Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Hazrat Ibrahim: An 'Ummah'


 إِنَّ إِبۡرَٰهِيمَ كَانَ أُمَّةٗ قَانِتٗا لِّلَّهِ حَنِيفٗا وَلَمۡ يَكُ مِنَ ٱلۡمُشۡرِكِينَ


Indeed Ibrahim was a whole community by himself, obedient to Allah, exclusively devoted to Him. And he was never one of those who associated others with Allah in His Worship. (An-Nahl 16: 121)

Hazrat Ibrahim (as) – Abraham – is considered to be a community (Ummah) and a universe by himself. The question that arises is why Hazrat Ibrahim (as) was granted the title of ‘Ummah’?

Ibrahim (Abraham) was an Ummah i.e. a leader having all the good, righteous qualities of a nation, obedient to Allah, Hanif i.e. being someone who worshipped none but Allah and he was not one of the polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and those who joined partners – false gods – with Allah.


Allah chose him from among all the people of that time to grant him the gift of prophethood. And Allah had promised him that He will bless his nation, both materially and spiritually. Hazrat Ibrahim (as) was neither a Jew nor a Christian but a Hanif, that is, someone who turns exclusively to the worship of One God, the True God. Allah had tested him with various trials, and he attracted the love of Allah upon himself through his devotion, his faith, his generosity and his very special love for Allah. It was then that Allah took him as a Friend (Khalil), and made him a whole nation by spreading his descendants to the four corners of the world until this day. 

Allah gave him two sons and made them both prophets. And in his two lineages, the lineage of Isma’il (as) and Ishaq (as), He sent prophets. The lineage of Ishaq had a special blessing where Allah chose the sons and their sons as His prophets. For example, from Hazrat Ibrahim was born Ishaq (as), and from Ishaq (as), Yaqub (as), and from Yaqub (as), He gave them the gift of Yusuf (as) – prophets of blood and spirituality. But Allah reserved the greatest favour for the lineage of Isma’il. He gave them the gift of the greatest of all prophets. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) came as the Seal of the prophets, the last one among all the law-bearing prophets..


So, if we look at the genealogy of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) we will see the great grace of Allah that made His Intimate Friend (Khalilullah) the father of three great nations: the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims. But what is very important to mention is that while the Jews and the Christians left monotheism – the worship of the one true God [Allah], but as Allah had promised Ibrahim (as), as well as Isma’il (as) and as well as Muhammad (pbuh), He raised the latter with the greatest of religions, the true guidance, with the true Ummah that rests on the oneness of Allah, that is, Islam.


So, Hazrat Ibrahim (as) is considered a nation in himself because of his personality which was so remarkable that it was equivalent to that of a whole group of people! The brilliance of his personality far surpassed that of a single being. And He was a leader and a guide for humanity to come (i.e. the future generations) because others followed him; and it was in his progeny that Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was born. As a leader, he was the inspiration for all the actions of the people who followed him and so he himself is considered a nation.


Let us also not forget that he was the only monotheist of his time – a monotheistic nation among a nation of idolaters. He was such a monotheist that he even inspired Lut (as) later on. Allah sent – ​​some time after his prophethood – Lut (as) as a prophet, to two other nations: Sodom and Gomorrah. These two prophets coexisted, but the degree of proximity of Prophet Ibrahim (as) to Allah far exceeded the proximity and prophethood of Hazrat Lut (as) in the eyes of Allah. And as I have indicated to you, Hazrat Ibrahim (as) was the origin and source of the Muslim nation; he used to perform so many prayers and think only of his Creator, which was equivalent to the prayers of an Ummah in general, and which does justice to this Arabic proverb: “This person is a tribe and a universe on his own.”


Speaking of this praiseworthy title of Ummah, I would like to draw your attention to an extraordinary person by the name of Zaid bin Amr bin Nufayl (ra). He was elder to the Prophet (pbuh) and spent his entire life on the worship of Allah, trying with all his might to worship Allah just as Hazrat Ibrahim (as) did. He was a seeker of truth who did not fall into the trap of Arab paganism. Even when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was young and had not yet received divine revelation, Zaid bin Amr (ra) did not hesitate to refute his clan [the Quraysh] and the other Arabs and remained firm on the worship of Allah alone. Abdullah (ra) narrated: Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said that he met Zaid bin ‘Amr [bin] Nufail at a place near Baldah and this had happened before Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) received the Divine Inspiration. Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) presented a dish of meat (that had been offered to him by the pagans) to Zaid bin ‘Amr, but Zaid refused to eat of it and then said (to the pagans), “I do not eat of what you slaughter on your stone-altars (Ansabs) nor do I eat except that on which Allah’s Name has been mentioned on slaughtering.” (Bukhari)


Zaid bin Amr bin Nufayl (ra) was blessed with a son who became the companion of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and who is also recorded among the first ten to receive the glad tidings of Paradise. And speaking of his father Zaid, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) assured him [Sa’eed bin Zaid] that Zaid too will be granted Paradise and will be an Ummah on his own [or by himself] on the Day of Judgement.


So, here we see the glory of being an Ummah by oneself. When one’s heart is filled with divine love, one is considered a Wali (comrade, protector or saint). Hazrat Ibrahim (as) is thus considered to this day as the greatest Wali of his time, even before his prophetic mission. This sainthood later became prophethood and apostleship. He is considered the founder of monotheism, after Nuh (as) and the flood.


At a time when no one took the name of the Creator and performed the prayers of the Supreme Being, Hazrat Ibrahim (as) alone thought of Allah, day and night. The Holy Quran mentions forty of his beautiful qualities; So Hazrat Ibrahim (as) is a universe in himself. When he called people to accept ‘Tawheed’ (the oneness of Allah), his enemies put him on a pyre to burn him alive, but then when Allah saved his life by making that fire cool for him, they banished him from the country. He faced countless trials but remained steadfast in his belief in the oneness of Allah.


At one time, he was childless, and then he was granted progeny through his devotion and prayers to Allah. And Allah tested him with that same child and his mother Hajra (ra). He was divinely commanded to leave them in the desert in the vicinity of the place of the Ka’aba, which was in ruins at that time. He left the child and his mother in the desert of Makkah, with little provision, but Allah was there as their Protector and Guardian. When this son, Hazrat Isma’il (as) grew up, he accepted the Creator’s command to sacrifice him. He faced many trials, and was crowned with success. So many confrontations to one Ummah alone, and he faced them all alone, so that the Oneness of God, which he preached will flourish until the Day of Judgement.


He always worked for the Truth. He had always shown himself to be courageous and submissive to the will of Allah. And Allah rewarded him, as well as Isma’il and made them the fathers of the Muslim nation. They are the illustrious descendants of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), the best of men and prophets. Alhamdulillah!


So, by accepting Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), we as Muslims accept all the true prophets whom Allah has sent for the reformation of nations in the past, and we wait with patience and wisdom for the coming of reformers, who will also be prophets, but only non-bearers of law to bring Islam to its peak of glory. The people who will come as prophets after Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) – like Hazrat Massih Ma’ud Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and myself [the Khalifatullah] – we do not come as people who will abolish the Quran, but on the contrary, we come to give the Quran its true value. We receive divine revelations, which are not new laws that come as a new Quran, no! But these are the revelations that come from Allah, through Hazrat Jibreel (as) – Wahy and Ilham both – to give guidance in this modern world and to give the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) their true value, their true importance.


Today, we should feel happy that we are part of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) who was an Ummah on his own. If Islam was able to flourish today, it is thanks to this unique person and his devotion. And Allah was so pleased and respected him that he became a Comrade of Allah. Not every person gets the chance to become a Friend of Allah. And not just any friend, but a close friend, with whom Allah talks, and in all his difficulties [which he encounters], it is Allah Himself who removes them, and gives His chosen servant the joy that comes from Him (Allah).


Alhamdulillah, our three days of Eid, in each country have ended, where Eid begins on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah and ends on the 12th day after Asr. Alhamdulillah, for all those who have made Qurbani, I pray that Allah accepts your Qurbani and gives the others who have not succeeded in making Qurbani the opportunity to make Qurbani next time. And may Allah open the door of Hajj for His true servants and remove all the vices which have entered the holy land (Arabia). May Allah banish Shaytan and put in place His chosen servants for the glory of Islam, of His Tawheed (Oneness) in the world. Insha-Allah, Ameen.

----Friday Sermon of 21 June 2024~14 Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius.