Even as the Jamaat of the new Massih is progressing by leaps and bounds, the villains who conspired to harm the Massih is biting the dust: The scheming National Amir of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat in Mauritius, Amin Jawahir, who played the lead role in the expulsion episode was disgraced recently by his own Khalifa on charges no less serious than corruption and maladministration! Would someone who abused his position and privilege to persecute God’s Messenger have a fate other than humiliation and loss of face among his own people?
In a message to world Ahmadis in 2008, Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib invited them to consider his Divine Mission and asserted that anyone who considered his claims with purity of heart and nobility of intentions and sought the light of guidance from Allah will definitely receive signs in favour of the Divine Manifestation and recommended that they follow the advice rendered by the Promised Massih (as) in this regard.
In a message to world Ahmadis in 2008, Hadhrat Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib invited them to consider his Divine Mission and asserted that anyone who considered his claims with purity of heart and nobility of intentions and sought the light of guidance from Allah will definitely receive signs in favour of the Divine Manifestation and recommended that they follow the advice rendered by the Promised Massih (as) in this regard.
“Today by Allah's Grace, I take Allah as witness to say that I am one of those persons who speak with the Holy Spirit ( rouhil qouddous ). It is indeed a great proof in favour of Hazrat Massih Maoud as that Allah has raised someone in his Jamaat to guide people towards him. In fact the spiritual heritage of Hazrat Massih Maoud (as) has been bequeathed to us. However, as at today the physical heritage is in the hands of others. Now it is up to you to see of which heritage you want to partake. The caliphs are the administrators of the Jamaat after the departure of a prophet until Allah sends someone else. Listen well my brothers and sisters, I swear that there are no lies in what I say and I do not have any ulterior motive.