Mr. Rashid Jahangiri of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement made the
following comments on 28 June 2011 at their official Blog:
“I am famous (at least in Mauritius
— BTW anyone can point me on the map where is this promised land?)
Azim in my posts I said that Mujaddid of 15th century can not come among
Qadianis and especially among Qadiani Murrabis who all their lives have been
bending over their backs to kiss the “blessed” hands of Qadiani Khalifa 2 and
his successor Khalifas and looking for opportunities to eat and drink their
leftovers; and holding beliefs that Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad was
Musleh Mahud, despite when dozens of people (including his children, close
relatives, staunch followers, friends and newspapers editors) accused him of
acts of extreme forms of immorality; which he never dared to challenge and
exonerate himself from these charges in a public inquiry by inquiry commission
members appointed by himself.
ji, you’re NOT my particular addressee. I meant ALL Qadiani Murrabis including
the current 4 claimants of Mujaddiyat (including Zafarulla, Jamba, and Nasir).
By the way do you know how many dozens of Qadiani Murrabis before you have
claimed their “divine” appointment to office of Mujaddid? Someone years ago
someone published a list of such Qadiani claimants. It would be nice if someone
can update that list and add at least the current 4 claimants to that list.
loved it: “Therefore,
it is people like Dr. Rashid Jahangiri who are hell-bent in deviating people
from the true teachings of Islam (from the right path), distorting it to suit
their needs….”
ji, you have already started acting like the “majestic” Qadiani Khulifa.
where is the beef?
if you want to convince me that you’re Mujaddid then at least produce some
literature and show some service to Islam. I am not asking you to show more
scholarly works and extreme service to Islam like Maulana Muhammad Ali, and
Khawaja Kamal ud Din and other elders of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. If I ask
that, then it will be too much work for you. Just show me some scholarly works
more than my father in-law Professor Chaudhry Ghulam Rasool and service to
Islam more than my late father Qazi Abdul Rashid Esq!
ji, please prove your credentials before expecting me to answer your diatribe.”
In a speech on June 30, 2011 Hadhrat
Khalifatullah responded to the comments. Extracts from the Speech: