Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2015

'Divine Revelations are not the Inspirations of Mind'

A very serious misconception which is prevailing in my time, in this era with a divine manifestation, and which has undermined the foundations of all religions, so that the very essence of religion is being completely revolutionized as a result of which, in place of the divine light of revelation, it is the ideas and conceptions of the human mind which are being substituted and put forward as the truth and thus it is that entirely erroneous definition of revelation which has found general acceptance. Independence of thoughts and the length of time which had elapsed since the appearance of the seal of prophets Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) had led the greater portion of the world to believe that revelation was mere inspiration of the mind. This was due, to the belief and conception that God could not speak in words as He was not a materiel Being and was not dependent upon material means like men.

I explain from my personal experience that revelation is conveyed in words and the mode of conveying is as certain and free from doubt as the talking of one man to another. If revelation was not to be conveyed in words, it could not be entirely free from doubt and could not lead to perfect certainty. For, perceiving every inspiration as divine revelation, every man can fancy himself inspired and thus deceive himself and mislead mankind, as has actually happened in several instances since this erroneous conception of revelation has found currency. 

Revelation is intended to remove doubts and misconceptions, and if it is not conveyed in words, it opens, still wider the doors of doubt and uncertainty for there is then no means of distinguishing between revelation and the fancies of a man’s own mind. Revelation is conveyed in words possessing extraordinary glory and majesty, and also a dialogue is possible between God and man in the same manner as between two men, so that a recipient of revelation attains to that degree of certainty which dispenses with any further proof or argument.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Remedies for the Diseases of the Heart

I don’t know how to thank My Creator, for He keeps increasing my knowledge on this subject and today, Alhamdulillah Summa Alhamdulillah I continue my Friday Sermon, on the remedies for the diseases of the heart, and I start first of all with how to guard one’s heart against the attack of the Satan (Shaytan)Shaytan creates doubts in the heart, therefore believing men should distant these doubts with the Zikr (remembrance) of Allah Ta’ala. They should not pay any attention to these doubts and distractions. Doubts and distractions are the talks of the Satan which he instills in the hearts of the believers.

It is reported in a Hadith that Shaytan will come to one of you and say to you: “Who created you?” 

The person will reply “Allah has created me”Shaytan will then ask:“Who has created Allah?” 

Thus if this question arises in anyone’s heart, he should say:“I have brought faith in Allah and His Messenger (pbuh). This thought will then go away”. (Musnad Ahmad)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is reported to have said: “Two causes take effect on the heart. One, the effect by the angels in the form of truth and virtue, this is from Allah Ta’ala. One should thank Allah Ta’ala for such effect. The other is from our enemy in the form of rejecting the truth and avoiding virtuous acts. One who experiences these effects should seek Allah’s protection from the accursed Satan.” The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) then recited the following verse in a way of supporting this Hadith: “Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.” (2: 269).” (Musnad Ahmad)

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Restatement of Islam for Our Times

Angels and Divine Revelations

Angels are a part of Allah’s creation, they do what they are commanded, they depend on Allah in the same way as men or His other creatures. Allah is not dependent on them for the manifestation of His power. Had He willed, He would have created the universe without angels, but His perfect wisdom willed their creation. So angels came into being. Allah created light for the eye and bread for hunger. He created light and bread not because He was in need of them but because man was in need of them. The angels only manifest the will and wisdom of Allah. 

Divine Revelations are words and instructions from Allah and Allah speaks to His chosen servants and reveals to them His purpose. The recipient provides neither the meaning nor the words of revelation. Both come from Allah. Revelation provides real sustenance for man. Man lives by it and through it, man comes to have contact with Allah. The words, which embody a revelation of God, are unique in their power and majesty. No man can coin such words. They carry treasures of knowledge and wisdom, and they are very deep in meaning. They are like a mine the stone of which is the more valuable the deeper you dig. Indeed, a mine is nothing compared with divine revelation. A mine can be exhausted, but not the wisdom of divine revelation.

Divine Revelation is like a sea with a scented surface and a bed strewn with the most precious pearls. Those, who turn to the surface, enjoy the fragrance of the surface, and those, who dive deep, find the pearls below. Revelation is of many kinds, sometimes it consists of ordinances and laws, sometimes of exhortations. Sometimes it brings knowledge of the unseen, sometimes knowledge of spiritual truths. Sometimes it conveys the goodwill and approval of Allah, sometimes His disapproval and displeasure, sometimes His love and regard, sometimes warnings and rebukes. Sometimes it teaches points in morals, sometimes His insight into secret evils. In short, our belief is that God communicates His will to His servants. These communications vary with circumstance and the spiritual status of the recipient.

Spiritual Darkness and the Mahdis (the Guided Ones)

When darkness prevails in the world and human beings sink deep in sin and evil, when without the help of God it becomes difficult for them to release themselves from the hold of Satan, then out of His mercy and beneficence, Allah chooses from out of His own loving and loyal servants, those whom He charges with the duty to guide the world.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

'Khalifatullah' appears with the 'Rooh-ul-Qudus'

The Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as) writes:

“Let it be known that it is the established custom of Allah that whenever a Messenger, a Prophet or an appointed recipient of Divine Revelation is sent for the reformation of mankind, it becomes imperative that he is accompanied by such angels who instill guidance in all loving hearts. They induce the hearts towards goodness.  They continue to descend until the darkness of profanity and corruption gives way to the break of the dawn of faith and truthfulness. The Almighty God says: “The angels and the Spirit descend upon them by the command of their Lord with their Lord’s decrees concerning every matter. It is all peace, till the break of the dawn”. (Surah Al Qadr, 97:5-6) .

So the appearance of the angels and the Holy Spirit only takes place at the advent of a person of distinction, who is dressed in the garb of Khilafat and honored with a direct communion with God. This Khalifa is specially gifted with the Holy Spirit and the angels in attendance are deputed to descend on all pious hearts. The reflection of this heavenly glow falls on people of receptive talent, and consequently the whole world is engulfed in the dazzle of this intense light.    

As a result of the noble influence of the angels, the hearts of such people are voluntarily inclined towards virtuous thoughts and are thus charmed by the concept of the Unity of God. Upright hearts are charged with the inclination towards the search of truth. The spiritually frail are granted fortitude. Everywhere a breeze begins to blow which is supportive to the objectives of the Mujaddid. An invisible hand is beckoning humanity so that they of themselves are hastening towards that reform which will bring out the best of their talents. Mankind is in a state of agitation and stir in anticipation of what is to come.