situation in the world is extremely worrying for all Muslims (and all
my disciples in Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam) and I am again reminding
you all to pray earnestly that Allah (swt) may remove the dangers
which face Islam which is being encircled by dark clouds which only
God can remove whenever He pleases.
is nowhere in the world where Muslims are not in danger directly or
indirectly and we do not see any intelligent Islamic response. There
is only one despicable response which they know: persecuting their
own Muslim brethrens and finishing Islam by their own hands. In
addition to the civil wars and the religious strife which they wage
between themselves but when it concerns the Divine Manifestation and
the belief in the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) and
in this era this humble self the Khalifatullah, all the Muslim sects
don't hesitate to group together to counter-attack what they term as
heretics. It is on this basis that they seem to agree and help each
other to crush the divine truth. Since the advents of non law-bearing
prophets/ messengers after Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), they seem to have
lost their bearings when they denied and calumniated the men of God.