Tuesday, February 28, 2023

‘Musa’, ‘Harun’ and ‘Balaam’ Today

Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius is unwavering in his spiritual mission over the last two decades. Making a special claim of inspired communications that he says he receives from the Unseen, from the throne of the Almighty God through Rooh-ul-Qudus (Holy Spirit); Hazrat Azim (aba) acknowledged his Divinely-inspired mission through a public proclamation for the first time on 6 December 2003, almost three years after he was officially expelled from the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya (Qadian). A recipient of extraordinary spiritually-infused dreams, visionary experiences, and Divine revelations; Hazrat Azim (aba) was falsely accused by the Nizam-e-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya of confusing and deviating people on the basis of his special Divine knowledge (God Forbid) before he was summarily expelled from the community in December 2000. 

Although the rank and file of the Nizam-e-Jamaat left him, Allah (swt) gave him comfort and consoled him with His words and messages and a small band of devout followers who remained resolute and firm amidst all trials and chaos, and against all odds.  In claiming to be a Muhyiuddin [the Reviver of Faith]; in claiming to be a Mujaddid [Divinely-mandated and appointed Reformer of the Muslim Ummah]; in claiming to be a Khalifatullah [the high representative of God in the mantle of the Prophets of the past] over the last two decades, and going on with his preaching efforts all across the world with the help of his disciples and followers; Hazrat Azim (aba) relies on the basis of crystal-clear Divine revelations that leaves one in no doubt or uncertainty about what it says- that he is indeed a  man in the league of extraordinary savants of God- the saints and reformers of Islamic world who lived in different eras; the exemplary role models of faith who projected the Light of Islam in their own times- following in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).

Ignorant people [Jaahileen], especially deviant Ahmadi youths with no real knowledge or personal experience on deeper spiritual verities in the mystical Way of Allah (swt) rush in, like foolish persons, to oppose and critique matters beyond their understanding and comprehension in the realm of religion. Such a Jahil, found all too often in the circles of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya (Qadian) these days, recently tried to turn Qur’anic doctrine of Divine Guidance upside down through his verbal jugglery by elevating a man-elected-man [Khalifatul Massih] to a lofty pedestal at the price of rejecting an Elect of God [Khalifatullah]!

Against the backdrop of such muddying of spiritual waters by the Ahmadiyya establishment in Tamil Nadu recently, Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International published a Booklet in response. Entitled ‘Refutation to the E-Palmphlet “Twin Balaam” authored by Fayaz Aslam of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Tamil Nadu’, Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) shines light on a number of topics central to an informed appreciation of the Divine Manifestation in Mauritius. By narrating the events of the present era in the everyday life settings of the Divine Manifestation, and linking them through Qur’anic principles and allusions- even interpreting the silences of the Qur’an to indicate a spiritual point-  from the life world of Hazrat Musa (as), Hazrat Harun (as) and the Jewish Balaam, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) throws searching light on the complex spiritual and material realities that undergird Divine revelations in a living community of people with different temperaments and mindsets, and the choices they make in their lives and the consequences these choices may entail in the fortunes of a people in this world and the world to come. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

‘Musleh Maoud’: Celebrating a Prophecy


In a special speech telecast live over the YouTube on Friday 24 February 2023, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius spoke on the fulfillment of a grand Divine Sign in the modern times pointing to the truthfulness and vitality of Living Islam: the prophecy on the advent of Divinely- shaded individual/s within the physical and spiritual progeny of the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian (1835-1908).

All followers of the Promised Messiah (as) found in the various sections of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya today agree that Hazrat Ahmad (as) made the announcement concerning the advent of pure children as a special sign of Divine mercy and grace and blessing. Yet, there are major differences of opinion among the Ahmadi sects about the meaning and interpretative implications of the prophecy on ‘Musleh Maoud’.

'Mainstream' Ahmadis of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya (Qadian) feel that the prophecy was fulfilled in the person of the second caliph, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (ra) (1889-1965) and they attach only some anecdotal value to the fulfillment of this prophecy today, as they do not find any contemporary relevance to it, in a new century of Islam.

On the other hand, some Ahmadis do not consider that the prophecy regarding the advent of a ‘Musleh Maoud’ is fulfilled yet. For them, the fulfillment of the prophecy is concerned with the advent of a Ma'mur in the new century of Islam- in the Fifteenth Century Hijri.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Poem: ‘Musleh Maoud of this Era’


Today, 20 February 2023, marks the 137th anniversary of an extraordinary sign of Divine Grace, Mercy and Blessings on a servant of Islam- the unforgettable prophecy as received by the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) in the year 1886 concerning a Promised Pure Son who shall be his biological and spiritual heir. While the biological and secular fulfilment of the multifaceted Prophecy Musleh Maoud stands vindicated in the previous era in the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya; by the immense grace of Allah, the noble spiritual son of the Promised Messiah (as)- and Imam of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International- Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius is the Musleh Maoud of the present era- a fact that became apparent through Divine revelations received by Hazrat Saheb (aba) on 20 February 2004.


Reproduced below is a poetic reflection by Mukarram Amir KM Saleem Saheb of Tamil Nadu: a sublime tribute to the Prophecy Musleh Maoud- especially its contemporary manifestation in the person of Musleh Maoud Hazrat Munir A. Azim (aba), Alhamdulillah, Allah-u-Akbar!


In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful


This poem, 

O Musleh Maoud Munir Ahmad Azim,

is just for you:


What a marvellous day today!


The Almighty accepted the Duah of your spiritual father,


O Musleh Maoud of this era!


The Almighty has sent you to this place,


To rebuild the Holy Bridge:

Friday, February 17, 2023

Calamities and Divine Commands

The devastating earthquake in Turkiye and Syria earlier this month has resulted in a great humanitarian catastrophe in the region, with thousands of lives being lost enmass, and millions facing acute crisis of existence with displacement-induced shortage of access to basic resources and services. Looking at the sheer scale of the human and material loss at the earthquake, the media and the experts agree that Turkiye is reeling under ‘the disaster of a century’. 


And yet looking further around our small world, it appears as though destructive calamities are now a recurring phenomena, with different nations witnessing a range of extreme weather events such as floods, cyclones, droughts, land-sliding and earthquakes, etc. The outbreak of viruses and related public health emergencies are a major concern, long before Covid-19 struck the world with horrific consequences. All these are in addition to the several man-made disasters destroying societies around the world: consider the human cost and material devastation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and other violent ethnic/racist campaigns creating havoc in many lands.

Disasters striking the world make one ponder over the role and function of the Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of all the worlds. Amidst all that is happening in the world, a spiritual view will be helpful in making sense of our moment here. God is never unjust to humanity. Through His chosen messengers raised and appointed in every era, God provides clear guidance on fundamental values of healthy and balanced living for the benefit of people. Divine teachings prescribe radical moderation and fair-dealings; equity and justice; compassion and empathy for fellow beings. It is by following the ethical code of conduct prescribed by God- the Divine commandments- on diverse aspects of individual and collective life that one can safeguard against the temptations of Evil: the empty promises of all false deities.

Indeed, humans can truly worship God, and make real progress in social life by relying on the Divine principle of compassion and benevolence. Instead of abusing God-gifted resources and faculties of the ‘self’, we ought to use the opportunities to serve the interests of our common humanity and thereby privilege the collective benefit in a spirit of solidarity and compassion for all. Indeed, nations inherit Divine mercy and blessings when they follow the correct and straight path of pure wisdom as taught by the Prophets and the Elects.


A believer does not agree with the materialist view that God is indifferent to human destiny and social fortunes. On the other hand, to a believer, Allah (swt) is not only aware of even the whisperings of the human soul, but He also comes to the aid of the one who seeks and prays for His help and assistance in times of need. For a believer, God’s grace and blessings are available to everyone. At the same time, His punishment is also very severe, especially to those ignore Divine commands and promote disorder in society. All that is happening around us is a reflection of the Divine Signs and manifestations involving both Divine Grace and Divine Wrath.   

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Khalifatullah’s India Visit 2023


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius, and the International Sadr of the Siraj Makin Djawaharatul Kamal- the women’s wing of the Jamaat- Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Fazli Amena Varsally completed a historic visit to India between 16 January and 10 February 2023. The Holy visit took place under the will and shade of Allah's Grace in the dawn of a New Year, literally marking a new page in the Book of Time and the evolving spiritual lives of the Jamaat members in India, Masha Allah, Allah-u-Akbar!


In spite of the manifold and diverse Deeni works that keep them busy all through the year, Hazrat Khalifatullah (aba) and Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen International Sadr Saheba chose to find time and be with the disciples and followers in India for a period of almost a month. The presence of these blessed servants of God in India- a journey that took place despite several hurdles, marked a spiritually- uplifting, and morally- ennobling experience for all those who were in the circle of the Divine Manifestation during those days of the Holy visit, Subhaan Allah.  

Disciples and followers of the Khalifatullah (aba) will certainly cherish for a long time the spiritual warmth and filial affection showered by him upon all of them all through the visit, in Tamil Nadu, in Kerala and elsewhere. Like the sunshine and the rain, the servants of God embraced all those who came in search of Divine Grace and succour in their midst. Many devout souls recognized the privilege of joining the High representative of God – the Khalifatullah- in his long invocations and sublime prayers, and the opportunity to directly listen to discourses on finer points of spiritual wisdom, and to hear about Allah’s help and assistance amidst all trials and tests of faith in the everyday lives of those who believe and entrust their affairs to the wisdom and grace of the All Knowing, the All Aware,- relying entirely on the will and pleasure of God, Alhamdulillah. Indeed, the Holy visit gave members of the Jamaat a unique and special opportunity to join and experience the signs of Divine presence and manifestations in their own surroundings in everyday life, Subhaan Allah, Masha Allah, Allah-u-Akbar! 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Unity of the Muslim Ummah- 2


Reaching for Unity (Pt.2)


Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah, I shall continue to expound today in my sermon about the Unity of the Ummah, and why the community of Muslim believers cannot bring itself to unite while the non-believers are successfully uniting themselves in their common goals.


So, the third cause…




Disagreement among the people of truth does not arise from lack of zeal and aspiration, nor does union among the people of misguidance arise from loftiness of aspiration. Rather disagreement among the people of truth arises from their misuse of high aspiration, and union among the people of misguidance arises from the weakness and impotence that come from lack of aspiration. What impels the people of guidance to the misuse of their high aspiration - and hence to disagreement, and rivalry - is the desire for heavenly reward that is counted as a praiseworthy quality in the Hereafter.


It is even recorded in authentic traditions of the Holy Prophet that at the End of Time the truly pious among the Christians will unite with the people of the Quran and fight their common enemy, i.e. irreligion. Then the people of religion and truth will sincerely unite not only with the truly pious and spiritual ones among the Christians, but with all classes of pious and sincere people refraining from the discussion and debate of points of difference in order to combat their joint enemy, i.e. aggressive atheism.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

'Ummah': Unity in Diversity


In his Friday Sermon of 30 December 2022~ 06 Jamadi’ul Aakhir 1444 AH, Imam-Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam International Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius begins a series of reflections on forging unity within the global Muslim Ummah. As the existential conditions of the Muslims around the world are characterized by deep diversity- languages, races, regions, nations and peoples, etc.-and the Ummah is virtually split into numerous sects and factions, with each group claiming monopoly over the Truth; formidable challenges confront the tasks of Muslim unity.

Through this discourse, Hazrat Muhyiuddin (aba) addresses this vital question of Islamic unity by calling attention to the foundational guidance of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) on the role of sincerity and humility in religious relations. People are prone to 'worship' their own ideas and inherited notions, customs and practices; preferring their own position, wealth and power and other passions of the self. On the other hand, overcoming the inclinations of the self and preferring others to one's own dictates is the path to spiritual progress and God realization. For the sake of Divine approval and pleasure over the Ummah as a whole- rather than seeking fringe benefits and cheap sectarian victories-, people have a strong basis in religious sincerity and humility for remaining united for collective welfare and attracting Divine blessings, points out Hazrat Saheb (aba).