. Insha-Allah, I shall continue on the same subject next Friday.

I wish all of you – all my disciples worldwide and all Muslims – Ramadan Mubarak. May Allah make you blessed (Mubarak) in the blessed month which is awaiting us with open arms. In return we should also open wide our arms and hug this extraordinary and special guest sent by Allah for us. It is truly a treasure which Allah has bestowed upon us, and it is now for us to use this treasure in the best way which exists, and verily the best way is to follow the Sunnah (practice) of our noble prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). Insha-Allah, Ameen.

---Extracts from the Friday Sermon of 26 May 2017 (29 Shabaan 1438 AH) delivered by Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Man and the Battles of the Heart

“The day whereon neither money nor children will avail, except him who comes to God with a sound heart.” (Ash-Shu’ara, 26: 89-90).

On Judgement Day, only a sound (pure) heart (Qalbun Saliim) shall benefit man. By a sound heart, it means a heart that holds the faith taught by God and His prophets (as) and which is free of any form of polytheism (Shirk). It is also, like I am telling you a heart that is pure from all kinds of dirt, including disobedience.”

The heart is continually exposed to the seductions of this world. When the heart is imbued with the fear of God, it manages to resist these temptations. But in the absence of that awe, the heart will be corrupted and will push the individual to disobey his Creator.

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: Temptations will be presented to men's hearts as reed mat is woven stick by stick and any heart which is impregnated by them will have a black mark put into it, but any heart which rejects them will have a white mark put in it. The result is that there will become two types of hearts: one white like a white stone which will not be harmed by any turmoil or temptation, so long as the heavens and the earth endure; and the other black and dust-coloured like a vessel which is upset (turned upside down), not recognizing what is good or rejecting what is abominable, but being impregnated with passion.” (Muslim).

Man must throughout his life wage a merciless battle against the seductions and temptations of this world. To achieve this, he must strengthen himself through acts of worship.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Eid-ul-Fitr: A Day of Harvest

A great blessed month has just left us; a month which each of us has no guarantee of seeing next year. All we can still hope is that Allah (twt) answers our prayers and supplications and accepts all our acts of worship (Ibaadat) and sacrifices made throughout the past month and grant us the promised rewards. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah), the holy month of Ramadan has allowed Muslims to meet together, to converge en masse to the mosques, and besides they have committed themselves to fasting for the sake of Allah. Thus, the mosque found for the space of a month, its life and beauty.

How to explain this phenomenon? What could be the explanation for this behaviour if it is not faith (Iman in Allah) the driving force behind it all! Indeed, who is that Muslim who does not know the grandeur, splendour and importance of this month? The Muslim knows that any negligence would lead to his own loss as the chief of all angels, Hazrat Jibreel (as) has cursed the person who has foregone this opportunity to get divine forgiveness. The head of all prophets (as), the “Amin” (Worthy of Trust) Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said “Ameen” to this curse.

If the faith of the Muslim enables him to have high regard for this month, so where does his Iman (faith) disappear when the new moon of Shawwal appears (for the Eid), and when he deserts the house of Allah? If he knows the blessings of Allah (twt) that are included in the holy month of Ramadan, he must also know the blessings that are included in Salat (Namaz). If he is aware of the serious consequences of his carelessness during Ramadan, he should probably be also aware of the negative consequences resulting from the abandonment of Salat. Why then this carelessness, indifference towards this great Ibaadat which the Namaz is?

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Money: Spend Prudently

Money is not easy to obtain, especially if we mean the lawful source of money. Certainly, the acquisition of wealth requires great efforts. “One must work to earn his bread” is a phrase we hear very often. 

Allah, the Regulator of all that is in this world and in heaven has commanded us in His Blessed Book:

“It is He Who has made the earth manageable for you, so walk through its tracts and enjoy of the Sustenance which He furnishes: but unto Him is the Resurrection.” (67: 16).

Allah is the Lord of immense grace, and all that is in heaven and on earth belongs to Him. Therefore, man must know that although he is the actor of his efforts, but all that which is in his hand really belongs to Allah. Allah is He Who has power over everything he is and everything he owns. Certainly man is not the true owner of the property/wealth which is in his hands. Allah exposes this fact very clearly in His Glorious Book: “And give them of the wealth of Allah which He has given you.” (24: 34). 

If this is the case, man must be very careful about how he spends his wealth. The Quran, best guide for humanity gives him better guidance about it. “Those who when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but they hold a just balance between the two.” (25: 68). The believer should not be an extravagant spender and on the other hand, he/she must not also be stingy. He must hold firm to a just position between the two, practicing the middle way.

Wealth is without a doubt a great trial, or even a great temptation. When a person accumulates money, he tends to make unnecessary expenses. Like the one who buys what he wants as and when he pleases without even reaping the benefit of this money/expenditure in any way. Otherwise he tries to have the money multiplied through illicit means or thrown in gambling without taking into account the great lost that awaits him both in this world and in the hereafter. Or he may spend this money in vain pursuits (reaping no benefit whatsoever) such as alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, giant screens (home cinemas), etc.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

True Piety: Being Mindful of God

Who is a Mumin (Muslim)? How to become a good Muslim? These are questions which Allah answered in several of the verses of the Quran and which are also found in the Hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). Allah says in the Quran:

Righteousness (Devotion to Allah) is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, 
but (true) righteousness is (in) one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveller, those who ask (for help), and for freeing slaves; 
(and who) establishes prayer and gives Zakah; (those who) fulfil their promise when they promise; and (those who) are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. 
Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous/God-fearing. (2: 178)

Righteousness which comes from the heart and which is a vital instrument to obtain true piety (Taqwa) is found in obedience to Allah in all the commandments which He has established for His male and female servants on earth. Be them men or women, young or old, all have duties towards Allah, such duties which they have to respect so that they may become true servants of Allah.

The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has said:

“How wonderful is the situation of the believer, for all his affairs are good. If something good happens to him, he gives thanks for it and that is good for him; if something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and that is good for him. This does not apply to anyone but the believer.” (Muslim)

But I have to mention also that there are stages in the types of believers, like Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) expounds to us: “A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak believer”.

Despite the fact that a believer remains a believer as he believes in Allah and all that which He has prescribed, but not all believers 100 % succeed in establishing/put into practice all that which Allah has ordained him to do. There are even some who go on to lose their faith while believing that they were doing a good deed while they were on the contrary attracting the displeasure of Allah upon them. There are some who do good deeds, partly for the eyes of Allah, and partly for the eyes of people (ostentation). Therefore, this finally annuls the deed because of the weakness displayed in the fulfilment of that good deed.

Verily, someone, especially someone who says that he is Muslim, who says that he believes in Allah and all that which Allah has told him to believe (i.e., belief in Allah, His angels, prophets, divine books, destiny and the rewards and punishments of the afterlife) shall not succeed in anything if he does not submit to the will of Allah. The devotion which he says he has (towards Allah) shall become useless if he does not follow that devotion/righteousness with sincerity of the heart.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ramadan: Fasting and Blessings

“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard (against evil).” (2:184).

By the immense grace of Allah, we are again witnessing another blessed month of Ramadan. It is a month like no other month as it is the very special and blessed month of Allah, for Allah. From the moment that this exceptional month approaches us and welcomes us in its arms, the emotion becomes stronger and the heart becomes more sensitive. Every sincere Muslim waits impatiently for this great day. 

They all ask: “Ramadan! When will you come? We need you so much! 

This impatience to welcome the month of Ramadan is found in the need for the believer to purify himself both physically and spiritually.

If a Muslim expresses himself with these words, certainly, he is undoubtedly aware of the true value of this month and the many benefits it contains. This is the month of blessing, whose beginning is mercy, the middle forgiveness, and whose end is freedom from hell-fire. It is a month which includes a night better than a thousand months and reward of good deeds is multiplied. The substance of the believer increases and favours coming from Allah the Exalted is constantly bestowed upon him. This is the month of endurance and forgiveness. And the reward of endurance is paradise.

When the servant realizes all that, his heart softens and his chest is opened to the acceptation of the truth. Thus, submission becomes his priority throughout this intense month of blessings.

Is the time not ripe for the Muslim to make manifest his joy, appreciation and gratitude to Allah the Exalted who kept him alive until the arrival of Ramadan? Every Muslim is recommended to welcome this month with repentance and with the preparation to fast and to spend his nights in prayer with good intention and strong determination. Is there a goal better than this?

Meditate on the following words of Allah:

“Say: ‘In the Bounty of Allah, and in His Mercy - therein let them rejoice.’ That is better than what (the wealth) they amass.” (Yunus, 10: 59)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Satanic Impulses on Human Behaviour

Due to the imminent arrival of Ramadan, I thought it would be beneficial to talk about the approaches that Satan uses against us, at every moment of our lives to get us away from the remembrance of Allah (Zikrullah). Insha-Allah, this can be for all of us - myself first - a humble reminder and contribute to our spiritual preparation for the month of Ramadan, the aim being, of course, that when the time comes, Insha-Allah, we maximize the best of these blessed days.

We can read in the Holy Quran the following words which Allah addressed to Satan:

“Excite with your voice whoever you can among them, and assault them with your cavalry and your infantry, and become a partner in their wealth and their children and make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit. As for My (believing) servants, you have no power over them. And your Lord is sufficient to protect them!” (17: 65-66)

This verse contains information relative to the main routes used by Satan and his allies to exert power over the human being and thus mislead him from the Straight Path. They often act:

-     Through what man perceives through his sense organs, as mentioned in the verse in question: “Excite with your voice…”

-        Through the negative impact of his acts of disobedience: “…assault them with your cavalry and your infantry…”; verily, all those who acts in disobedience to Allah make up the cavalry and infantry of Satan.

-     Via natural impulses that inhabit him, those innate qualities that make his character and the feelings he develops from his own individual or his surroundings: “...become a partner in their wealth and their children…”

-        Via suggestions addressed directly to his conscience and mind: “...make promises to them…”

Satan can thus infiltrate and access the human heart by internal or external ways, exposed or concealed. Hence the need for the believer to exercise constantly for increased vigilance with respect to the multiple assaults of his sworn enemy, whom the Quran mentions the words thereof, in these terms:

“‘Because You have put me in error’, said (Satan), ‘I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path., then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful (to You).’” (7: 17-18).

Saturday, January 10, 2015

'Illumine the World with the Light of Faith'

Today is 26 December 2014, and the last Friday of December, and also this is the first Friday of the month of Rabi’ul Awwal 1436 AH.

A new chapter in our lives is opening; a moment which we must seize and reflect upon and also to meditate on the life which God the Almighty, Allah (twt) gave us. Certainly, human life is like a flame we lit in the morning and which is put out in the evening. For the world in general, we enter a new year. Some prepare resolutions for this year, some reflect on their actions over the past year while others have fun and forget the next day and what will happen to them.

As for the believers, the people of understanding, they know very well that time is running out and it is a year in their lives which has died away; such days, nights, moments which they shall never live again, because what's past is past, and shall not return. They realize they are getting older and that the time of the encounter with the Lord is coming. Those who are truly pious and sincere, who consider this temporary world as a prison, it is with joy that they reflect on their encounter with God. This is confirmed in the following Hadith:

Some companions came to our beloved prophet Hadhrat Muhammad (sa) and asked him, “Who is the most intelligent person?” 

He replied, “Those people who remember death most and prepare for it most. These are the intelligent ones; they have excelled in the nobility of this world and the honour of the hereafter.”

The Sahaba (companions) asked: “What destroys passions?”  He replied: “Death.” (Ibn Majah, Tabraani)

Kullu nafsin-zaaa-‘iqatul-mawt.
Every soul shall taste death. (3: 186)

Death does not differentiate between the big, the small, the rich, the poor, the one who is elderly or the young, and it does not act on racial discrimination; therefore it is a reality which affects every living thing on this earth.

If we forget death, then everything in this world reminds us that immutable truth. Everything has an end. The sun sets each day; likewise our life will cease one day. Anything that is inhabited by the breath of life tirelessly reminds us of its end. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra) said: “Every man wakes up in the morning amidst his family and death is closer to him than his shoelaces.” Umar (ra) used to say: “O Umar, death suffices as a counsellor.” The Holy Prophet said in an authentic Hadith“If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much.”

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Eid-ul-Adha: Prophetic Traditions

Insha-Allah, we celebrate the Eid-ul-Adha on Sunday 05 October 2014. Therefore, in today’s Friday Sermon, I shall put before you some Hadiths which has connection with the Eid-ul-Adha.

Abdullah ibn `Abdul-Rahman ibn Abza from his father (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to say in the morning and in the evening: “We wake up on pure Islam, the word of Tawhid (monotheism) and on the religion of our Prophet Muhammad (peace b upon him) and on the religion of our father Ibrahim (Abraham) who was purely a Muslim and never was from the polytheists.”(Ahmad) 

Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) recited out loud : “Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaik Laa Sharika Laka Labbaik, Innal Hamda wan-Ni’mata Laka wal Mulk, Laa Sharika Laka” – (Translation) I respond to Your call O Allah, I respond to Your call, and I am obedient to Your orders, You have no partner, I respond to Your call All the praises and blessings are for You, All the sovereignty is for You, And You have no partners with you. – He cried out that attestation of the unity of God (that is, the Talbiya) and that is all. (Bukhari & Ahmad)

Hazrat Shaddad ibn Aws (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to recite this supplication (duah) in his Salat(prayer): “O Allah, I ask You for steadfastness in keeping Your command. And I ask You for firmness of resolution in (pursuing) the right path…” Therefore, even for doing good deeds, pursuing the right path, there cannot be ‘firmness of resolution’ without duahs (supplication to Allah).

Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the one who showed the most firmness and perseverance and also he used to seek the help of Allah through prayer/supplications to Allah (duah), and he sought guidance, that is, the right path, intelligence and perspicacity. This is what is called ‘Rusht’ (the ability to distinguish good and evil). 

“...And I ask You (enablement) to be thankful for Your favours and to worship You in the best way. And I ask You for a truthful tongue and ‘Qalbi Saleem’ (a sound heart)…”

Now, nobody has received a purer heart than Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) and there has not been any person who has been more truthful than him on earth. Therefore, in this way, we can correctly say that it is Allah who gives the Qawli Sadid(clear/truthful speech), ‘Qawli Salim’ (pure speech) and ‘Rusht’ (the ability to distinguish good and evil), otherwise there is no other means to acquire all these!

Then Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “…And I seek refuge in You from the mischief that You know and I ask You for the good that You know. And I seek Your forgiveness for (sins) that You know Indeed, You are the Best Knower of the unseen.”

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Restatement of Islam for Our Times

Angels and Divine Revelations

Angels are a part of Allah’s creation, they do what they are commanded, they depend on Allah in the same way as men or His other creatures. Allah is not dependent on them for the manifestation of His power. Had He willed, He would have created the universe without angels, but His perfect wisdom willed their creation. So angels came into being. Allah created light for the eye and bread for hunger. He created light and bread not because He was in need of them but because man was in need of them. The angels only manifest the will and wisdom of Allah. 

Divine Revelations are words and instructions from Allah and Allah speaks to His chosen servants and reveals to them His purpose. The recipient provides neither the meaning nor the words of revelation. Both come from Allah. Revelation provides real sustenance for man. Man lives by it and through it, man comes to have contact with Allah. The words, which embody a revelation of God, are unique in their power and majesty. No man can coin such words. They carry treasures of knowledge and wisdom, and they are very deep in meaning. They are like a mine the stone of which is the more valuable the deeper you dig. Indeed, a mine is nothing compared with divine revelation. A mine can be exhausted, but not the wisdom of divine revelation.

Divine Revelation is like a sea with a scented surface and a bed strewn with the most precious pearls. Those, who turn to the surface, enjoy the fragrance of the surface, and those, who dive deep, find the pearls below. Revelation is of many kinds, sometimes it consists of ordinances and laws, sometimes of exhortations. Sometimes it brings knowledge of the unseen, sometimes knowledge of spiritual truths. Sometimes it conveys the goodwill and approval of Allah, sometimes His disapproval and displeasure, sometimes His love and regard, sometimes warnings and rebukes. Sometimes it teaches points in morals, sometimes His insight into secret evils. In short, our belief is that God communicates His will to His servants. These communications vary with circumstance and the spiritual status of the recipient.

Spiritual Darkness and the Mahdis (the Guided Ones)

When darkness prevails in the world and human beings sink deep in sin and evil, when without the help of God it becomes difficult for them to release themselves from the hold of Satan, then out of His mercy and beneficence, Allah chooses from out of His own loving and loyal servants, those whom He charges with the duty to guide the world.