Sunday, November 1, 2015

Khalifatullah's visit to the Comoros

Visit to the Comoros and Reunion Islands
By the grace of Allah, and through His divine instructions, I had to go to the Comoros and Reunion Island last week. My presence was required there where our brothers and sisters were waiting since 2013. 

There were important works to do and thus I had to go and by the grace of Allah, there manifested “Laa Ghaliba Illallah” – it is Allah who came out victorious in all aspects of the works done there. And it is really difficult for me to explain how those (spiritual) fruits have been reaped from above which was quite unexpected. Despite the many obstacles all went really well. 

Like I told you in the past, with the advent of a Messenger of Allah, don’t expect that you shall have everything easily. Like Allah (swt) says in the Holy Qur'an:  “Do the people think that they will be left to say, ‘We believe’ and they will not be tried?”  – Allah shall verily try you in all ways possible, through your wealth, children, your own person etc. to see whether you have true faith (Iman) when you said you have believed in Allah and in His Messenger.

Therefore, despite all the obstacles which the destructors have tried to do to restrict our progress – to uproot all flourishing plants that we have planted to stop their growth and so that they don’t reap fruits – by the grace of Allah, Allah did not let them succeed in their plan. They wanted to uproot all those plants to plant them in their own land, as if it is them who sown the seeds, but Allah did not want that the hard worker’s works to go in vain. According to the Divine plan, the hard worker had to reap the fruits of his own labour. Therefore, never become like the gardener who leaves out all wild plants and eliminates the good ones.

By the grace of Allah, after much effort we became highly successful in the Comoros, and last week itself after a warm welcome from our brothers and sisters there, I had the opportunity to deliver my Friday Sermon in the great mosque (in one of the villages). Insha-Allah, our members (of the Jamaat) shall get more details on our website.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Meanings of 'Laa Ilaaha Illallah'

Laa Ilaaha Illallah - There is no god but Allah. This statement (of faith) has two pillars.

Ø  The first: “There is no god” is to deny that the true divinity (the right of worship) belongs to other than Allah.

Ø  The second: To affirm that Allah alone is worthy of 
being worshipped.

Allah (swt) said: 


“And when Abraham said to his father and his people: ‘I totally disown what you worship’.” (43: 27).

It is not enough to only worship Allah, but this worship must be reserved exclusively to Him. The Unicity (Tawheed) is only valid when we proclaim that Allah is unique while disavowing polytheism and its followers.

It is reported that “The key to paradise” is: “There is no god but Allah.” However, do all people who pronounce it deserve that all the gates of Paradise are opened for them? Is the statement “There is no god but Allah” not the key to paradise? This is definitely the case, but each key has teeth. So if you bring a key that has teeth (with the correct teeth), that door shall be opened to you, otherwise it will not be opened for you.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Muharram: New Islamic Year Begins

Naya Saal Mubarak!

The Islamic calendar begins with Muharram, which is considered sacred a month. Muslims today do not take into account the value of our Islamic year. The majority of them do not even know when our Islamic year begins. 

Allah (swt) says in the Quran: 
Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve (lunar) months in the register of Allah (from) the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred (that is to say, Dhul-Qaddah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab): That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them. (9: 36)

Allah (swt) has given us a sacred month and year based on the Islamic calendar but unfortunately a great number of Muslims - especially here in Mauritius - do not take this into consideration, whereas on the other hand they take into great consideration the Gregorian and Christian calendar, celebrated at the end of December. So in preparation for the Gregorian year, they go shopping, and moreover, those working as officers in the public sector (Government servants) and also the private sector - hotels, factories etc. - organize parties and also receive year-end bonuses (called also, “13th or even 14th months” – that is, a surplus in salary amounting more than the 12-month salary scale) to celebrate the new year.

It is during this time of year (end of year - December) that we see a lot of waste. People spend their money and their all their bonuses in firecrackers, fireworks, liquor, gifts and the celebration continues until New Year’s Eve whereby many families today prefer to spend these days in hotels or to meet in a place where food - especially the barbecue - and several alcoholic beverages are available in large quantities. As for alcoholic drinks, it is true that the vast majority of Muslims do not consume this poison, but this custom does exist for people of other religious communities. For them, they must have an alcoholic drink because without it their New Year’s Eve won’t be complete! So you can imagine how much money is wasted in the weeks preceding the end of the year and the beginning of the following year - especially on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days of the first month (January) of the New Year, even going until the 6th of January.

People do not realize that they must make savings. They wrongly spend their money in vain things such as in parties and preparations of the New Year’s Eve. Unfortunately, Muslims also have entered into the same circle as these people. They imitate them and their customs. There are many of them who do not even perform their Tahajjud prayers and even the Fajr prayer at the prescribed time. They are too busy partying with family and friends!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Reform People through Good Morals

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, Allah (swt) has given me the Tawfiq again to continue the second part of my sermon which I started last Friday.

So, I advise all members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam around the world (countries where the Jamaat has been established) and this is also an advice to all Muslims and Ahmadis also in particular, that when you hear about morality, and topics dealing on excellent behaviour, you must not think that all people will have got (or hear about) the message, and will have made their own reform. On the contrary, there are certain moral values ​​that the Jamaat must absolutely protect. And do not stay indifferent when you see a member of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam do something bad.

There are some people of the Jamaat, who when they talk with other people who do not form part of our Jamaat - especially in my absence - even manage to exceed all limits. They endlessly talk about many things - that are not necessarily based on truth - and this can put the Messenger of Allah in very difficult situations and then these other people come to believe in their words. This is actually a very serious thing and which spreads a bad smell and the smell can spread everywhere, and even manages to come on the Jamaat and the Messenger of Allah without him (this humble self) aware of what these people have spread and then it becomes an uncontrollable rumour that is not based on truth, which gets worse and worse and then pollutes the entire ocean.

Certainly all the prophets have experienced such situations. If you happen to find someone of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam committing an action that can cause him and his family to be thrown in the fire, therefore if you find this and you do nothing, and you sleep in peace or you show yourself indifferent, then it will mean that there is weakness in your faith (Iman). If it’s like that, then it means that you have not understood the decree of Allah, and why He removed you from the other side (the other Jamaat) and placed you among the first who recognized His Chosen Messenger of this century. 

(Keep in mind) You have not only recognized the Messenger but you form part of the Jamaat of Allah and thus, who is luckier than you who are in the Divine Manifestation? Certainly it will be engraved in the history one day, where our future generations will research about you and you shall be the most honoured before our Creator (Allah) because you recognized His Messenger with whom He has sent a Jamaat and multiple divine manifestations. So it is us whom Allah has honoured with the task to revive the true teachings of Islam that have been violated and trampled under the feet of so-called Mullahs.