Sunday, June 19, 2011

In Defence of Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra)- III

Abdul Ghaffar Janbah Sahib of Germany, the man who claims to be the Mujaddid of the Fifteenth Century and the Imam of the Age, has a disciple by the name of Mansoor Ahmed Sahib.  In a recent article, the latter has responded to the first part of my essay In Defence of Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra)- I& II, published here at the Sahih Al Islam Blogspot, on May 02- 03, 2011

From the response article [available at their website: ], it is absolutely clear:  The entire claim of Janbah Sahib hangs precariously on a string of a feeble, single argument: that Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra) completed only 22 years and six months after claiming to be the Musleh Maoud and did not complete 23 years as per the Qur’anic Law on the subject as perceived by him!

The term “satanic theory” was used in my essay to describe Janbah Sahib’s theory to malign the reputation of Hadhrat Khalifa Sani (ra). Now Mansoor Ahmed Sahib has taken righteous indignation at the use of the term “satanic theory”. He seems to think, wrongly in my opinion, that the term “satanic theory” has been used in the essay to describe the very Qur’anic principle in this regard. Willful misrepresentation or deliberate distortion cannot be the objective or the intention of a believer. So, I assume that the writer is under a genuine misconception about the issue. Let me explain it for him.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

JUSAI: Public Meeting in Kerala-II

At a special Programme organized to mark the successful, historic, first public meeting of the Sahih Al Islam Community in Kerala, Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib offered some insightful comments throwing light on the fortunes of believers in the time of a Divine Manifestation. 

Read the Extracts from the Speech:

And that those who have been given the knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord, so they may believe in it and their hearts may be lowly before it; and most surely Allah is the Guide of those who believe into a right path. (22:55) 

Who are those who believe in it (and submit to this divine commandment)? They are those who recognise the advent of a Messenger of Allah. By the grace of Allah, the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam members, those who have not seen the Khalifatullah of this age have believed in this humble self, and despite not seeing me in flesh and blood, yet they believed in the veracity of Allah and His Messenger and they are foremost to do exceptional works for the progress of Deen-i-Islam. They have recognized the instructions (the knowledge) bestowed upon them by Allah, to be the truth and they have believed in it, and their hearts also are convinced on this truth.

Friday, June 17, 2011

JUSAI: a Public Meeting in Kerala

To explain the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius in the person of Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) and to disseminate the message of the Mujaddid of the era, the  Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, Kerala organized its historic, first public meeting on June 11, 2011 at Kodiyathoor


Kodiyathoor is a village-town in North Kerala, with a 90 percent Muslim population. Muslims of various sects- Sunnis, Mujahid, Jamaat-e- Islami, Anjuman Ishaat-e-Islam and the Ahmadis have their presence in the place and they have a rich history of harmonious coexistence and spiritual dialogue and even intellectual confrontation. In 1988, when the late Fourth Khalifa issued the Mubahala Challenge, there actually was a Mubahala between the Ahmadis and the Anjuman Ishaat-e-Islam in Kodiyathoor.

The Programme:

The Meeting started with Tilawatul Qur’an by K. Saleem Sahib of Alappuzha. Abdul Hakkim Sahib, Secretary- Tabligh, welcomed the gathering and explained the context of the Meeting. Jamaluddin Sahib, Amir Jamaat of Kerala was chairing the session.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Philosophy of Spiritual Renewal

“Verily, We Ourselves have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian” 
-[HQ, 15:10]

In the early Muslim Community, there were hundreds of people who knew and could recite the whole of the Holy Qur’an from memory, as they learnt it from the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). And the early Muslim Khulafa took practical measures to ensure that the Holy Book is preserved in written form as well. Beyond the physical protection of the text of the Holy Qur’an, Divine reformers (Mujaddidin) have always appeared in every century of Islam, to illuminate the teachings and to provide practical example for every generation.

In a recent speech, the Khalifatul Massih V of the Ahmadiyya Community has argued that there is no need for reformers any more. The Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib now points out that such thinking is mistaken and is against what Allah and His Messenger has taught us. In a speech on June 14, 2011, Hadhrat Sahib (atba) reflected on the Qur’anic perspective for the preservation of the Holy Qur’an for all times through the advent of reformers.

Read the Extracts from the Speech:

“Now, the question which is crucial to ponder over: Is it only through Hufaaz (the guardians of the Holy Quran, who know it by heart) or by writing (into the form of a Book) that the Quran shall be preserved?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Munir A. Azim: Expulsion for Revelations

Common Ahmadis are surprised. They are intrigued when they come to know that Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius was outsted from the Jamaat merely on the ground of his being a recipient of divine revelations.

They refuse to believe that the Jamaat establishment will excommunicate someone for being blessed by the divine favour of revelations. They feel that since the teaching of the Promised Massih (as) clearly foretold the continuity of revelations, it is simply impossible that any one would be expelled on that ground.

Sometime back, an Ahmadi brother who simply believes that the present Ahmadiyya Khalifa is appointed by Allah the Most High wrote to us explaining his position on the appearance of an Elect of Allah in the Jamaat. He was of the opinion that the Ahmadiyya Khilafat need not and will not be in conflict with the advent of a new Mujaddid/Khalifatullah and that they could co-exist in perfect harmony given the fact that the Promised Massih (as) taught us about the continuity of revelations in the Jamaat and that there are historical precedents for it. He wrote:
As (I have stated that) the present system of which I am part of at the moment is Allah’s system, supported by the Holy Quran and foretold by Holy Prophet of Islam, the question is what should be done when someone arrives from Allah, when there exists a divine system already???

The answer is quite simple for an ahmadi. When we look into history we have witnessed the prophethood of Hazrath Haroon (as) at the same time of that of Hazrath Musa (as). Both were raised for the same cause. But they never challenged each other. There wasn’t any clash between them….

If a Mujaddid/reformer/caliph/ prophet of Allah come, they would exist in perfect harmony with the already present divine system just as we witnessed in the past history even in  case of two prophets at the same time. So why should be there any doubt regarding more than one divine appointees at the same time?”

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Appreciation for the Kerala Jamaat

In his Friday Sermon of June 03, 2011 Hadhrat  Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib of Mauritius underscored the significance of Tabligh and made a special mention about the activities being undertaken by the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in Kerala.

Read the Extracts from the sermon:

In this century, we are the ones who need to spread the message of Allah, of Islam everywhere. Thus, take the firm determination (to accomplish this work) and free yourselves from all your past negligence and start your duty (to give the message of Allah to your surroundings, and other people). There are many people who may have religious knowledge, but religious knowledge alone is not sufficient. There must also be experience in the field of Tabligh and one must put it into practice. Tabligh must be done with good reasoning, with solid arguments, and not, by force.

I wish to congratulate the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam of Kerala where the Amir Sahib, Dr. Thahir Sahib, Fazil Jamal Sahib, Hariz Sahib and the others are doing excellent works in their own local language (Malayalam) along with the Siraj Makin (the ladies of the Jamaat) of Kerala. They even opened a blog which is linked to our official website. May Allah make them Mubarak in this noble work.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Trials of Faith and the Duty of the Believer

Test of character is a recurring theme in spiritual experience and religious history. The Holy Qur’an repeatedly warns believers to be constantly on the alert and to examine their own inner urges and external stimulations at crossroads of conscience. The experiences of disciples at the time of God’s Messengers such as Moses (as), Jesus (as) and Muhammad (sa) point to the complex questions and forces at work in social circumstances.

While faith is a framework to look for directions, it is important for believers to be cautious: You never know which way channels of vanity and material interests may overcome pure belief and corrupt your faith in God and in the manifestation of Divine favour among yourselves. Thus, in addition to fervent supplication of prayers, the believer must also distrust the human intellect and its vagaries or in any case, be critically aware of one's own subjectivity. In a speech delivered after Esha Prayers on June 10, 2011, the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib reflected on this profound subject.

Read from the extracts: