Hadhrat Maulvi Hakim Nuruddin (ra) (1841-1914) was the foremost companion and disciple of the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as). He was a man of wide learning in a range of subjects. And he displayed an abiding interest in understanding the spiritual universe all though his life. Hadhrat Ahmad (as) held him up as an excellent example of devotion and piety, as he said:
How good would it be if every member of the community were a Nur-ud-Din;
So would it be if every heart were filled with the light of the certainty of faith.
It is no accident, then, that after the death of the Promised Massih (as), the Ahmadiyya Community elected him as Hadhrat Khalifatul Massih Awwal. During his life time as the Khalifa Awwal, Hadhrat Hakim Nuruddin (ra) contributed his measure to lead the Community in the straight path of Sahih al Islam.
The mainstream Ahmadiyya Community has now, however, clearly moved away from the path of Sahih al Islam. It is most evident in their concept and understanding of Khudrat-e- Saniyah. They agree that ‘Islamic Khilafat’ is the Khudrat-e- Saniyah. However, in the mainstream understanding, Khilafat or Khudrat-e- Saniyah has only one form till the Day of Judgement: an assembly of faithful electing their chief as Khalifa. It cannot include, in their view, a divinely raised Mujaddid any longer (God Forbid). Thus, they have reduced the meaning of Khudrat-e-Saniyah from the spiritually appealing and historically accurate way in which the Promised Massih (as) understood it and Hadhrat Khalifa Awwal explained it to the community.
Hadhrat Khalifatul Massih Awwal explained Khudrat-e- Saniyah or the Second Manifestation of Divine Power as follows:
“When the founding father of a community completes his worldly tenure, his mission will thereafter be carried out successfully with Divine support. As stated in the Holy Qur’an: “Today I have completed for you ; your faith and fully blessed you with my bounty” (5:4).
It dawned not only upon the time of the Holy Prophet (sa) but also continued onwards during the time of his Khulafa, Nawab’s, Reformers (Mujaddidin); and they were all the second manifestations’.
The second manifestation is boundaryless.
When a community becomes (spiritually) feeble, the Almighty in his infinite wisdom, keeps on descending the second manifestation to help recoup the deficiency that occurred over time.”
-Badar, 23 May 1913)
Contrary to the explanation offered by Khalifa Awwal, the current Ahmadiyya theory on Khilafat is based on five assumptions, all of which are wrong and misguided:
1) Khudrat-e- Saniyah has only one form till the Day of Judgement- that of an Ahmadi Khalifa.
2) The noble tradition of the Holy Master Muhammad(sa) regarding the coming of Mujaddidin in every century has been nullified by his self - confessed, slave the Promised Massih (as)!
3) Hadhrat Ahmad (as), all his life, may have protested the charge of reinventing Islam in his own make. But, this is what he actually did- He replaced the Khulafa of the Holy Prophet (sa)- the Mujaddidin- with his own Khulafa till the Day of Judgement! (God forbid).
4) The principle of growth and decay in the spiritual and material fortune of the followers of a Prophet cannot and will not apply to the Ahmadiyya Community till the Day of Judgement.
5) Allah has only one choice if He wants to do what He wants to do with regard to the raising of Prophets at a time of His choice: elevate an Ahmadi Khalifa.
Are the Ahmadis really conscious of what they are believing?