‘Indeed Allah will question everyone who is
responsible about his charge, whether kept or lost.’ [Reported by Al-Tirmidhi in his Sunan, Book of Jihad,
Chapter: Regarding the imam, 4/208, on the authority of Anas ibn Malik].
‘Indeed Allah will question everyone who is
responsible about his charge, whether kept or lost.’ [Reported by Al-Tirmidhi in his Sunan, Book of Jihad,
Chapter: Regarding the imam, 4/208, on the authority of Anas ibn Malik].
‘Work for this life
as if you will live forever,
and work for the Hereafter
as if you will die tomorrow.’
- Prophet Muhammad (sa)
[Narrated by al-Haithami in Bughiat al-harith ‘an zawa’id musnad
al-harith bin Abi Usama, 2/983h 1093t, Centre to Serve the Sunnah and
Biography, first printing, 1415AH/1992].
‘You who believe, fulfil your obligations…’ (5:2)
‘Allah commands you to
return things entrusted to you to their rightful owners, and if you judge
between people, to do so with justice: Excellent is that which Allah instructs
you, for He hears and sees everything.’ (4:59)
‘You who believe, be steadfast in your devotion to Allah and bear witnesses impartially: do not let hatred of others lead you away from justice, but adhere to justice, for that is closer to awareness of Allah. Be mindful of Allah: Allah is well aware of all that you do.’ (5:9)
Ya Allah,
Have mercy on our weak souls
We claim to love you so much,
But we disobey You so often.
Ya Rahman,
Do not punish us for our actions;
We are weak and forgetful.
Ameen Summah Ameen
Ya Rabbul Aalameen
Duah for the Purification of the Soul
Allahumma Ati Nafsi Taqwaha Wa-Zakkiha
Anta Khayru Man Zakkana Anta Waliyuha Wa-Mawlaha.
'O Allah,
Give my soul (Nafs)
It's God - fearing righteousness (Taqwah)
And purify it.
For You are the Best to purify it.
You are its Protector And its Guardian.'
(Sahih Muslim 2722).
If you want to see the
You must be brave
enough to look.
Relationships are like
If you hold tightly,
they die;
If you hold loosely,
they fly.
But, if
you hold with care,
They remain with you forever.
No matter how
successful you are,
No matter how big your
No matter how new your
car, or
How big your bank
balances is,
Your grave will be the
same size
As everyone else's
No matter how high up
you get,
Never forget where you
came from.
So keep your feet
firmly on the ground
And stay humble.
When life is good, pray
When life is hard, pray
Never forget to pray,
Jazak-Allah Khair
The Holy Prophet (sa)
“An ant stung one of
the prophets,
who then commanded
that the ant nest be burned.
But Allah (swt) inspired the prophet:
‘If one ant bites you,
you burn one of the
communities that glorify Allah?’”
‘Injustice will be
darkness on the Day of Resurrection’
'Beware of injustice, for injustice will become a multitude of shadows on the Day of Resurrection. And beware of avarice, for avarice destroyed those who were before you, carrying them away to the point where they shed their blood and thought their taboos permissible to them'
‘What destroyed those before you was that whenever an aristocrat among them stole, they would let him be, but when one of the powerless among them stole, they would inflict the legal punishment on him’