Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Divinely Revealed Prayers- III

Invocations, Part 3:

By the grace of Allah (swt), He has given me the opportunity to continue the series of my sermons on duahs, so that they may be of benefit to all members of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam throughout the world. May Allah (swt) continue to pour down His blessings upon me and continue to reveal me more duahs so that I may distribute them, these spiritual treasures to all my disciples throughout the world so that they may benefit from them in their daily life, Insha-Allah.

Since the beginning of the Divine Manifestation in the year 2000, Allah has revealed to me several duahs to support and comfort me in the several trials which this humble servant of Allah had to go through and continue to bear, as well as all my sincere disciples, and by the grace of Allah, Allah (swt) is with us and reveals such duahs which verily acts as a true, and extremely effective and powerful weapon for the sincere believers.

Our greatest weapon is prayer (duah) and today by the grace of Allah, I put before you again some duahs which Allah (swt) revealed to me as that this be of great use to my disciples and all other Muslim brothers and sisters, because this is a spiritual treasure which I have to share with you, whether you believe in me or not. These are such duahs which I distribute to you so that this brings salvation, tranquility, and peace for each one among us. Now I present to you these duahs:

Rabbana la tajalna dawmatal lil qawmil jaahileen.
O our Lord, do not let us become prey for the ignorant/ the dominating people.

Then: Wajal afedatam menan-naase tahvee elayhim.
Make the hearts of many people turn in our direction.

This is indeed a good news for (our) progress. A visible example is how Allah has turned the hearts of people towards this humble servant in this era and by the grace, look at our website; see how many countries, many people (nations) have accepted this humble servant (of Allah) and Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. Alhamdulillah-ir-Rabbil-Aalameen.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Divinely Revealed Prayers-II

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, today is the first day of our Jalsa Salana, and Alhamdulillah, the subject of my sermon for today shall be on DUAHS (i.e., the invocations, supplications or prayers which we need to address to Allah), and is thus a continuation of my sermon of last week.

In one of his books, the Promised Messiah (as) advised his Jamaat; and by the grace of Allah, in this era, I also advise my Jamaat to recite this duah in the last Rakah (cycle) of your Namaz (Salat/ prayer), after Ruku, after having recited: “Rabbana wa lakal-Hamd; Hamdan kasiran tayyeban Mubarakan fih” then recite: “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ʻaakhirati hasanatan waqina ʻadhaban-naar.” - Our Lord! Grant us good (or success) in this world and good (or success) in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire.

We recite this duah usually when we find ourselves in the sitting position after Sijda. Thus, it is not obligatory to read it every time but one who finds that he can do it, then let him do it (i.e. recite this duah as many times that he wants), where he asks Allah: Grant us success in this world and success in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the hellfire.

A duah of Hazrat Adam (as) which I recommend my Jamaat to recite is as follows: “Rabbana zalamna anfusina wa illam taghfirlana wa tarhamna lana kunana minal-khasireen”Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls: If You do not forgive us and do not bestow upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be lost.

This duah was verily accepted by Allah in favour of Hazrat Adam (as).

By the grace of Allah, today the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam is doing lots of progress in the field of spirituality, in countries which we did not expect, yet Allah (swt) gave these nations/ countries guidance (Hidayah), and opened their hearts to Sahih al Islam. Indeed Allah (swt) has blessed this small island called Mauritius and it is in this in this island that He has raised His chosen servant with the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

'A Call for International Peace'

The International Day of Non-Violence is observed each year on 2 October – the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, who helped lead India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. It is a befitting occasion to reflect upon the many ‘fires’ around our conflict-riven world where there is much violence, oppression and injustice. Many ‘powerful’ ones- nations/leaders/groups/entities- are steeped in arrogance and hostility against the ‘wretched of the earth’; seeking to suppress the legitimate interests and rights of the ‘other’ among them. In a special message, Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius calls our attention to the need for individual and collective efforts to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, promote just relations among communities and peoples and to uphold ‘Peace’ as an ethical imperative of our times: 

“It is my humble appeal to the national and international authorities to see to it that human rights are always respected at every step of the way….Each government, and each individual also at his own personal level should strive to help in building a peaceful society, and strive to fight all evils along the way”.