Tuesday, February 16, 2021

'Nur Ala Nur': A Commentary

The Light Verse in Surah An-Nur (24:36) has attracted much spiritual attention and commentary by eminent scholars and savants of Islam through the centuries, including a famous treatise by Imam Ghazzali (ra). The verse is widely seen as a beautiful metaphor of the profound, transformational impact the Faith in God brings about in the heart of a true believer. The illumination of the pious heart, brought through its God-gifted encounter with the Light of revelatory guidance, is a perfect spiritual promise Allah (swt) vouchsafes to His special servants and Friends in every era (Auliah of Allah). According to some commentators, the Verse alludes to the Divine Light vouchsafed to the Holy Prophet (sa) and his spiritual Khulafa, the Mujaddidin who come in every era of Islam to renew and reform the Muslim Ummah and to guide them on the pristine path of Faith. Indeed, based on the Qur'anic promise of perpetual spiritual guidance and Muhammadan blessings, the advent of a Khalifatullah as an Elect and High Representative of Allah is an occasion when the full brightness and splendour of the Faith becomes visible to the discerning minds- like we witness today in the person of Hazrat Imam Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah. 

Reproduced Below is a commentary on the Light Verse made by Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian, in the Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Part III: 

The Light of Faith in the Heart of a Servant 

God is the Light of the heavens and earth. His Light is like this: there is a niche, and in it a lamp, the lamp inside a glass, a glass like a glittering star, fuelled from a blessed olive tree from neither east nor west, whose oil almost gives light even when no fire touches it–light upon light– God guides whoever He will to his Light; God draws such comparisons for people; God has full knowledge of everything– shining out in houses of worship. God has ordained that they be raised high and that His name be remembered in them, with men in them celebrating His glory morning and evening: men who are not distracted, a either by commerce or profit, from remembering God, keeping up the prayer, and paying the prescribed alms, fearing a day when hearts and eyes will turn over. God will reward such people according to the best of their actions, and He will give them more of His bounty: God provides limitlessly for anyone He will. (Surah An Nur, 24:36-39)

Friday, February 12, 2021

'Rahma': Ethics of Compassion

Humanity is facing perplexing times. With revolutionary advancements in technology and other arenas of human enterprise, 
the prospects for material well being, collective development and shared prosperity are brighter than ever before in our globalized world. And yet, paradoxically, what we witness today is that instead of coming together for the common good, the world is actually falling apart. Despite lofty rhetoric on rule-based international order, global governance is hostage to narrowly-defined economic interests of certain elite classes in richer nations. Economic affairs around the world are run in such a way that the  rich is getting richer, and the poor is becoming poorer in most places. Indeed, it seems day by day, the world is inexorably heading towards an unsustainable imbalance, precipitating man-made, and other ecological, disasters of all kinds. Already, the growing inequality, characterized by islands of affluence and pervasive poverty, is creating emotional heartburns, leading to competition and conflicts over control of resources, tearing apart  communities and nations. The widening disparity and simmering tensions can and will destroy public order if left unaddressed, and it calls for radical course correction in the way in which affairs of the world are being managed.  

The spiritual teachings of Islam provide a comprehensive framework to save the world from the brink of disasters at the moment.  A just world order is possible when we humans in all our systems recognize and return to the foundational values of life bestowed on us by our Rab, the All-Merciful Creator and Master of the Universe. The saviour of humankind, Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) left behind enduring guidance for creating an alternative, a  more compassionate world from the one in which we are living now. The Qur'an testifies: 'We did not send you (O Muhammad!) but as a blessing and mercy for all beings' (21:108).

The Prophetic teachings work to refine the humans by making them mindful of the Divine expectations of a life lived in absolute certainty of personal responsibility and accountability for all our deeds. It seeks to cultivate within the believer the  spirit of fairness, justice, kindness, compassion, benevolence and residual goodwill for all living beings who share the world with him/her. In seeking to obtain the approval of a Merciful Divine, a believer spreads kindness and compassion for all and would not cause harm or injury to anyone- fellow humans, the animals or the natural environment. In addition to insisting on justice and fairness in all settings of life, the Prophet of Islam taught people to develop beneficial solidarity across our differences- class,  race, language, nation, etc.- in a spirit of goodness and equity, and thereby respect the Will of God reflecting through the magnificent diversity in His creations in this world  

Reproduced Below are some of the Qur'anic verses, and the sacred traditions and sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) that address the larger theme of Divine Mercy, and also  extracts from the final sermon of the Holy Prophet (sa) on enduring values for a just society: 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Vicious Circle of 'Riba'

 Money, Interest, Banks, Governments & Slavery


My dear brothers, sisters and children, for my sermon today I have chosen to talk to you about the evil influence of money and interest which are governed by those behind the scene and who control the banking system as it still exist today as well as government and who strive to have the upper hand of it all to the detriment of the human race. 

Like we have learnt since our childhood, throughout history, there existed various forms of slavery. In the dark ages, people were captured and sold on the slave markets. Thereafter, the colonial masters enslaved entire nations. Today, we have perhaps the most intricate network of enslavement strategies… such strategies that threaten to enslave the entire human race. 

The institution of “Riba” (interest/usury) through financial houses like the World Bank and (the) IMF govern and control practically every developing country in the world. Under the guise of foreign aid, the mineral wealth of an entire country is usurped and every individual directly or indirectly contributes to servicing the foreign debt of his country. A child is born into this world already indebted. Indebtedness is the unique inheritance and heritage bestowed on him by his country. The tragedy is that these injustices not only go unpunished, they go unrecognized. And people find themselves slaves to the permanent institution of such banks and banking systems that are heartless and power thirst. 

Thinkers who knew the inside-out dealings and transactions of such systems have warned us about their dangers. There is a saying [also known as the Stamp’s Law] which is quoted to be that of Lord Josiah Stamp, a director of the Bank of England who made the following statement before he was killed in the German bombing called the Blitz. The saying is as follows: “Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them with the power to create credit and with a flick of a pen; they will create enough money to buy it all back again…. If you want to be slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers control money and control credit”.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

True Faith for Divine Bliss

'When you beseech God for strength and assistance in both worldly and religious affairs, do not make your pleas merely ceremonial. Instead, as you entreat God, you should truly believe that every blessing comes from the heavens. You will become righteous only when true spirituality pervades your life: before devising your solutions to any new task that you undertake, and during every difficulty and predicament, you will implore God earnestly in solitude, and appeal to Him to make easy your task and ease your difficulty through His favour. It is then that Gabriel will assist you, and some hitherto unknown way will be opened for you from the Unseen. So, act mercifully to your souls.

Don’t follow those who have severed their ties with God. They have grown utterly dependent on their means to the extent that not even the phrase ‘Insha Allah’ (God willing) escapes their lips. May God open your eyes so you can see that He is the central supporting beam of all your human enterprises. If the main beam is somehow removed, the rafters will plummet down in structural collapse, and most likely those beneath the roof will lose their lives.

Similarly, your plans and enterprise can stay intact only with God’s assistance. You’ll never see any success unless you make it your principle to seek strength and assistance from God. Otherwise, you will die with poignant regret. Do not fret over the worldly advancement of other nations that are not even aware of the God Who is your Almighty God. I realise that this might strike you as a paradox -- their worldly progress despite unawareness of the One, True God. The answer to this seemingly contradictory statement is that those nations have been placed in a trial right here in this world precisely because they have forsaken God.  

Monday, February 1, 2021

'Salaat-ul-Wustaa': An Interpretation

What is Salaat?

Haafizuu alas Salawaati was Sala atil wustaa: wa quumuu lillaahi qaani-tiin.

“Secure your Salaat [God will guarantee your protection]. Observe the middle prayer strictly, and stand before Allah in submission.” (Al-Baqara, 2: 239) 

The etymological and semantic approach teaches us that, in the context of the aforementioned verse, it is grafted on the primary meaning of Haafizuu (protect, secure or rigorously observe), the idea of constancy and of fighting against an opposing force in the dynamic of protection. 

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, second caliph of the Ahmadiyya Movement and Musleh Ma’ud (ra), has explicitly evoked the game of reciprocity to indicate that protecting (observing) the Salaat would be equivalent to benefiting in return of the protective umbrella of the Salaat. 

Innas-Salaata tan-haa anil-fahshaaa-i wal-munkar [The Salaat prevents turpitude and reprehensible acts] and “Wasta-iinuu bis-Sabri was-Salaah” [And seek help in steadfastness and prayer] state and delve into the same subject. In other words, all the characteristics inherent in Salaat, as mentioned in the Holy Quran, will work together to ensure your protection forever. This gives an even larger dimension to the act of Salaat. 

Regarding the Middle Salaat [Salaat-ul-Wustaa], the opinions of commentators on the Holy Quran vary depending on the subjective criteria they set for themselves. For some, chronologically speaking, the Salaat-ul-Asr would be the Middle Salaat. For others, in terms of importance, it would be more the Salaat-ul-Tahajjud. 

With the advent of a new era of Divine Manifestation and my coming as a Reviver of Faith, it is my duty to clear up with the help of Allah the confused points that divide the Ummah.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Poem: 'The Wondrous Qur'an'


Listen dear people! Without the Quran,

Man never reaches God.


Whoever is unaware of this light,

Is not fit for the eyes of the Friend.


The Furqan [the Holy Quran] has a wonderful effect,

In that it makes one a lover of the true Beloved.


It gives us authentic tidings of the One,

Whose name is the Greatest, the Almighty.

It draws man towards the abode of the Beloved,

And then it shows him signs beyond his ken.


It fills the heart with light divine,

And cleanses the breast thoroughly.


What more of its excellences should I describe,

Suffice it to say that it gives a new life to life.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Fixing Our Broken Politics

Towards a Political Revivification-III

Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I continue my Friday Sermon today on the subject of fraud and corruption in politics. I still take Mauritius as an example, for in the world today, Mauritius has exceeded all limits [as the last straw which breaks the camel’s back]. With its entry into the blacklist, thus revealing a very large black hole in the management of the country as a whole, Mauritians have realized that our beautiful island is now the prey of power-thirsty sharks, who instead of watching over the welfare of the people and the good reputation of the country, they insist on becoming notorious for their mismanagement by placing incompetent people in key positions in the country, those who are the protected people and even the puppets of the present government. And this practice has existed all the time, not only during the mandate of this government. We all know that as soon as a government [of several countries and even Mauritius] takes charge of the country, it puts [in key positions] the people who are in its favour, and these people become puppets in its hand.


All Mauritians know very well that the proceedings of the elections of November 07, 2019 are unheard of [have never occurred before in the country]. Never before has the vote count continued until the wee hours of the morning (the next day) - going until 3.00-4.00 a.m. Many misdemeanours took place where original ballot papers were found in sugarcane fields and many Mauritians found themselves off the electoral list, thus unable to vote. Instead of the Mauritians, there are foreign workers who have received the approval of the authorities (the government - since its first term) to vote. In light of recent evidence [which has made the news], election expenses for some political parties have exceeded allowable limits.


There are a lot of frustrations expressed by the Mauritian people. Mauritians revolted against these injustices, not only in Mauritius but in other countries as well.


I cite a few examples of the tragedies that took place in Mauritius during the COVID-19 containment. There is too much to say, but I will only name a few that have made a strong impression on Mauritians and Mauritius’s reputation at the global level.