Saturday, February 15, 2020

'ALLAH': God in Islam

The Conception of God in Islam

Islam likes to contemplate the attributes of Allah through His different and adorable names by which He is invoked. The Holy Quran says: “To God belong the most beautiful names; So call on Him by them.” (Al-Arraf 7: 181).

A whole mass of theological literature exists to explain and classify His names. We often speak of ninety-nine (99) names of Allah, but these names are called differently by different writers so that there are hundreds of names that we can assign to Allah for Allah has any quality under which we want to worship Him. While we humans are limited, He is infinite. While we can only think in part, He is The Whole and He understands much more than we can imagine. We think of His mercy, His love, His wisdom, His glory and His majesty, His justice, His truth and His righteousness, His uniqueness, etc. but in doing so our minds are limited because our knowledge is limited while He knows, understands, hears and exceeds everything. Nothing is equal to Him. 

We always think in relative terms such as the first and the last; the visible and the invisible. But in Allah, these opposite qualities meet and we give these same pairs of names to Allah: The First and The Last, The Visible and The Invisible. For us, the contemplation of eternity implies the rejection of two limits; the beginning and the end. Only Allah is eternal and He has neither beginning nor end. We think of Allah in relation to time and space: but time and space are the creations of our mind. Allah is independent of time and space. In reality, He is the Absolute, the Independent and everything depends on Him.

It is generally believed that the emphasis of Islam is on the oneness of Allah, but it must also be said that the emphasis is also on His mercy, kindness and love. The Holy Quran contains 114 Surahs and all except one [i.e. At-Taubah] begins with “In the name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.”

The attributes of Allah ‘Rahman’ and ‘Rahim’ are names that have no equivalence in any other language and therefore cannot be properly translated [as they are really and truly vast in meaning]. ‘Rahim’ emphasizes the pity that we seek from Allah and that will not be denied from us.

“Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim” is the sentence that a Muslim most often says: at the beginning of prayer [be it Salat & duahs], before reading the Holy Quran, before eating, before travelling, before starting anything of some consequence - sacred [spiritual] or secular [mundane].

So the actions of a Muslim are intimately linked with these sacred words. The insistence on the oneness of Allah is not only a protest against the Trinity or Duality or Polytheism. Islam believes that Allah is one, unique and without equal. A young student of religion once defined God as being all of the abstract qualities of kindness and beauty combined in one abstraction. Some may accept this definition, but for Islam it is a cold and worthless abstraction. Life is always a mystery whether for science, art, poetry and religion.

Let’s see what the Holy Quran says: “Say: He is Allah, the One, Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. He neither begets nor was He begotten. And no one is equal to Him.” (Al-Ikhlaas,  Chapter 112)

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Divine Revelations of 22 January 2020

Message of the Khalifatullah (atba)

The following revelations – addressing all my disciples in the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam – were received on Wednesday, 22 January 2020 at 4.18 pm after watching the video of the Tamil Nadu Jamaat’s Jalsa Salana 2019 held on the 29 December 2019.

By the Grace of Allah, the video was very interesting and well set. Many members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam had made great efforts to be present on that day except some who were not to be seen. I will have to send them an email concerning their absence in the Jalsa Salana at Kottar for they should have a valid reason to do so.

When I was viewing the video, some breaches of discipline have been noticed and noted. It is my duty to attract your attention as well as the other members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam on this when you are organising your programmes.

When you were in Tahajjud prayers and in other Namaz [Salat/ prayers] many among you did not have the head covered and you wore T-Shirts. Hence, it is very important to have the head covered during prayers and while the programme is still going on, and moreover you should dress up with great respect. Remember, you are all standing in front of your Creator. Wear a “Kurta” or a long “Boubou” [Jubba] or a “Sharamga” [Men’s long shirt/dress which decently covers the private parts of the body]. This applies also to ladies and children as well [i.e. They should cover themselves properly].

Alhamdulillah, after the Jalsa Salana there were interviews which were well presented. In the aftermath of all that I noticed, I thought it proper to address you all so that you can remove those weaknesses/ faults. 

Meanwhile, I was not feeling very well and I started sweating. At that particular moment a torrential rain started pouring down and I received some verses in Sanskrit language:

“Asato ma sad gamaya,
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya, 
mrityarma amritam gamaya.”


From the unreal guide me to the truth, 
from darkness guide me to light 
and from death guide me to eternity. (Ameen)

This is a duah (prayer) which I am sharing to all of you. How fortunate you are! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Faith and Marriage in the Jamaat

Guidelines for disciples and members 

'...[I]n the aftermath of a question which I received from our Amir Sahib from Tamil Nadu on the subject of marriage, I am giving you – all my disciples and members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam – an explanation and clear guidelines on this matter so that you may all tread on the right path and be enlightened on the subject.

Allah (swt) says in the Quran: 

'Wa laa tankihul-mushri-kaati hattaa yu’-minn: wa la ‘amatum mu’ minatun khayrum-mim mushrikatiww wa law ‘a’-jabat-kum. Wa laa tunkihul mushrikiina hatta yu’ minuu: wa la-‘abdun mu’-minun-khayrum-mim mushrikiww wa law ‘a’-jabakum. ‘ulaaa ‘ika yad-‘uuna ‘ilan-Naar. Wallaahuu yad-‘uuu ‘ilal-Jannati wal-maghfirati bi-‘iznih, wa yu-bayyinu ‘aayatihii lin naasi la-‘al-lahum yatazakkaruun.'

Do not marry polytheistic women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an idolatress, even though she allures [pleases/ is attractive to] you. Nor marry (your girls) to polytheistic men until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an idolater, even though he allures you. Such people do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and He makes clear His verses to mankind that perhaps they may remember [reflect]. (Al-Baqara 2: 222).

So, Allah says: “Wa  laa tankihul mushri-kaati hattaa yu-minn.” - Do not marry polytheistic women (idolaters), and Allah has given a solution [opened a way] also. Allah says until they believe like you believe. Here Allah is talking about faith, that they should have the same faith as you.

So, for those members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam who have believed in the Caliph of Allah (Khalifatullah), who have testified to divine revelations, who have believed in the Divine Manifestation, [bear in mind that] you are in a Jamaat that Allah (swt) has raised in this century in which your job is to let others know about this Divine Manifestation and to believe in the one whom Allah has raised Himself. HOW CAN YOU NOW - because of a marriage, because of someone who is not in this Jamaat and did not recognize the Imam of the time – go to marry this type of person? This is tantamount to having yourselves trampled these true teachings of the Quran established by Allah in this Book for you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

'Follow All Teachings of Islam'

What does Islam ask of Us ?

Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam is not a new religion. It is a Jamaat among the other Jamaats that Allah (swt) has raised in this century to distinguish that it is in this Jamaat that Allah (swt) has sent His Chosen One with the Ruh’il Quddus (Holy Spirit) to remove humanity in general and particularly the Muslims from darkness (obscurity), and bring them towards the true teachings of Islam - divine teachings - because the true teachings were flouted by the so-called scholars, so-called connoisseurs of religion whereby they invented many non-Islamic things they took from other religions, from other non-Islamic cultures and brought them in the Deen (religion) of Allah, i.e. Islam. And it is a religion which Allah has Himself given the name, like He declared in the Holy Quran:

Al-Yawma ak-maltu lakum Diinakum wa atmamtu alaykum ni’-matii wa raziitu lakumul Islaama Diinaa. “This day I have perfected for you your religion, and have completed My favour upon you and I am satisfied with Islam as a religion for you.” (Al-Maida, 5:4)

So you see how it is Allah (swt) Himself Who has perfected this religion and completed His favour upon us. That is to say, He has put therein all that is good for us, all the divine codes so that we may lead our lives in His obeisance, Him Who is our Creator, and the obeisance of His Prophet (pbuh), wherein (i.e. the Holy Quran) He has put not one, not seven but seven hundred (700) commandments for us to abide and follow and it is in this Book itself that we shall have solutions to all problems. All remedy is found in the Holy Quran, and it is for this reason that Islam and the Holy Quran shall always walk hand in hand for they are both final; there shall never be another religion other than Islam, neither another religion nor another Perfect Book other than the Holy Quran and that is why Allah (swt) says: “I am satisfied with Islam as a religion for you.”

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Crisis of Muslim Identity

Who is a Muslim ?

Allah says in the Holy Quran: “I have created jinns and men only so that they worship Me.” (Az-Zariyat, 51: 57)

And to be more explicit, Allah (swt) says: “O believers! Fear Allah as He should be feared. And die only in complete submission (to Him).” (Al-Imran, 3:103)

Allah (swt) wants to make it clear that he who dies without knowing his creator dies spiritually blind, and the Holy Quran also tells us: “He who is blind on earth will also be blind in the hereafter.” (Bani Isra’il, 17: 73)

This verse is a serious challenge for all who call themselves Muslims. But what is the situation today? The majority of Muslims are like passengers aboard a boat that took on water and has lost its oars and is tossed about by big waves. Are we then in perdition? Without a doubt [we, Muslims will be lost if the situation continues like this], and moreover, the Holy Quran says: “By time! Indeed, man is in lost, except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.” (Surah Al-Asr, Chapter 103: 1-4)

The Holy Prophet (sa) once said to Abu Darda (ra), “O Abu Darda, consider yourself to be dead at all times. No one knows when he will die nor does he have any sign of his death. So act like you’re going to die in a moment and be ready to meet it (death).” [In other words, be ready to meet your Lord after death].

Monday, February 3, 2020

Tamil Nadu Jalsa: Special Message

O my disciples in Tamil Nadu and the whole of India who have entered into a covenant with me, 

Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu

It gives me great pleasure to address you this message on the occasion of your 3rd Jalsa Salana of the Tamil Nadu Jamaat – in Kottar.

It is true that today your number is small and you are being treated in every way. For the cause of Allah, you will have to bear all sorts of disagreeable things, you will have to pass through some heavenly trials also that you may be tried in every way. Your way to victory will not be through dry logic or your returning abuse with abuse. If God does not wish to destroy us, we cannot be destroyed by anyone. How shall we win without human support? Through righteousness! Through trust in Allah! Put forth every effort that we become righteous, and that Allah may become our eternal Support and Help.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Divine Reminder of 08 January 2020

Revelation received on Wednesday 08 January 2020 
(after long duahs at 07.05 am)

Ulaaa-ikallazii-nashtara wul-hayatad-Dunyaa bil-Aakhirati falaa yukhaffafu an-humul-azaabu wa laa hum yunsaruun.

Those are they who have bought the life of this world at the price of the Hereafter. Their torment shall not be lightened nor shall they be helped'.

Anahumullaahu bi-kufrihim.
Allah has cursed them for their disbelief.

Bi-sa-mashtaraw bihiii anfusahum.
How evil is that for which they have bartered their souls.

Wa laqad jaaa-akum Khalifatullah bil-Bayyinaati.

And the Khalifatullah has surely brought you clear proofs.
