Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Second Coming of Isa (as)


The Messengers of Allah are spiritual treasures sent by Allah to humanity to bring a divine freshness into the world. Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, Allah has chosen me, His humble servant who stands before you today, as one of His Messengers in this century, not to abolish the Islamic law, but to reinforce this greatest law and ensure that people of my time and those who come after hold firmly to it.

It has been 21 years since Allah raised me as the Revivifier (Reviver) of this century (Muhyiuddin). Allah has so imbued me with His light and made me understand that in respect of the enormous work in this century, on a global level, He has granted me a degree of superiority in the work that Hazrat Massih Ma’ud (as), the Promised Messiah of the past century (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad), had to do. This became clear to me in September 2010, when He then also granted me the title, honour, and task of the “Massih Ma’ud [Promised Messiah] of this century.”

I must clarify that my coming does not diminish the value and honour of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). On the contrary, I emanate from him and am his spiritual son. But it is in the aspect of the work that Allah has given me, where Allah has placed immense responsibilities on my shoulders in this century, where by His grace, I am succeeding worldwide. As the Musleh Ma’ud, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra) said, if even one person follows him and becomes Deewana (Wholesomely Dedicated) in the path of Allah, it would be enough to bring about a revolution in the world, where the divine message spreads to all corners of the world.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Beautiful Names of Allah


'Allah has the most beautiful names. Call Him by those names. So call upon Him by them, and keep away from those who abuse His Names. They will pay (i.e. be punished) for what they do.' (Al-Arraf, 7: 181)

Allah says in the Quran that He is One. He is the only God, the sole Creator of everything He has created, and there are no other gods besides Him, nor does anyone have the power to create like He does. He exists, and no one created Him. He is unique, the Originator of all. And Allah says that He has many names, attributes that describe what He is like – Asma’ul-Husna – the most beautiful names.

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Satans don’t hold Power


The Signs of Qiyamah- 7

'Do you not see that We have sent the satans upon the disbelievers to incite them (further) with all their incitements? So do not be in haste against them, for indeed We are counting down their days. The day We will assemble the God-fearing before the Most Gracious as (an honoured) delegation, and drive the sinful like a thirsty herd into Hell.' (Surah Maryam, 19: 84-87)


Life after death will be a reckoning. This is a certainty. There is no doubt about it.

Monday, November 18, 2024


The Signs of Qiyamah- 6 

'I swear by the Day of Resurrection! And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul! Do people think We cannot reassemble their bones? Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. But man wishes to go on violating Allah’s injunctions (even in future) ahead of him.' (Al-Qiyaamah 75: 2-6)


It is by the wisdom of Allah that man was created. The universe was created, and the system of habitation for man on earth was established so that Allah’s beloved creation could learn to find their way on this earth and seek Him, Allah, their Creator. With the intelligence that Allah endowed the new Adam, our common ancestor, we have seen how Allah sought to protect the human race so that it would not fall into Satan’s traps. Where there is light, there is also darkness. While darkness is a blessing from Allah for mankind to find rest, it is also the ideal time for Satan to carry out his work.


Allah created man to worship Him alone, without associating anyone with Him. All the souls that Allah created from His divine breath, and which He decreed to be born from the creation of the first Adam until the Day of Judgement, have all received guidance to show them the path to Allah. This guidance, the guides of Allah, are the prophets and messengers of Allah, and in times when there are no prophets and messengers, it is the reformers and pious people who carry out this work, guiding their people towards the worship of Allah alone, without associating anyone with Him.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Dishonesty & Corruption


The Signs of Qiyamah- 5

“Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly, nor deliberately bribe authorities in order to devour a portion of others’ property, knowing that it is a sin.” (Al-Baqara 2: 189)


As we observe the current times, we are living in societies where corruption has infiltrated every sector. In the context of the signs of the Hour, we see that what our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) foretold is manifesting more frequently and in greater numbers than before.


In a Hadith reported by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) and recorded in Sahih Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour (As-Sa’at).” He (pbuh) was asked: “How will honesty be lost, O Messenger of Allah?” He (pbuh) replied: “When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour (As-Sa’at).”

Sunday, November 10, 2024

When Evil Spreads Everywhere

The Signs of Qiyamah- 4


“But man desires to persist in his evil ways. He asks, “When will be this Day of Resurrection?” When eyes are dazzled and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and the moon are joined together, on that day man will say, “Where to escape?” Alas! There will be no refuge.” (Al-Qiyamah, 75: 6-12) 

The situation in the world is becoming increasingly serious. We see corruption everywhere now, at all levels. Those in power are doing whatever they want to stay in power and to subject people to their will.


Among the Hadiths where our beloved Prophet speaks about the approach of the Hour, meaning the moments before the Day of Judgement takes place, he says: “Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which Religious ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and there will be much Al-Harj, and Al-Harj means killing [Al-Qatal] (murders, assassinations, etc.).” (Bukhari)

Friday, November 8, 2024

‘Work without Delay’

The Messenger of Allah Hazrat Muhammad (sa) said: ‘There are two blessings concerning which many people are cheated: health and free time.’ [Al-Bukhari]                                                                                                                                                                                *******

Embark upon works without delay, being as how there are trials like the portions of the dark night, when a man is a believer in the morning but a scoffer by bedtime, or is a believer one evening but a scoffer the next day. He sells his faith for the sake of something that happens to him.’ 


‘Undertake good works before seven things happen: distracting poverty, corrupting wealth, debilitating illness, befuddling senility, final death, the Dajjaal- and evil is the invisible one who waits and watches- or the Final Hour, which is more calamitous and more painful.’
