Monday, October 1, 2018

An Advice: 'Live for Allah'

Oh My Dearest Disciple,
Be Always Dynamic,
And Overpower all 
Hurdles which may 
Come your way.

The World and its beauties 
And majesties
Shall try to cast your eyes away
From that Moment of Nearness
Which you share with Allah and His Messenger.

Let go of every shackle,
Which bounds you to this
Temporal Life;
Live for Allah
And Allah shall be for you.

The blood of your soul,
Shall then taste finally
Of the Elixir of Allah's Praises,
As to keep it 
Alive for Eternity. (Insha-Allah. Ameen)

[---Being an inspired, special Advice given by Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius to a disciple on 19 March 2016]

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Conjugal Relations in Islam

Imam Bukhari mentions a Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), reported by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) which is as follows: “If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e. to have sexual relation) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning.”


There are many women who, as a result of a dispute between themselves and their husbands, think that they are punishing them (i.e. their husbands) by not allowing them to satisfy their carnal desires. However, this attitude can lead to serious problems that can lead the husband to commit a prohibited act or things can turn against her (i.e. the wife) and he will think about getting married to a second woman. The wife must therefore satisfy his desire by putting into practice a recommendation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):  If the man calls his wife for sexual intercourse, she must answer spontaneously even if she is on the saddle of a camel!” 


All the same, the husband must also take into account the condition of his wife, who may be sick, pregnant or have trouble, all this to reach an agreement (with her, mutual agreement) without difficulty.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Shi‘a Islam: Beliefs and Practices

The Shi'a belief on 'Imamat'

The Shiites believe that after the death of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and this till the end of the world, Allah has nominated twelve Imams. According to them, those twelve Imams had been nominated by Allah through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The first Imam according to them is Ali (ra), the second one, his son, Imam Hassan, the third one Imam Hussein and the rest of the nine Imams being found in their bloodline.


From the first Imam (i.e. Ali) till the eleventh Imam (Hassan Askari), all died a natural death like the rest of mankind. As for the twelfth Imam, the son of Hassan Askari, he mysteriously disappeared in this youth and went into hiding in a cave. Now till the end of the world, according to the Shiites, he alone has the exclusive right to reign upon the world. The belief in Imamat is obligatory (Farz) for a Shiite and the one who does not believe in it shall see himself being rewarded hell as resting place. In one of their books, Al-Kafila there is the mention that if the earth (i.e. the world) remain without an Imam, it shall sink. Still according to this book, the (Shiites) Imams are selected by Allah just like Allah chose the prophets.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Legacy of Imam Hussein

The evil is dominant and the good can be likened to leftover drops in a drinking bowl. The righteous conduct has become rare and the wrongful behavior is raging. A believer is obliged by his faith to seek truth in all circumstances. Living under a tyrant is disgrace and dying at the hands of an oppressor is true martyrdom”.

                                                                    - Hadhrat Imam Hussein (ra) 

These ringing words of uncommon courage spoken by that grandson of the Holy Prophet (sa), addressing his small band of followers and family members who accompanied him, on the eve of the great tragedy of Karbala, in spiritual defiance of Yezid ibn Muawiya, the accursed- the oppressive ruler of the day- reverberates through Islamic history as the golden standard of religion, politics and morality for all times

As the Holy Prophet (sa) had established the State of Islam in Madina through the famous “Covenant of Madina”- with all peoples/communities expressing their trust (Bai’at) in a just ruler bound by principles of law and a working process of consultation (Shura) with the governed; Islamic political order assured the dignity of man, ensuring the freedom of expression and participation in public affairs both by the elders and the ordinary and the young citizens. It is this egalitarian system of Islamic values and political order that was sought to be defiled and overturned into a dynastic authoritarian order by that licentious prince Yezid in the times of Imam Hussein (ra), setting up that encounter between the despot and the saint. As a man who led a life of pious rectitude engaged in spiritual and academic pursuits in Madina, Imam Hussein (ra) was a conscientious and upright visionary of Islam. Rather than seeking to compromise in the pursuit of chance gains of this life, he thought no sacrifice is great in confronting evil; in upholding foundational Islamic values of justice and resistance to oppression, and chose to embrace the eternal life of a martyr than be a mute spectator to the erosion of valuesBeyond tragic history, the episode of Karbala and the enduring legacy of Imam Hussein (ra) offers powerful opportunities for reflection for all believers in confronting evil that exists around us

In his Friday Sermon of 21 September 2018 (11 Muharram 1440 AH), Hadhrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius reminds the Muslims about the fatal flaws that have crept into the community practices surrounding this great legacy; the ultimate futility of empty ritualism and spiritual corruption they are indulging in; and the important lessons the great Imam’s life offers for all of us in these turbulent times.

Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon: 

Every year, during the month of Muharram, many Muslims mourn the death of Imam Hussein (ra).