[On the eve of a new
year unfolding in the horizon, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib
(atba) addressed the world on the larger theme of unity in diversity through an
article published on December 29, 2011 in the newspaper
Mauricien. His reflections are deeply imprinted with a profound vision
of the essential unity of mankind and human solidarity. In an age ravished by
the passions of man- “strife, war, jealousy, arrogance, and
thirst for power”- the Messenger of Allah calls the mankind back to
sanity and reason and exhorts us all to reclaim our original identity as “Children
of Adam”. We are reproducing the original article below for the benefit of
our readers].
UNITY IN DIVERSITY: The following adage is widespread yet so little
understood and put into practice: The
world goes round and round and the mentality of people does not change despite
the flying years.
The Torah, Gospels and the Holy Quran inform humankind that we are one, from
one Source, from the divine essence, and we come from one man, Adam, the father
of mankind. That is why, the Almighty addresses human species as “Children
of Adam”. Yet, blood ceases not to be oozed out from our own body – the
body of mankind - because of strife, war, jealousy, arrogance, and thirst for
power. Blood of red incarnadine ceases not to mar the surface of the earth in
the name of justice, yet justice is a long way to be attained by sheer
The Muslim world is shredding itself to pieces because of disunity and a
feeling of superiority over their own Muslim brethrens. The rest of humanity is
fighting against Islam in the name of terrorism. And some people blame religion
for the chaos which the world is facing on a daily basis. The question is: Should
it have been so? Should the world be divided and sub-divided
till a point that we feel estranged to each other, that we lose our identity as
the “Children of Adam”, the ultimate perfected creation of God, that is, the
human species?
We are from the essence of God, believe
it or not! Good and bad is in our nature but the Almighty has given us the ability
to fight against our own devilish side and plunge into the light of felicity
through unity and compatibility to each other, the whole mankind as one
manifestation of the Lord. Is this utopia? Is this aim so impossible to