Tuesday, July 2, 2019

'Shura': Consensus for Progress

My dear disciples,
Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.

It is my pleasure to address you few words for your bi-monthly Siraj Makin gathering at the Noor’ul Islam Masjid at Mathra on 23 June 2019. Alhamdulillah, it is indeed a good practice that you have undertaken to meet often and to maximize your time in learning, to interact among yourselves and to better yourselves spiritually. Keep it up, Insha-Allah.

Shura: Consultation in Islam

I would like to address you today on the importance of Consultation in Islam. Like you know there is a special chapter on this subject, known as Ash-Shura (The Consultation). A Shura is basically a grand meeting involving all members of a community coming together to reach a mutual decision concerning several matters of the community. In Islam, in the absence of the Messenger of Allah, people should consult each other and take the opinion of everybody – especially those who are directly connected with the matter – so that the best decision may be taken. Allah (swt) even advised the Holy Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) to consult the people on certain matters, and to take his final decision. For during the times of a Divine Manifestation, the final decision belongs to Allah and His Messenger. 

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

It is out of Allah’s mercy that you have been lenient with them. Had you been cruel or hard-hearted, they would have certainly abandoned you. So pardon them, ask Allah’s forgiveness for them, and consult with them upon the conduct of affairs. Once you make a decision, put your trust in Allah. Surely Allah loves those who trust in Him.” (Al-Imran 3: 160).

As you know, there are many people in the world with many ideas and mentalities. In the times of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as with all the Messengers of Allah, they had to deal with all kinds of people, from among their own followers and also those who rejected their divine mission and message as well. Allah knows that His Messenger’s work is carried out with His stamp of approval and guidance, but not all people understand the essence of it.

It is therefore capital that in this era, under my leadership as the Khalifatullah of this era, my disciples, men and women know how to deal with situations in their personal as well as spiritual/ Jamaat lives so that they may better serve the community of Islam, and ultimately humanity as a whole.

Monday, July 1, 2019

A Ta’lim Majlis at Mathra-III

Siraj Makin, the women’s collective of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, South Kerala (India) organized a One-Day Ta’lim Majlis (Divinity Study Program) for the benefit of its members at the historic Noor'ul Islam Masjid, Mathra on Sunday, 23 June 2019 ~ 19 Shawwal 1440 AH. The special study session essentially sought to build upon the earlier initiatives and meetings of the Kerala Jamaat this year- the programs of 09 February 2019 & 19-20 April 2019- to provide the members an opportunity for collective learning/brain-storming so as to keep them aware of the Deeni Ta’lim.

Members of the Jamaat who were present in the programs include Sadr-Siraj Makin Haseena Masood Saheba; Rajeena Sadiq Ali Saheba; Sofiya Beevi Saheba; Naib Sadr Fauzia Jamal-Zain Saheba; Faezah Maryam Zain; DA Zainul Abdeen Saheb of Karunagappally; Na'ib Amir/Jamaat Sadiq Ali Saheb; Sulfikar Ali Saheb, Zachariah Ibn Zain; Munir Ahmad Azim (Jr.); Zaki Mubarak Aziz Raother, etc. Siraj Makin members such as Raziya Hariz Saheba (Alappuzha) and Mubeena Sabir Saheba (Palakkad) were informed well-in advance. However, those members conveyed their inability to attend the program when contacted over telephone.
Mukarram Amir/Jamaat Janab Jamaluddin Raother Saheb presided over the Open Session held early morning- soon after the Fajr Namaz: the message from Imam- Jamaat Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius and also the special discourse from Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Fazli Amena Varsally (International Sadr-Siraj Makin) were discussed in that common session where Fazil Jamal saheb provided a Malayalam translation of the Special Addresses for the benefit of all members. Then, Mukarram Amir Saheb provided a detailed commentary on the special speeches, Alhamdulillah.
In his Special Address, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) spoke on the importance of Shura (the system of Consultation in common affairs) in Islam. In his discourse, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) notes the importance of the spirit of accommodation, mutual interaction and conciliation of differences of opinion in collective spiritual life, community welfare and progress. To live the ideals of the Jamaat, members need to develop and nurture fraternal affinity and solidarity bonds beyond cultural, regional and linguistic barriers. Such outreach with our fellow members is critical for developing a sense of unity, belongingness and community cohesion; helping one another with the spirit of Taqwah, to advance the cause of Islam and shared humanity. In this context, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) commended highly the recent initiative by Mukarram Amir Jamaluddin Saheb of the Kerala Jamaat to visit and nurture solid bonds with our brothers in Tamil Nadu, and Hadhrat Saheb (atba) also encouraged the women members of the Jamaat also to consider every opportunity to develop such sisterly bonds across the borders through personal visits as well as through social media linkages possible in our times.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The 'Ocean' of Divine Favours

The Value of the Sea/Ocean in this World

The sea/ ocean is a creation of Allah (swt) that contributes to the well-being of humanity. It is full of signs of Allah for one who has the ability and intelligence to reflect on its wonders.

The ocean is an extraordinary means of transport, a means of subsistence also thanks to its fish, its salt, its purity, and its tides. It is a universe in itself, and it is a world of opportunities also through the exploitation of pearls, algae, minerals and so on. The sea is also a great sign of Allah and we must reflect on this extraordinary sign that Allah has granted us. The sea is huge and it has very important roles to play. One must appreciate its role of regulator with respect to the atmosphere, the formation of clouds and the terrestrial climate.

The Sea as a Means of Transport

Allah (swt) says in the Qur'an - It is a long verse of which I will mention only the part where Allah speaks about the sea: “Indeed, in…the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people… are signs for a people who use reason.” (Al-Baqara, 2: 165).

“And of His signs are the ships in the sea, like mountains.” (Ash-Shuraa, 42: 33).

Previously we relied on the sea for transportation, to travel from one country or place to another. There was no plane and so at the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), he (pbuh) predicted that just after him, there would be the development of stable ships at sea.

It is reported by Bukhari that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “Some of my followers were displayed before me as warriors fighting for Allah's Cause and sailing over this sea like kings on thrones.” (Bukhari).

Today’s ships can carry hundreds of tons of goods without hindering navigation. The Quran has described them even before their appearance in history.

“And to Him belong the ships elevated in the sea like mountains.” (Ar-Rahman, 55: 25).

Friday, June 21, 2019

A Visit to Tamil Nadu Jamaats

Ever since the formal establishment of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Tamil Nadu, especially with many of our brothers and sisters from the  neighbouring State joining Imam-Jamaat Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius and the respected and honoured members of the holy family for the Kerala Jalsa Salana at the Noor’ul Islam Masjid at Mathra last December; it has been the ardent wish of the members of the South Kerala Jamaat to go and meet our brothers in their own villages. Alhamdulillah, by the Grace and blessings of Allah, Mukarram Amir Jamaluddin Saheb of the South Kerala Jamaat; accompanied by Naib Amir Sadiq Ali Saheb, Secretary Tabligh Sulfikar Ali Saheb, and this humble blogger- recently had the opportunity to visit our brothers in Tamil Nadu- at Kottar and at Meleppalayam/Tirunelveli, and also to visit the site of the proposed first Mosque of the Jamaat in Tamil Nadu, the Siraj-um-Munir Masjid Project near Papanasam; 15-17 June 2019, Soumma Alhamdulillah.

As part of the first-leg of the tour, the south Kerala Jamaat team reached Kottar, a small-town near Kanya Kumari, the southern- most point in mainland India. Having met some of our Jamaat members at Kottar; the Team extended the journey to Meleppalayam/Tirunelveli Jamaat as well. Since two of the team members had not yet been there, the journey was also extended to include the proposed Siraj-um-Munir Masjid site near Papanasam, Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Post-Ramadan: Faith Matters

Our distinguished guest [Ramadan], granted to us by our Creator, has left us. In truth, the blessed month of Ramadan has ended and a new month has come to us: the month of Shawwal. Sad for some and a Joy for others - especially those who do not really have this spirit of sacrifice. They are relieved that this month [Ramadan] is gone and they can now return to their old ways.

For a true believer, it is true that he is sad to see this month [Ramadan] go but it is also an opportunity for him to continue in the accomplishment of his good habits that he started during this month blessed and continue in this good way throughout the year. And then, he makes sure that all his actions, and his thoughts are directed to Allah and to acquiring His pleasure.

In this present century, the century that we are living, these rewards are doubled, even tripled, and so on, because the one who receives the opportunity and the blessing to accept the Messenger, the Caliph of Allah – the Caliph sent by Allah with the Ruh’il Quddus (the Holy Spirit) - then this one is very lucky. It is because during his entire life, during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah, he receives this special Laila-tul-Qadr [equivalent to the length of his life (a normal/ average human life) on earth]. He becomes a witness of miracles and signs of Allah. And he receives a nearness with Allah that others have not received, and he receives this thanks to his connection with the Messenger of Allah through the Ruh’il Quddus. His entire life is not only like the month of Ramadan, but more precisely that holy night of Laila-tul-Qadr. And the greatest Laila-tul-Qadr that the Sahaba (companions) in the time of the noble prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) received, is the chance they had to live in the time of the greatest Messenger from Allah and they had the honour, the grace and the blessing to remain sincere with him and to die in the way of Allah as true believers. Among them were also many hypocrites, but their plots were in vain and it is Allah and His Messenger and the sincere Muslim believers who have won the victory.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

'Eid-ul-Fitr' Sermon 2019


Here we are gathered again by the grace of Allah for a new Eid-ul-Fitr celebration.

The word ‘Fitr’ means breaking the fast. It is from the same source that the term ‘iftar’ is also derived. Eid-ul-Fitr means the festival celebrated at the end of the fast of Ramadan. After a month of fasting, Shariah calls for a day of joy. A day when it is imperative to eat and be joyous. Fasting on this day is forbidden. (Bukhari).

It’s a moment to share love in serenity with family and friends. This is the moment when the family gathers around a table to share the symbolic breakfast that distinguishes the day of Eid from the usual days. It is reported that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ate some dates of an odd number before going out to offer the Eid Salat.

At the time of the Prophet (pbuh), Eid was synonymous with unparalleled enthusiasm and gaiety. In fact, Eid’s days are the only festivals that Muslims can celebrate. Note that Eid is celebrated with an extra Salat. So a Muslim celebrates with more prayer thanking his Lord for all the favours He has poured upon him. It’s time to fraternize, to show generosity and to forgive. With a pure heart [upon returning from Eid prayer], we come home to spend the rest of the day with our family.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Future of Chagos and Agalega

The sovereignty of, and territorial rights over, the Chagos Archipelago is a matter of contention between Mauritius and the United Kingdom for more than half a century now. Before granting national independence to Mauritius in 1968, the retreating colonial power played shady games to retain its strategic interests in the Indian Ocean region. As it happened, two years before the granting of Independence, the colonial power decided to retain a land foothold in the region for the longer term and hence excised the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius. During the pre-independence political negotiations between Mauritius national leaders and the British government, the continued British-control over the Islands was legitimated through questionable deals- thanks to the obvious unequal bargaining power between the parties- the Conquerors leveraging their heft of power and their political subjects on the negotiating table desperately seeking freedom from colonial yoke. Through offering best relations beyond independence, paying 'peanuts' as immediate compensation and a vague promise of returning the Islands to Mauritius at an unspecified future date when the facility at the Islands would no longer be needed for 'defence purposes', Britain sought to retain its control over the Chagos Archipelago for the indefinite future. 

Responding to global shifts in power and the emerging equation with the US in the post-second World War/ Cold War  scenario, the UK later through a bilateral agreement, leased the strategic Islands to the United States for establishing its grand military base in the heart of the Indian Ocean- the Diego Garcia Naval Base. Almost in parallel, within a decade (1967-1973), Britain ensured that Chagossian villagers were systematically and stealthily ousted from their homes and lands permanently, without any opportunity of returning to their homeland forever! British national security and strategic interests trumped over the rights of poor and vulnerable islanders. Even as the Big Powers- the United States and the United Kingdom- consolidated their strategic interests and military control of the region, the hapless Chagossian people were left to languish in the wilderness of their own catastrophe- in mainland Mauritius, Seychelles,  the UK and elsewhere. No wonder, the British colonial excesses in the region continue to scar the national spirit of the formerly subjugated people, the Chagossians in particular.