Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud
Ahmad (ra) (1889-1965), as the second Khalifa of the
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, had a long period of service at the helm of affairs. It was
at the death of the first Khalifa Hadhrat Hakkim Nur-ud-Din Sahib (ra) (b.1841;
k. 1908-1914), that he was elected as the head of the spiritual community. It
was a difficult historical moment, especially with the Great Split of 1914,
leading to the separation of the LAM and the shaking it entailed for the entire
community. As the young Khalifa was uniquely positioned to provide the
interpretive guidance so necessary for the spiritual community, in the course
of several decades, he played a significant role in shaping and defining the
ideological and administrative contours of the Community in the last century or
uniqueness of his special authority emerged not just from the fact that he was
elected by the companions of the Promised Massih (as). For the common members
as well, the second Khalifa was the pious, biological son of the Founder of the
community. Given the fact that the prophecies of the Promised Massih (as)
included the prophecy Musleh Maoud- regarding the arrival of a
righteous progeny for the service of Islam, for many of the companions of the
Promised Massih (as) and others, he represented the hope and expectation of a
bright future of the Jamaat. For them, he was the personality in whom and
through whose times, many of the Divine revelations and sacred prophecies were to
be redeemed in the fullness of time.
The prophecy Musleh Maoud
Consider this
instance from the first Khilafat. An old, venerable
Companion of the Promised Messiah, Pir Manzur Muhammad Sahib, made a study of
the works of the Promised Messiah. It led him to the conclusion that Mirza
Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad combined in himself all qualities and circumstances
which marked him out, very clearly, as the Muslih
Mau'ud. Pir Manzur Muhammad, wrote a paper on this prophecy. He deduced 14
points, and applied the Prophecy to Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, and
he put it before Hazrat Maulvi Nurruddin Khalifatul Masih I whose reaction was:
"I have known it for a long time.
Have you never noticed that in my attitude towards him, on a personal level,
there is an inner shade of deference."
Pir Manzur Mohammad, then, wrote
the gist of this talk and put it before Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I, requesting
his signature in confirmation. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih wrote the following on
that Paper, and signed it: