Monday, July 4, 2011

Munir A. Azim: Expulsion and After

Ahmadi Muslims believe that the door to prophethood is always open till the Day of Judgement. This is based on what the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as) clearly stated: 

“I have never claimed that being Massih will terminate on me and no Massih will come in the future. On the contrary I admit and say repeatedly that not only one but more than 10,000 Maseeh can come”. (Azalah Auham, RK, vol. 3, p. 251).

“I do not deny this, that also some other "Maseel Massih" may also come in addition to me”. (Majmooa Ishteharat, vol. 1, p. 207)

“I cannot deny and I will not deny that perhaps there may be some other Massih Maoud”. (Majmooa Ishteharat, vol. 1, p. 208 )

In several other writings as well, the Promised Massih (as) clearly spelled out his understading of the continuity of Divine Revelations and the advent of noble souls with spiritually -infused messages even in future. Such persons will confirm the everacity and truthfulness of the larger message of Islam as explained by the Promised Massih (as) in our times. As per his prophecies, the Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya was established to continue the good work of propagation of Islam. Yet, the theory of Khilafat as is being propagated by sincere followers of the Jamaat system has now come in conflict with a Divine prerogative. Most Ahmadis, however, today believe that only an elected Khalifa of the Jamaat has the "credentials" to such lofty Divine favour as Mujaddidiyat and because of this perception, they reject the Divine favour on offer from Allah (swa), without even extending the courtesy of spiritual humility, careful deliberation and deep contemplation that is the hall mark of true Muslims, when someone stands up, confirming the teachings they have with them. Hence, for the "grave crime" of claiming to be a recipient of revelations from Allah the Most High, Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius was expelled from the Nizam-e-Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya on 01 January, 2001. 

When the Nizam-e- Jamaat abandoned him, Allah took care of him and elevated him with a position of nearness to Him. In January 2003, Allah gave him the titles of “Hazrat” and Amir’ul Mu’mineen”, and blessed him with a Jamaat whose name was revealed to him, Jamaat-e Ahmadiyya Al Muslimeen. On December 06, 2003, announcing the mission of being the Muhyiuddin of the Era, Hazrat Sahib famously declared:

“I want neither pelf nor power. I have been commissioned by Allah as a warner unto mankind, to deliver His Message to you. Should you accept it, you shall have felicity in this life as well as in the life to come. Should you reject the word of Allah, surely Allah will decide between you and me. As from today, I take Allah as my witness that I am the Muhyi-ud-Din of this era.”

On 20 February 2004, Allah called him the “Musleh Maoud”. This was in accordance with a prophecy of Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra), the second Khalifa of the Jamaat-e- Ahmadiyya, who stated:

“I do not say that I am the only Promised One and that no other promise one will appear till the Day of Judgement. It appears from the prophecies of the Promised Messiah that some other promised ones will also come and some of them will appear after centuries. Indeed, God has told me that at one time He will send me a second time to the world and I will come for the reform of the world at a time when association with God will have become widespread. This means that my soul will, at some time, descend upon someone who will possess faculties and capacities like mine and he will, following in my footsteps, bring about a reform of the world. Thus, promised ones will appear in their due times according to the promise of God Almighty.” (Ref: Ahmadiyyat, the Renaissance of Islam by Sir Zafrullah Khan p.293-294)

Like it has happened in the times of previous prophets in history, some of his own “people” who took Bai’at his hand at the time of the formation of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Al Muslimeen in 2003 later rebelled against the Divine Manifestation. And they sought to control and regulate the Messenger of Allah within the prism of their mundane office duties. When it became apparent that the Jamaat would not serve the purpose for which it was created, Allah the Most High directed his servant to form another Jamaat, leading to the birth of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam in March 2008. Close to the completion of one hundred years after the departure of the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as), Allah the Most High elevated Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib as the new Khalifatullah on May 26, 2008. The divine words appointing him as the Mujaddid was as follows:

Ya Khalifathullah! Qul: “Annal Mujaddido” (O Khalifathullah! Tell them: ‘I am the Mujaddid’)

And Hadhrat Sahib made the announcement of being the Messiah, Mujaddid and Prophet of Allah officially (though he had already received these revelations beforehand until Allah made him stand up to proclaim it officially) in September 2010Explaining his spiritual mission, Hadhrat Khalifatullah (atba) recently stated:

I have come, both as a spiritual son of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and as a spiritual son of the Promised Messiah (upon him be peace) and Allah did called me Musleh Maoud on the 20th February 2004. 

Allah promised me also that He shall elevate my honour stage by stage (step by step) and from being a Qamaram Munira, he elevated me as Khawja Nooruddin, Amir’ul Momeneen, Muhyi-ud-Din, Muslih-ud-Din, Khalifatullah, Rassoolullah (like published on Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam website) and Nabi’ullah  all of these titles and honour pertaining to one fundamental task – not to fight with others about the honours which Allah has poured down upon this humble self and to justify myself – but to deliver the message of Allah, to reform the world and make it return back to the worship of Allah (twa) alone, leaving behind their idols.

My task is only like I have received several times throughout these twelve years, as a Bashir, a Nadhir and a Mubasshir. I have come to warn. I do not have the power to change hearts. Changing the states of heart belongs only to Allah alone. I have come not as an intellectual but rather as a personification (the second coming) of my beloved master Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) as prophesied in Surah Jumu’ah. 

I have no extraordinary academic qualifications but it is my Allah my Teacher and Guide. It is Him who has raised me as His humble Messenger and this claim, I do it without any fear, for why fear man when Allah is the One who has raised me and Who is my Guardian”. (Friday sermon of January 21, 2011)