In the
post-Communist, contemporary world, Islam is considered the potential threat
and rival to the designs of the imperial West and its grand strategy of
dominating the world. For, Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion with a
population of around 2 Billion and counting. Indeed, every fourth person on the
face of the Planet is a Muslim and over 50 countries have a predominant Muslim presence.
The world’s most strategic energy resources- oil, natural gas and other petroleum
products- are located in the Muslim lands of West Asia and Central Asia. With
this kind of huge natural advantages, the Muslim nations can and should be able
to control the world and its destiny in material terms.Yet, that is not happening. How do we explain this irony of Muslim fortunes and what is the way out for the Ummah?

In his Friday
Sermon of 28 September 2012, the
Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius profoundly reflected upon
this theme. Drawing upon Qur’anic verses, the Khalifatullah (atba) asserts that the Islamic ethics and values shall win over
all other ideological rivals and belief systems. For the benefit of Muslims,
the Divine Messenger also mentions a prayer revealed and taught by Allah the
Most High to recite in these troubled times for Islam and Muslims.
Read the Extracts from the Friday Sermon:
“And never will
Allah give the disbelievers over the believers a way (to overcome them).” (4:142)