Three Things to Do When We Reach the End of Times
‘People curse each other a lot. Bribery and adultery prevails. People neglect the Hereafter in order to buy the luxuries of this world in exchange for the Hereafter; so people become materialistic.’
The Holy Prophet (sa) said: ‘If you see this happening in your time, then seek refuge, seek refuge. Find the solution to get away from all of this. It’s not an easy solution, but you need to stay away from all this.’
In another Hadith, a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, what is seeking refuge? How do I seek protection? What do you mean by that?”
And the Holy Prophet (sa) gave an expression like this, he said: ‘By adhering to your house, and keeping your mouth shut, and hold your tongue, and hold from doing unlawful until death comes to you.' (At-Tirmidhi)
Question and Answer
Recently a Muslim brother from Kenya asked a question to Hazrat Imam Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius: ‘what do you advise me in this Era where there are many evils, to become a very good Muslim? Another brother wished to know the qualities of a true Muslim personality in this era of materialism.
‘Stick to the main body
(Jama'ah) of the Muslims and their leader (lmam): an Imam raised by Allah and
he comes with ‘Rouhoul Qudouss’ [Holy Spirit- Gabriel]. He (lmam) comes to revive
the true teaching of Islam which has been trampled into dust by the so-called Mullahs.
The Islamic conception
of God; the first of Islam's fundamental articles of faith, emphatically
proclaims that Allah the Most High and Exalted, the Creator and Sustainer of
all that exists, is far above possessing any of the creaturely attributes which
have been ascribed to Him, nor is He bound by any of the limitations of human
beings or of anything else He has created. He has no body nor form, no physical
attributes or characteristics. Rather His attributes are those of the One who
is above any sort of limitations, such as having a beginning, or an end,
begetting or being begotten, nor physical dimensions, or needs such dimensions
and attributes to His creatures, while He Himself does not share them in the
slightest degree.
A true Muslim personality
rejects the supposition that there exists nothing but the material world, that
the Universe and one's own individual life, with all its circumstances and
events, is the result of accident or blind chance.
A true Muslim accepts and
lives by the certainty that there is a Being Who is responsible for all of
creation and to Whom he, the human being, is in turn responsible. He
acknowledges his dependence on this Being, accepts His laws as the rules which
guide his life, and surrenders himself to Him. He is always conscious of Allah,
remembering Him in all his activities and concerns. Islamic values and
attitudes are the base on which his personality is built and Islamic criteria
govern all aspects of his life. Such an individual, together with others like
himself, forms an Islamic society which, collectively, submits and conforms to
the guidance of Almighty Allah.