Sunday, September 16, 2018

Hijri Era: Islamic Calendar


I shall now address you some explanations on the Islamic Calendar. The Islamic Calendar has a story and origin and we should know about it.

All nations used to keep count of years as from a specific epoch. Whenever there was a highly important event that is known to the whole world, then people took it as a starting point of an epoch, to start a calendar. The best way to start a calendar would have been to date it back to the advent of Hazrat Adam (as) on earth or even start the calendar as from the deluge in the times of Hazrat Nuh (as), for these are highly important events in history. But unfortunately, we do not have exact information on the times when these events occurred. Therefore, each nation took as starting point a main event/ situation which they witnessed in their own times.

It has been reported that the descendants of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) began to count the days/ years as from the day that he was thrown into the fire. As for the Arabs, they based their calendar on the Year of the Elephant, and here is its story:

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Muharram, 'Ashura' Fasting

A new Islamic Year

'Best wishes for the Islamic New Year to all my followers and the entire Muslim community in the world. Alhamdulillah, we begin the New Year of the Islamic calendar and therefore, the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam presents to all Muslims and Muslims its best wishes for the New Year. We hope that this year we can continue to do good deeds with solid faith (Iman) in Allah and the will to fulfill His instructions and commands in the best way possible.


The month of Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. This month is not only sacred but also full of blessings. Even in the pre-Islamic era, the Arabs respected this month, stopped fighting and prevented themselves from harming each other. It’s a month dedicated to Allah.... 

Friday, September 14, 2018

'Khilafat': Ahmadi Misconceptions

Serious misconceptions exist among Ahmadis today about the spiritual status and authority of their 'Khalifatul Massih'. Through an incremental process of  theological engineering in institutional practices over a century of its existence, the Nizam-e-Jamaat manufactured a special spiritual 'aura' around its assembly-elected leader. The institutional role and administrative authority of the office of the Khalifatul Massih has been calibrated into an 'infallible' league of its own, almost as an equivalent of an Elect of God. Today, the carefully-crafted image of 'a leader who enjoys the shadow of Divine protection' has been conferred upon the Caliph by his own sect and as such the title of 'Khalifatul Massih' holds special significance in the mind-space and religious imagination of the folks within. So much so that most members of the Jamaat today swear by a notion that 'Ahmadiyya Khilafat' is the unchanging institutional order of Islam till the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah)

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Living Islam: Importance of 'Duah'

Invocations (Duah) in Islam

Seek ways to get closer to Him.” (Al-Ma'ida, 5: 36).

O Allah, You are forgiving and You love to forgive, so (please) forgive me.” Ameen.

The duah is an imploration, a prayer, a request, a supplication that we, the Muslim Ummah, address to Allah (swt) to satisfy our needs, to grant us His blessings, to forgive our sins, to help us overcome our difficulties, to solve our problems, to correct our faults, to find (and tread upon) the right path, to enlighten our hearts to make the difference between good and evil, to find the true path and inner peace and to draw closer to Him.

The duah is the favourite weapon of all prophets and true believers so as to carry out the difficult tasks assigned to them and to endure the ordeals they have often suffered and shall continue to suffer. That is to say, just like there were the prophets of Allah and the pious people who had to go through all kinds of ordeals in the past and they used to invoke Allah to help them, likewise, presently and in the future also, there shall be such elects of Allah and the pious people who shall also seek the help of Allah in all their ordeals through prayer (duahs). Through various verses of the Holy Quran, we learn how the prophets (Hazrat) Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Ayub, Zakariah and other messengers made duahs, especially during the difficult moments of their lives. 

And the Holy Book teaches us how the Seal of the Prophets Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) strongly urged believers to seek the help of Allah (swt) in all circumstances. So much so that to start any particular job/ task you have to do a very easy duah, saying: “Bismillah”. The duah is the best way to have a healthy, perfect, agreeable relationship between man and his Creator, as well as his rooting in the notion of faith, since even the prophets who represent the peak of humanity as to their closeness to Allah (swt) and their connection to Him always resorted to duahs.

We must in no case neglect this act of worship, this great and best worship of Allah (swt) – after Salat and Quran reading. For if you meditate of its importance, you shall find that in Salat (prayer), it is mostly Quranic verses and duahs which are recited. It is duahs which embellish our Salat. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was right and he made it clear about duah: “Duah (Supplication) is the essence of worship.” (Tirmidhi).