The news is spreading like wildfire in Kerala.
That Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius
is a recipient of divine revelations and that his teachings and instructions
are well within the guidance of the Promised Massih
Hadhrat Ahmad (as). In spite of the Jamaat establishment doing all that
it could to nip this message in the bud, Allah has elevated him as a Messenger
of His in this age and his mission is thriving and progressing by leaps and
bounds.The institutionalization of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al
Islam in Kerala has sent shockwaves down the spine of the Kerala Ahmadiyya
establishment. For the Ahmadiyya establishment is wary of and worried
about the powerful sway of truth and its ability to swing the general Ahmadi
opinion on the matter.
To tackle the new ‘threat’, the establishment is
adopting a comprehensive strategy: misguide people
through all methods possible! Thus, the Maulanas are continuously writing
in their official magazines that Allah shall never send an Elect of His in
future and that the Ahmadiyya Khilafat is the permanent divine institution for
all time to come.
Secondly, the Maulanas are spreading false
information about the new Massih and his disciples in Kerala. In spite of
claiming to belong to the Jamaat of the Promised Massih (as), they have no
qualms about indulging in such cheap tactics.
After the Kerala disciples of Hadhrat Sahib organized their first public
meeting recently to explain their mission, and the programme became a huge
success with all sorts of groups showing interest on the message, the Ahmadi
Maulvis went to town telling common Ahmadis that the disciples of the new Massih were working in collaboration with the
worst enemies of the Jamaat!