'....These days, what are we hearing?! Basharat Naveed is posing
himself as an innocent little boy, as if he never said what he said…!!! And now
he seeks to know who spread that dirty talk in his stead!
Because, the poor guy, he never said anything, but he does not know that we
EVIDENCE” against
him. Therefore, he now requests that that particular person be presented before
him, to confront him, as
if he does not know the individual in question! Now, it is for us to bring that person
before him. He has a mandate to boycott us, not bidding us Salam,
and not to invite us, and now he is inviting us to bring that person to him.
Therefore, he shall sit in his office chair (like a good boy) and it is now for
us to come to Dar-us-Salam to present to him the person.
After refuting him on the bad words he uttered, now he is ready to accept that the deed done (in the UK) was a NOBLE ACTION and he went as far as to say: “May Allah reward you for your good act.” He is trying to free himself from his own web of lies. Like Allah says in the Quran: “They hide (their evil intentions and deeds) from the people, but they cannot hide (them) from Allah.” He did not think that when he said these words with someone, that Allah was not present between them, and he verily used such words which has not pleased Allah at all. Mullahs like Basharat Naveed are found in the same categories of imbeciles who have “trampled the teachings of the Promised Messiah to dust”; not only the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) but that also of the Quran (the verses therein) and also the sayings of the noble prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). They have trampled all these teachings to dust.
But unfortunately, when Allah (swt) sent His light on earth, in this era,
instead of receiving light from which they can illumine themselves, the light
blinds them (makes them lose their sight). They do not see the divine light and
thus in their imbecility, they talk nonsense.
Basharat Naveed thinks that he is still in
Pakistan, and thus can say whatever comes out of his mouth, words he learned
before he came to work in Mauritius. Is this what the Promised Messiah (as) taught the people of his Jamaat?
Had he truly known the teachings of the Promised Messiah (as), he would not
have said such stupid words; he would have stayed quiet. He would not have said such words as “In Islam one is allowed to eat pork if
necessary”. He learnt that which shall harm people and
not that which shall profit him. He showed himself to be stupid, coward, a
Mullah only in name without any argumentation. What kind of teachings is this
type of Mullah giving the Jamaat Ahmadiyya of Mauritius? When you analyse the
reasoning of so-called Mullahs like Basharat Naveed, these line of thoughts
shall bring you nothing and return you back to ignorance, to infidelity. All
this through the jealousy in his heart, as a precaution to avoid you having
faith in the Divine Manifestation!
These kinds of people (believers) do not
have any fear to do this kind of sacrifice and they do not feel sad or
regret: “Oh
I have made such sacrifice and now my health is not like before.” On the contrary, they know that
Allah has the absolute power on them, on their health. And like Allah says in
the Holy Quran: “Annallaaha
alaa kulli shayin-Qadiir?”
Allah is over all things competent. (2: 107)
It is a pity to see how a so-called Ahmadi
Mullah has used such words (he should not have used). These words are only
pronounced by ignorant ones. Who can detest the Divine Manifestation and the
one who believes in the Divine Manifestation of this age and this humble
servant of Allah except those who have unveiled their own stupidity? I
thus cite a verse from the Quran to make Basharat Naveed ponder over what he
has said. Had he known this verse, he would not have said such foul words. “Qawlum-ma-ruufuww-wa magfiratun
khayrum-min-sadaqatiyy-yatba-‘uhaaa ‘azaa. Wallaahu Ghaniyyun-Haliim.”
Kind speech and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Free of need and Forbearing. (2: 264)
When you see that kind of boycott, whereby
all Ahmadis and even the members of the family are made to feel threatened and
cultivate fear in them; therefore they reach such a level where they come to
fear creature/s more than the Creator, Allah, and thus they all apply boycott.
What a shame! All these signboards should have
been removed. They should have made it a point to reflect amongst them humble
people, Muttaqin, who call people to righteousness, who ordain what
is good and forbid people from going against the teachings of Allah (the
commandments of Allah found in the Holy Quran), of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) and
of the Promised Messiah (as). It is those kinds of people who shall prosper and
receive divine favours – not mundane favours as was pronounced in one of their
Jalsa Salana in Maurice, favours such like: Rice-Cookers, Washing Machines,
Cars etc.
Arrogance and Hubris among the chieftains
Those should have been on the contrary
such people who do not create division, and who do not dispute even after
receiving clear signs/proofs. Do not be arrogant. Do not view yourself as too
intelligent, possessing vast knowledge and riches, and who hail from great
(honourable) families). Do not view the common people as poor ones, hailing
from small (insignificant) families). Do not look at them with another eye!
Reflect on this Quranic verse where Allah (swt) says: “On the day when some faces shall shine while
others shall be darkened.”
Bear in mind, when Allah (swt) shall
blacken your face and dishonour shall fall upon you wherever you are!
Therefore, through your own deeds, arrogance, hatred and jealousy which
manifest in you, you seek to shown that you hold control/power, that you are
the one in authority – what you command must be executed. But you
have forgotten that it is Allah who has absolute power and authority. When
He (Allah) seizes (someone), He seizes (him) firmly and thoroughly. At that
moment, even a dog holds more value than you. You lose your dignity and the
honour which you once had through your own deed, and arrogance in you; such
arrogance which you demonstrate by stuffing your body upright and walking
pompously, as if you shall split the earth asunder. And moreover, you
deny/reject the signs of Allah and you turn your backs to them with arrogance,
and when you do such things against the Divine Manifestation you do not realise
that by doing so, you are inviting the wrath of Allah on you. You have
witnessed in Mauritius itself how those who have attracted the wrath of Allah
were not spared.
Bear in mind that man has never been
glued/fixed to the seat of power. There are such people who think that nobody
can ever unglue them from it because of the mindset they have that they are too
powerful. They
forget altogether that there is a Creator who can remove them from this seat of
power. Therefore, these kinds of people call for the divine wrath upon them,
and misery befalls them. This is because they reject the signs of Allah, they
disobey the Creator and go beyond all limits.
The new 'Zamindars' and their tools of
** Huzur also likened those kinds of
people/Mullahs/Amirs as representatives of such a proprietor who (along with
his representatives) thinks that all Ahmadis are tenants in the Jamaat
Ahmadiyya and like a proprietor giving a piece of paper/a notice for eviction
etc., therefore he thinks that like this he can expel members of the Jamaat
Ahmadiyya whenever he wants regardless the fact that the Ahmadis pay Chanda and
other funds (just like a tenant pays rent).
These people (that is, those in authority) shall not stop using you (the Ahmadis) to show their authority with arrogance and hatred against those who have real love and fear for Allah in their hearts, and who also do not fear those who are trampling the true divine teachings. They like to see the misfortune of those who have believed in the Divine Manifestation and their hatred comes out from their mouths, just like that of the so-called Mullah Basharat Naveed. And it is in these kinds of situations that you see the hatred which they conceal in the bottom of their hearts manifest against the Divine Manifestation when Allah raised His chosen servant and has bestowed upon him divine revelations. They thus seek took to turn truth into untruth/falsehood.
'Fitna' in the times of Divine Favour
They say that we have created fitna (disorder) in the Jamaat. Allah (swt) has chosen His servant and has given him revelations.
They call that fitna (disorder)
and say to apply boycott, to not maintain familial/blood relations (to not
mingle with the believers in the Divine Manifestation), but verily they are the
ones who are creating great fitna (disorder) in the Jamaat.
Like Allah (swt) says: When they are told
not to create disorder on earth, they reply: “But on the contrary we
seek to establish order.” On the spot Allah (swt) replies: “It is not true what they say for they are
the ones who are creating disorder, but they do not realise this (fact). Verily that which the hearts of
these kinds of people hide is much worst. They seek to fool Allah and those who
have faith, but they are verily fooling themselves, without realising the
consequences of their own acts. There is a malady in their hearts. (Why?)
Because someone is saying that he is receiving revelations and the one who was
supposed to receive revelations is not saying that he is receiving revelations!
Therefore their maladies increase all the more.
I now cite these verses of the Holy Quran
before you:
“Innal-Fazla bi-yadillaah : yutiihi mayy-yashaaa : Wallaahu waasi-un Aliim.”
Surely all bounty is in the hand of Allah.
He gives it to whomever He pleases. And Allah is Bountiful, All-Knowing. (3: 73)
“Yakh-tassu bi-rahmatihii mayy-yashaaa, wallaahu zul-Fazlil-Aziim.”
singles out for His mercy whomever He pleases; and Allah is the Lord of
abundant bounty. (3:
To conclude (for today), I tell all seekers of truth that:
“Alallaahi Falyata-wakkalil-Muminuun.”
In Allah should the believers put their trust.
-[Extracts from the Friday Sermon of 27 March 2015 delivered by Imam- Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam Hazrat Muhyiuddin Al Khalifatullah Munir Ahmad Azim (aba) of Mauritius].