Showing posts with label devotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label devotion. Show all posts

Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Beauty of ‘Zikrullah’


On the blessed occasion of the Kerala Jalsa 2024, the women’s wing of the Kerala Jamaat- the Siraj Makin- Kerala organized a special meeting of its members. Alhamdulillah, sisters assembled on the occasion recited the Holy Qur’an, recited Nazms, delivered speeches on spiritual topics. Sadr Haseena Masood Saheba, Naib Sadr Mubeena Saheba, Sofiya Beevi Saheba, Fauzia Jamal Saheba, Rajeena Saheba, Arshana Sabir Saheba, Haseena Abid Saheba, Sajitha Nasruddin Saheba, Nadheera Sudheer Saheba, Faezah Maryam Zain, and Zaahidah Rayhaanah were among the participants. 

Further more, in a special address to the gathering of women members of the Jamaat in Kerala, the ‘Sadr’ of the International Siraj Makin, Hazrat Ummul Mu’mineen Fazli Amena Varsally spoke about the significance of ‘Zikrullah’.  
For the benefit of our readers, we reproduce below the Text of the Special Discourse by Hazrat Saheba:   


My dear daughters,

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatuhu.


Allah says in His Pure Quran in Surah Ar-Ra’d (13: 29): 'Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Indeed, it is through the remembrance of Allah that hearts find peace.’


The Remembrance of Allah (Zikrullah) is something extraordinary and sacred. It has the power to give peace to a restless mind and soul, and give the sense of completeness to the believer.


Remembrance of Allah uplifts the rest of the acts of worship of the believer. This is so because all acts of worship are linked to Zikrullah. We don’t have an act of worship where we don’t remember Allah and praise and glorify Him!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

'Salah' in Muslim Life


“Surely I, Ever I, am Allah; there is no god except I; so worship Me, and Aqimus-Salah (establish prayer) for My remembrance.” (Taha 20: 15) 

Salah (prayer) is of vital importance in the life of a Muslim. Allah (twt) did not just say to offer or perform prayer (Salah). He has commanded mankind, and especially His true servants to establish prayer, meaning that it goes beyond the mere performance of the prescribed movements and the servant of Allah is called to experience the feeling of perfect submission and humility before Allah the Almighty. It refers to the commitment one makes to Allah after His given command to obey Him and keep up regularly, and as ordained, the prescribed spiritual meetings between Allah and His servant. That spiritual meeting is manifested also through the physical demonstration of submission when the believer submits himself with all his heart, soul and body to the Grandeur and Majesty of Allah even though he does not see Him with his physical eyes.


Moreover, Allah (twt) commands the correct performance of Salah. Sometimes a believer’s Salah may seem empty of any pleasure or deep feeling of attachment with Allah, but with Sabr (patience) and perseverance, he will get the perfume of pleasure in his Salat (prayers). He may face deep difficulties and not see any issue, he may pray without putting any real trust in Allah. But what does Allah say?


Allah (twt) states in the Holy Quran: “O you who believe! Seek help in steadfastness and prayer. Surely Allah is with the steadfast.” (Al-Baqara 2: 154)


The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is quoted to have said: “Prayer is a light, charity is proof, and patience is illumination.” (Muslim)

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Islam & Humans


Islam is a religion that is both temporal and spiritual. This is because this religion emanates from the One Who created the human being and Who knows, therefore, what suits him best. Allah, our Creator, knows, in particular, what is necessary for the relations of man with his fellows to be harmonious. For social relations to be good, they must be based on right principles; it is necessary that the individual does not feel attacked either in his physical person, or in his moral personality, so that a healthy and united society is achieved.


Allah honoured the descendants of Adam (as) by endowing them with reason, which should be able to lead man to faith in Allah: “Verily we have honoured the Children of Adam. We carry them on the land and the sea, and have made provision of good things for them, and have preferred them above many of those whom We created with a marked preferment.” (Bani Isra’il, 17: 71) 

This faith, this conviction, requires that we recognize Allah and accept His Laws. Obeying Allah and His Laws is the culmination of self-knowledge, as the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever among you knows himself best, knows his Lord best!” He who is convinced that Allah is indeed the Creator and the Lord of the universe not only comes to have admiration for the laws of Allah, but also to want to respect them, because he knows that these laws are what is best for each individual and for society. 

Many of these laws relate to social relations without which there would be no human civilization. They govern the relationship of the individual with himself, with his fellows, and with the universe in general. 

General laws are useful; but, in everyday life, the rules of convenience and good manners, which relate to details, are just as necessary. One of the qualities of Islam is to contain both general laws and precise rules of life. 

Instincts exist in humans as in animals, it is true. But, unlike the animal whose destiny is to obey its instincts, the human being, who has been endowed with reason and a sense of responsibility, must be able to control his instincts. It is not a question of “suffocating” them, but only of making them speak wisely. Indeed, Man was not created solely to survive and reproduce. Allah has assigned him and the Jinn a higher purpose: “I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me.” (Az-Zariyat 51: 57) 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Special Advice for Devout Women

During the recently concluded India Tour, Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim Saheb (atba) of Mauritius addressed the special Ijtema of the Siraj Makin- the Women's Collective of the Tamil Nadu Jamaat, on 24 November 2018 (Rabi’ul Awwal 1440 AH)Reproduced below is the text of the Speech: 

The Believing Women of the Divine Manifestation

Dear Suruj Makin (i.e. the Strong and Firm Lamps of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam), Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu.

Like your God-given name indicates, you are such ladies who need always show yourselves strong and firm in faith and also spread this firmness of faith around you, showing the world the beauty of Islam, the true faith.

It is now one year that the light of the Divine Manifestation has reached your good souls and Allah enabled you to accept His signs and Messenger. And more recently, by the immense grace of Allah, many of you have integrated the Jamaat, through various signs from Allah. Allah opened your hearts to accept this New Age’s Divine Manifestation. Now, a new avenue (i.e. path) has been opened for you to pave your way in all serenity (i.e. with peacefulness and firmness in faith) towards Allah and the accomplishments of your duties to Allah.

Always remember that you, the women of the Divine Manifestation are the foundation of tomorrow’s nation. Each one of you is important to the Jamaat of Allah and to ISLAM as a whole. Through your obedience, gentleness, devotion, knowledge and sacrifice, you can reach to the summit of faith. Be it in good times and in times of trials you need always be steadfast (i.e. patient) and keep your trust and faith in Allah and His Khalifatullah of this era ever firm.

Remember, your actions are responsible for the Good and the Bad in the world. Your thoughts are responsible for your actions. Your minds are responsible for your thoughts. So, if you nurture good thoughts in your mind, and transcribe (i.e. put) these good thoughts and intentions into practice, then Islam shall progress in leaps and bounds, going from success to success.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

'LIQA': Man's Quest for the True Beloved

Personal Relationship between man and God

Someone, once, asked the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh): When would the Day of Judgement be? The Holy Prophet (pbuh) responded by asking the person what had he done in preparation for it?

That was indeed an affectionate reply with deep meaning. One should be more concerned in preparing oneself for it rather than wondering when it would be. Everyone will have to appear before God (Allah). At that time what preparation would you have made in this world to meet God? What is meant is that one should also establish communion with Allah in this world by developing a personal spiritual relationship with Him. It is not a momentary contact with God like a temporary meeting with a friend. It is a continuous and permanent relationship with Allah. The state of personal relationship with God involves continuous and progressive connection with Him. There is no turning back.