Based on his Divinely-gifted deep
insight on international affairs, the Sheikh-ul-Islam (aba) cautions thoughtful
people against the dangers facing humanity when man deviates from the Just Way, start violating the rights of others and curbing their freedoms and interests for unfair advantages, and even commits excesses against fellow men in pursuit of property and riches. A hardening trajectory in sectarian emotions and vengeful group feelings take the shape of simmering national conflicts, and escalating violence in certain regions can verily lead to a third world
war with its horrendous consequences for humanity at large. Given the grim and dire
prospects of whole-scale turbulence everywhere for a period of time, Hazrat
Saheb (aba) counsels the faithful to take stock of food, medicine, and other
basic needs of life and to save money for community /collective purposes- indeed, we need
to be prepared to deal with issues of war-induced shortages and deprivations,
including the protective needs of women and children; everyone is urged to proactively take steps, individually and
collectively, to address likely challenges of a world turning upside down.
Read Extracts from the
Message Below:
The following are the recent
revelations received by the Khalifatullah (aba) on 22 October 2023 after Esha prayer:
Inna-Hudallaahi wa huwal-Huda. Wa ummirna lin-nuslima li
Allah’s Guidance is the true Guidance. We have been commanded to submit to the Lord of all the Worlds.