Saturday, February 4, 2012

The 'Split' in Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen

Tests of faith are a recurring theme in spiritual history and it takes different forms and ways in the every day lives of believers. Islamic history itself bears witness that hundreds of hypocrites left the presence of the Holy Prophet (sa) after claiming to be his followers, at critical moments of his Divine Mission when serious issues of life and death hovered over the early Muslim community. Yet, such incidents and events did not and could not harm the cause for which the Divine Messenger stood up and called the world’s attention. Indeed, the survival (and later, flourishing) of the Divine Mission against all odds and trials and tribulations tells its own story: it points to the extraordinary help and succour of Allah that protects and sustains His Message and His Messenger at times of severe shakings. In our own times, one of the questions Ahmadi friends generally raise pertain to the dissension against the Divine Manifestation witnessed within the framework of Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen, a Jamaat founded and led by the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius under clear instructions from Allah the Most High. Some persons feel that the departure of people within a few years of their professing belief from the midst of the Messenger makes him a lonely man. Remember that immersed as they are in Divine remembrance and spiritual contemplation, Elects of Allah prefer solitude of their chamber any time over the company of hypocrites. Yet, people seem to believe that such events represent a credibility crisis for the Divine Manifestation. Worse still, in their wild imagination, some of them even conjure up that such incidents represent Divine displeasure (God Forbid) on the Chosen Messenger!

A recent booklet written by the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) provides insightful comments on the 'Split' that happened within the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen. 

Read the extracts from the Book:

The Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen as planted by the hand of Allah promised to bear its fruits until Allah tried them with their faith in His humble Muhyi-ud-Din. Slowly, all kinds of doubts kept entering into their hearts. They began taking the revelations of Allah as an ordinary occurrence, preferring to analyse them in their laboratory instead of complying to the commandments therein. Unfortunately, Oh so unfortunately, Zafrullah Domun Sahib became a party of these people’s – who were mostly his near relatives – scheming. He preferred to join hands with his blood relations instead of holding fast to his belief in his spiritual brother whom Allah had bonded him with. Doubts crept in, all kinds of questions were asked, and finally against all odds, the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen was taken in charge by the Managing Committee, having Zafrullah Domun Sahib, the President at its head.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Divine Manifestation in Mauritius- Early Days

Many Ahmadis and other seekers of truth have, in recent times, come to hear about the Divine Manifestation in the person of Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius. Among all the claimants of Divine revelation and special Divine Mercy in this age, the arguments and claims of the Khalifatullah stands distinctly superior.The Divine Messages the Khalifatullah says he receives from Allah the Most High and presents before the world is of sublime quality. (For an illustrative list of the Divine revelations of the Khalifatullah, click here). 

For an Ahmadi Muslim, these messages, pouring down like heavenly rain, cannot be dismissed out of hand except at the cost of ruining one’s own spiritual self- abandoning long-held beliefs about the continuity of Divine revelations and the coming of Divinely-raised souls in Islam. More thoughtful among them are convinced that the Khalifatullah is profoundly immersed in the spiritual waters of Qur’anic verities. They find that the arguments and viewpoints being articulated by the Khalifatullah are extraordinarily powerful and appealing. Yet, they want to know more about aspects of the Divine Manifestation they are not clear about. The recent set of questions raised by some seekers of truth must be seen in this backdrop.

To address such concerns, in a recently published Booklet, Hadhrat Sahib reflected on the early days of the Divine Manifestation and provided illuminating insights on the Divine favours and trials that are inextricably intertwined in the times of the coming of a Divinely- raised soul. Drawing upon Qur’anic principles and stories of prophets, the Khalifatullah graphically portraits the events of his time- the role played by Zafrullah Domun Sahib, the founding of Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Muslimeen in the early days of the Divine Manifestation and the circumstances in which Divine favour resulted in the subsequent establishment of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam. The book stands as a living testimonial to the subtle ways in which Allah’s help and succour follows His Chosen Messenger even when his own people seeks to ridicule him and worse still, abandon the Divine Message altogether.

Extracts from the Book:

The Promises of Allah are true in all ways. Ever since the beginning of the Divine Manifestation in the year 2000 in Mauritius, Allah bestowed upon this humble self countless revelations which was noted down by Zafrullah Domun Sahib, and many of these revelations have been realised, and the proofs of the existence of these revelations are with Zafrullah Domun Sahib. Indeed he himself, till today is a continued solid proof of this humble self’s veracity.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Preaching of Islam: Ethical Guideposts

Islam does not enjoin upon every Muslim to devout himself wholly to the preaching of Islam; for if it were so, Muslims could not earn their livelihood nor take part in other healthy pursuits of life. Whereas all should try to preach and propagate the truth of Islam, only a section of the community is required to devote itself exclusively to work of propagation. Though all must contribute their quota, there should be a party of men among Muslims who should be entirely devoted to this work'. 

The Holy Qur’an provides guidelines for preaching the message of Islam and the Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius gave a profound discourse on the subject in his Friday Sermon of January 20, 2012.  

Read the Extracts from the Sermon:

“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortations and argue with them in a way that is best, surely your Lord knows best who has strayed from His way, and He knows those who are rightly guided.” (16: 126)

The word “Hikma” (wisdom) in the verse means: (1) knowledge or science; (2) Equity or justice; (3) Forbearance or clemency; (4) Any saying or disclosure dealing with the exigencies of the occasion; (5) Gift of prophesy; and (6) What prevents or restrains from ignorant behaviour.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Freedom of Conscience: An Islamic Value

As a religion and spiritual order, the ideology of Islam is essentially an appeal to the human conscience and its inherent capacity to embrace the right and reject the wrong. Allah, the Most High has extended to all human beings the faculty of reasoning and the intellectual capability of judgement -Free Will- to choose his or her path in life. It is entirely up to a person’s conscience whether (s)he wants to profit from the spiritual guidance on offer in the form of divine revelations. And there shall be no compulsion in matters of faith. 

In his Friday Sermon of January 20, 2012 Khalifatullah Hadhrat Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib (atba) of Mauritius expounded on the principle of freedom of conscience in Islam.Read the Extracts from the Sermon:

“And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then, would you compel the people in order that they become believers?” (10: 100)

In essence, every religion possesses a missionary character. It starts with an individual and seeks to persuade and convince others of its truth and of the beneficent nature of the values it expounds. It must, therefore, stand for freedom of conscience, including the freedom to change one’s religion and the other freedoms which are conducive to the beneficent adjustment of human beings. The Holy Quran explains that it is only within the competence of God, the All-Knowing, the Almighty, to make a person believe, but even He does not force anyone to believe. He leaves everyone to exercise his or her reason and judgement.