Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Youth and the Future of Ummah

In his Friday Sermon of 11 December 2009, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius spoke on the role of the youth in shaping the nation. As the future of a community critically depends upon the emotional, intellectual and spiritual culture of  its youth; Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) underscores in this discourse the importance of education and proper training of the youth in the true values of life. Against the backdrop of the materialist cultures of our societies failing its youths, Hazrat Saheb (aba) exhorts the young Muslims to turn to the values of Deen-i-Islam, and correct their elders in clearing theological misconceptions and deviant social practices that compromise an ethical Islamic social life. 

Drawing inspiration from the Abdals [great men of faith in the past], the young Muslims could inculcate within themselves the spirit of good conduct and righteousness in their every day life. Building a spirit of selflessness and service to others even at the cost of one's own self; gaining self control by practicing Divine commands such as offering Tahajjud, and offering regular Salaat at the prescribed timings; being grateful to God by sharing the benefits of one's resources and skills with others in need; abstaining from sins and avoiding evil pathways- Hazrat Saheb (aba) maps deep insights on spiritual values that can empower the youth against all destructive temptations in our times.  

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 

               وَإِذَا بَلَغَ الْأَطْفَالُ مِنكُمُ الْحُلُمَ فَلْيَسْتَأْذِنُوا   

‘And when the children among you have attained to puberty...’ 

[The Holy Qur’an, (24: 60)].  


Youth is a very important step in the life of man. It is a stage where his intelligence is strengthened and where he is in a better position to understand practical life through reflection and analysis. If in his youth a person does not acquire a good formation, then he will waste his youth in vain and bad things, and this will put him in a dangerous situation, for his life will take a wrong turn (direction). But if in his prime youth the person prepares himself to follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and does the required preparation to take up his own responsibilities as they should be taken, it is then that he will be able to convert a dead nation into an alive one, through his good conduct and his enthusiasm to work — and this dedication of his become a model for others to follow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

'Hijab' in the Time of 'Islamophobia'


In his Friday Sermon of 25 February 2022~ 23 Rajab 1443 AH, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius eloquently explains the ethics of Hijab in Islam. Speaking against the backdrop of the ongoing controversy in India and elsewhere over unfair restrictions on the civic freedoms of Muslim girls and women to access education and employment in the name of their religious attire, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) offers an exposition on the Islamic approach for the protection of women's identity, dignity,  privacy interests, and rights in the social order. 


As Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) alludes in the discourse, the present controversy over Hijab is indicative of a deeper crises in societies fuelled by internal political conflicts over unemployment and other issues, including the recognition, accommodation and integration of minority groups. Liberal States in the West and elsewhere swear by their commitment to democratic values and fundamental human rights- including freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and minority rights- and yet, the apparently neutral policies that they espouse betray direct or indirect discrimination- with disproportional impact upon the religious minorities living in the land; forcing the minority communities to choose between their commitment to religious beliefs and cultural practices and the dictates of national culture -raising searing questions of justice and equity in law and policy. 

Consider the present, manufactured controversy over Hijab. The 'presence' of Muslims as a people manifesting their religious practices such as Hijab and going about their everyday lives apparently challenge pre-existing notions of 'secular' public sphere with their rules of engagement such as uniforms in academic institutions and dress code in employment, etc. Majoritarian intolerance and hatred against minority groups point to political mobilization. Illiberal forces weaponize secular law to erase the 'hated' symbols of minorities- such as the Hijab- from the public sphere. Indeed, beneath the veneer of liberal quibbling over the role of 'religious' symbol- Hijab- in 'secular' space, with no corresponding attention to the symbols of the majority that are all over the public sphere; Islamophobia- the prejudice and suspicion and hatred and intolerance against Islam as a religion and Muslims as a community- is 'the elephant in the room' that needs to be called out. 

With ideologies of racial supremacism, ethnic nationalism, and religious majoritarianism increasingly gaining public support in several multicultural states,  'Islamophobia' is indeed regrettably widespread in our times. In the names of modernity and secular values of women's emancipation and empowerment, the Islamic headscarf and other veiling practices are viewed as 'oppressive' by the non-Muslim world. Hence, Muslim girls and women are left with no option but to resist and mount legal struggles to gain recognition and public acceptance for their Hijab. It is instructive to note in this context that without clear respect for the inherent dignity and rights of the human person and her free choices, including the recognition of 'difference' in the spirit of diversity; without an ethic of compassion for 'minority' groups who don't share the values of the majority; the claims of upholding liberalism, democracy, secularism and human rights are empty or hollow. As more and more women- [both Muslims and non-Muslims]- are recognizing the appeal and benefits of Islamic teachings and embracing the convenience of the Hijab, the societies that seek to ban Islamic values are destined to be profoundly transformed in their approach sooner than later- whether they like it not, Insha Allah, Aameen. 

Read the Friday Sermon Below: 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

'Hijab' and the Law

The recent expulsion of a number of ‘Hijab’-wearing, young Muslim students in Karnataka, and the subsequent imposition of a ‘ban’ on religious attire in academic institutions raise disturbing questions about Executive excesses, given their profound implications on the future of individual choice, religious freedom, and minority rights in India. Given the fact that multiple religious symbols  and attires are accepted and accommodated as part of the nation’s secular ethos and composite culture, and most Muslim girl children had been wearing headscarves along with their School uniforms for many decades all across the country without any issue, the present manufactured controversy against ‘Hijab’ in coastal Karnataka can only be seen as a manifestation of the tectonic shifts that are currently underway in Indian politics, especially the growing muzzle-flexing by Islamophobic extremists in the country who enjoy impunity from law despite their vitriolic campaigns for the erasure of all markers of Muslim-cultural identity from the public sphere of India as well as threatening to commit mass atrocities against the minority community. Hence, attacking a religious and cultural practice like ‘Hijab’ in the name of ‘uniformity’ in the class-room dress code is only the latest episode in the larger political project of remaking India into a ‘Hindu Rashtra’. 

Constitutional Secularism in India

As a large country with over a billion- people: professing different faiths and belonging to diverging denominational groups; a variety of regional traditions and food cultures; indigenous communities; speaking several languages; India cannot but remain as a shining example of unity in diversity. It is this spirit of tolerance, accommodation and inclusion that is the hallmark of the Indian nationhood as envisaged and consciously chosen by the founding fathers of the Constitutional order when India regained independence from British colonialism in 1947. Respecting the dignity of the individual, and accommodating cultural differences by express recognition of minority rights; evolving the bond of fraternity across all category distinctions and constructing a public order where every social group finds equal access to flourish in togetherness is the idea of India that emerges from that founding document of the secular republic.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Kerala: Gifts for Kids


“Do good to others. Allah loves those who do good.” (2:196) 

Islam instils a culture of caring and sharing, and a sense of responsibility within individuals for fostering a just society. Rather than being content to live with one’s wealth and family, the Qur’an expects you to be virtuous and do good to others as an obligation of faith and commitment. Being a trustee of God on earth, it is your duty to deploy all that Allah (swt) has gifted you in this life so as to work for the well being of all of God’s creations. 

This is especially so in times when glaring inequality and  deep fractures and fault-lines in our communities call for robust initiatives for a just and caring social order. Indeed, our broken times call for the creation of 'a new world' that foregrounds the protection and benefit of the poor and the indigent, the orphans and the widows, the homeless and the landless, the elderly and the sick; that facilitates education, skills training and other beneficial capabilities among the young for a better future.  

Inspired by the illuminating guidance and leadership of Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, the humble and devoted brothers of the Jamaat are increasingly engaging themselves in beneficial social engagement programmes at their own local communities, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Kerala: A Charitable Trust


‘O My Lord, help me to be truly grateful for Your favours to me, and to my parents; help me to do good work that pleases You; make my offspring good. I  turn to You; I am one of those who devote themselves to You.’ (HQ, 46:16) 

As one grows older and wiser, one becomes even more conscious of one’s responsibility towards both the older and the younger generations. ‘Whosoever is unkind to our young and disrespectful of our old is not one of us’, declared the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). Indeed, being virtuous and showing gratitude to one’s parents is a Qur’anic duty on all believers- second in importance only to the duty to worship God: “Worship God; join nothing with Him. Be good to your parents, to relatives, to orphans, to the needy, to neighbours near and far, to travelers in need, and to your assistants.” (4:37)

Inspired by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Khalifatullah Al Mahdi Munir Ahmad Azim (aba)’s spiritual discourses and illuminating guidance, Mukarram R. Jamaluddin Raother Saheb of Mathra recently established a charitable initiative in Kerala, India. With the sublime objective of rendering service to humanity, Jamaluddin Saheb has founded and legally-registered a Trust in fond memory of, and in the name of his beloved parents, Janab Rasavumeeran Raother (d. 1951) and Fatima Beevi Saheba (d.1986).   

Monday, October 4, 2021

‘Tarbiyat’ Meetings in Jamaat


'O my dear son, associate with the Learned and sit respectfully in their presence. For, Allah gives life to hearts by the light of His wisdom, as He revives the dead-earth by life-giving rain from the heavens'---Luqman, the Wise. 

With the Holy and august presence and continuous guidance of Khalifatul Muslemeen Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius,  the Jamaat ul Sahih Al Islam International today seeks to revive and renew amongst its members the great Islamic tradition of learning and seeking wisdom in the company of the Righteous. In this context, Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam- India organized a number of Tai’lim/ Tarbiyat/ Study-Circle meetings in recent weeks for the benefit of its members in Tamil Nadu, and also in Kerala, including by women’s wing of the Jamaat, Siraj Makin Djawaharatul Kamal. In view of the continuing (Covid- 19 related) restrictions on physical meetings in several places, the Jamaat members have used both Online and Offline methods of collective learning, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah.  

In Tamil Nadu, Tarbiyat meetings were organized in Kottar and Melappalayam in the last week of September 2021. Brothers such as Khalil Rahman Saheb, Suleiman Samil Saheb, Sheikh Malukar Saheb, and Muhammad Nabil Saheb led the discussions at the meetings- exchanging views on important spiritual themes such as dietary practices of the Holy Prophet (sa); the Promised Messiah (as)’ views on ‘Ilm-ul-Yaqeen’; Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba)’s perspectives on Ghibbat -the sins of thinking and speaking ill of others, backbiting, etc. 

Likewise, on 26 September 2021, a Tarbiyyat meeting was organized at the Melappalayam Masjid under the Chairpersonship of Mukarram Noor-ud-Din Saheb, the respected Tarbiyyat Secretary of the Jamaat in Tamil Nadu. Janab Sabeer Saheb recited the Holy Qur’an; Sofiya Banu Saheba recited a Nazm  from the blessed pen of our beloved Imam Hazrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (aba) of Mauritius. Different speakers such as Muhammad Rafi Saheb, Naseer Saheb and the Chair of the session Noor-ud-Din Saheb covered important topics for expanding the spiritual knowledge and awareness levels of fellow brothers and sisters in the community. The holy teachings of Islam as taught by Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) and the Imam-e-Inquilab Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) were broadly explained by the discussants on the occasion, Alhamdulillah.     

Monday, September 6, 2021

'Deeni Ta'lim': Learn & Teach


Iman, Islam & Spiritual Education 

Both the words, Islam and Iman, are used synonymously. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: “Verily, (the true) Deen with Allah is Islam”. (Al-Imran, 3: 20) 

“Whoever searches for a Deen other than Islam, never will it be accepted from him (i.e. His adoption of any other religion will never be acceptable to Almighty Allah). And, in the Aakhirah he (the one who chooses another religion) will be ruined”. (Al-Imran, 3: 86) 

“Whoever among you turns away from his Deen (Islam) and then dies being a Kafir, his good deeds will be ruined in this world and the Aakhirah. Such people are the inmates of the Fire; therein will they remain forever”. (Al-Baqara, 2: 218)


The ruin of one’s Islam in this world is the nullification of one’s Nikah. By reneging from Islam, the renegade’s (Murtad’s) wife falls out of his Nikah. He is also deprived of inheritance. He will not inherit in the estate of any Muslim. After death there is no Janaza Salat for him. The ruin of one’s deeds in relation to the Aakhirah is the everlasting residence in hell.  

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Covid-19: World in Panic

The Precarious State of the World 

Everyone is in awe (fear) with the 2nd and 3rd waves of the pandemic which are wreaking havoc across the whole world. People are confined to the house, and those who do not respect the confinement, there are tickets for non-compliance with the confinement, and laws have been passed. [And here in Mauritius, some people are ignoring the warnings of the police and continue to circulate without following health advice and protocols]. The law states that anyone accused of non-compliance with confinement or non-wearing of a mask will have their conviction for this offense displayed on their character certificate. 

Here in Mauritius, there is a scare that governs in the neighbouring regions! The villages will switch slowly into the red zone same as the towns [such as the village of Canot]. The number of cases continues to increase, and the containment which was to be removed on March 31, has been extended until April 30, 2021. The authorities have sealed the perimeters of the most infected places, that is to say, the red zones. No one has the right to enter or leave it except those who are in possession of special “Work Access Permits” [WAPs] for red zones, as well as children who have exams, and the parents who accompany them. And until this ban is lifted, everyone must abide by these limits so that the virus does not spread. Contact tracing continues, and as I told you, the country (Mauritius) has hundreds and hundreds of positive [local] cases. 

For me personally, I fear for all mankind that the Astra Zeneca vaccine would cause long term side effects. 

Monday, December 31, 2018

Moral Values, Changing Times

Today we live in a time when the values ​​of yesteryears have almost disappeared. No more respect for the elders! For example, in the past, teachers were invaluable to their students (the latter had great respect for them), but nowadays this value is lost. Parents are unable to control their children despite religious preaching, the work of NGOs, and the advice of psychologists. Despite all efforts, the situation is not improving. We live in a changing society. With globalization, we are carried away by the current of modernization that takes us away from our values ​​of yesteryears.

The new generation is just following the evolution of society. In the past, schools, Madrasas, as well as parents played their role perfectly to maintain a balance between moral values ​​and the detrimental effects of modernization. But nowadays, parents have lost their authority over their children. Most children do not obey their parents anymore.

Why are our young people devoid of moral values? Could this be due to a loophole in our education system? Are we robotizing our young people through high technology? Politeness and courtesy are almost non-existent among young people. Where are the greetings of yesteryears that flowed from the bottom of our hearts, full of love and friendship?

So who is to blame? We should not play the blame game because all parties are to blame. The parents, the central core of the family have lost their connection with their children. Today, everything is allowed for children. There are no restrictions. Both father and mother are working and the children are left to their own devices without guidance and a good discipline. Now, in a highly technological world, the old-fashioned logic of family unity has given way to a global connection of people of all kinds. Although technology brings some benefits, but unfortunately we are dealing nowadays with its multiple disadvantages as well, those that ruin the physical, moral and spiritual health of children.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Islamic Ethics on Training Children

Advices to the wo/men of the Jamaat- Part II

Frankly speaking, to set someone on the right path, is never an easy task. But it is truly an act of highest virtue. It is therefore binding on all of our Jamaat worldwide to not only associate our members with all types of welfare activities but also to enable them to shoulder such social burdens as would tend to make them responsible citizens. It is because the charge of responsibility invariably alters the perception of an individual. It deepens their knowledge and expertise and their thinking power. It enables them to become independent individuals who can bring in ideas for the good maintenance and reform of our Jamaat in the years to come. It helps them develop their personality and maintain a close relationship with their Deen (religion - i.e. Islam).

The office bearers in our different organizations, whatever names or duties we may assign to them, should be trained earlier on to take over their responsibilities later on. The Jamaat should have trustworthy and pious members at the top, such people who shall be able to maintain the equilibrium of the whole Islamic system with the help of Allah, and for that Taqwa is absolutely important. Without Taqwa, man is like a lifeless plant. He shall go wayward without piety, righteousness and absolute fear and respect for Allah, The All-Seeing, All-Hearing.

Thus, by giving our youths responsibilities earlier on in life shall help them to perfect their level of belongingness to the cause of Allah; they shall better understand our cause and shall strive to please Allah in whatever they do. Remember, Satan is the bitterest enemy of man. He and his army shall try to deviate you at different points in life but you need to bypass his whisperings and invitations and focus your attention and love on Allah and His Truth. Always follow the right path, even though it is a million times difficult, but I assure you that at the end of that thorny path is found the most delectable of rewards. Remember your sacrifices is a short-term while the rewards promised by Allah is eternal. Now, it is for you to choose which path you would tread: the path of ruin or the path of salvation.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Parental Responsibilities

Nowadays parents are teaching their children a lot on only the material aspect of education. They make all necessary preparations in this field ever since the birth of their children. Here, in Mauritius, we see children being admitted to pre-primary schools at around 3 years old, and when they reach their 5 years old, they go to primary school, then secondary, and finally to university, be it locally or they are sent abroad (to pursue their studies). Parents are ready to make debts so that their offspring study to obtain a degree or diploma. They readily invest a lot of money to secure his (material) future. They are even ready to mortgage their houses, lands to make their children succeed in their advanced studies and become doctors, engineers or lawyers etc., and they do it all with much pride.

All these endeavours are very good, I am not condemning this, but you (parents) should not look at only the material aspect of your children’s education. When you do so, you let this world attract you more so that you may get acclamations in society as the parent/s of such doctor, lawyer etc; and, this despite being overloaded with debts which you contracted to make him/her reach this level of mundane success. And, this despite the fact that there is no guarantee that he/she is grateful to you for the sacrifices done to make him/her get his/her diploma; he may as well neglect you and cast you aside. Or, despite the efforts made, even if your child succeed in becoming a doctor, engineer, lawyer etc., but at the end of the day he is null in Deen (religious) matters. All in all, it is a serious matter for you as parents if all this does not affect you the least.

The neglect of Deen

If your child turned out to be ungrateful and/or disconnected with religion after having obtained his degree as a doctor, or lawyer, and he does not pray Salat/Namaz, neglect the reading of the Holy Qur'an and is not at all attached to the religion of Islam, does this not bring a regret in your heart? Does this not affect you if he is Muslim only in name? Then, who is responsible for this state of affairs? This makes you go back in time to see whether you have given him some teachings of the religion of Islam (and how much of it). If ever you actually gave him some training in Deen (religious) matters, then bear in mind that this is not restricted to only a little practice of Namaz (obligatory prayers) – even then, even if prayer is not done in time – or a little reading of the Holy Quran – whenever he gets the time to do so! Despite a little practice of Namaz (Salat) and Qur'an reading, bear in mind that your child has not obtained all Islamic teachings!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The True Purpose of Education

In a special sermon on 06 October 2012 the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius called the attention of one and all to the true meaning and purpose of education in life. Based on a specific message received from Allah the Almighty, the Messenger of our times points to the gaping holes in the contemporary education system. The students are merely acquiring degrees and do not understand the real significance of education. Modern educational system, on the whole, has become centres of factory production of graduates, limiting its functional effectiveness in resolving the complex contingencies of modern life. It has made people self-centred and individualistic, rather than socially-oriented and empathetic to the less-fortunate in society.

True education”, says the Khalifatullah is that which develops your inner vision, provides spiritual illumination and helps you experience everlasting bliss”. Such an education focuses on the moral and spiritual growth of the individual who acquires noble qualities and keeps under control his sensory organs.  Only when you achieve sense control can you become a learned man in the real sense of the term. Hence, control your senses and become a master of the world”, reminds and exhorts the Khalifatullah.

Read the Extracts from the Sermon:

“By the grace of Allah, I am presenting before you today, especially our youths and the parents, a message which I initially received from Allah during a Safar Zikrullah in the Divine Manifestation of this era, so that you may profit from the same blessings and advices which come from both Allah and His humble Muhyi-ud-Din of this era. And that you may keep away from the harm which Allah and His Muhyi-ud-Din are warning you about, and that you may reform yourselves in such a way that you become the true soldiers of Islam. I know that it is not easy to just reform all at once, but when there is a will, there is a way. When there is trust and firmness in Allah, then Allah Himself shall help you. Therefore listen carefully to what Allah and this humble self have to tell you: